Michele Blood is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Positive Thinking". You can find complete information on Michele Blood and her products by visiting Musivation Success.
More often than not people are focused so much more on just paying this month's bills that there is no room in their experience for the bigger picture of life. While success with large sums of money may be wanted there is no space for it because the whole life is filled with stress, anxiety and ... Views: 918
It is now a proven fact: What you think about has a direct impact on every aspect of your life, including your physical well being.
Recent studies show that the expression of gratitude, for example, can have profound and positive effects on our health, our moods and even the survival of our ... Views: 1297
Spiritual Growth
Change is hard—especially internal change. Here is some insight on how to grow spiritually.
Have you noticed that it’s just plain hard to make changes in your life? Losing ... Views: 1369
Positive and Negative Intentions are Directions.
Which Direction do you Choose?
The past couple of days I've been covering the topic of love. I stated that love is a choice based on your intentions/thoughts not your feelings. I also pointed out that in order to start attracting more ... Views: 1560
“Don’t question why she needs to be so free
She’ll tell you it’s the only way to be…”
–Rolling Stones, “Ruby Tuesday” lyrics
Knowing how important it is to maintain a high vibration and be in balance on every level, this summer I dedicated to saying yes to anything that felt good and made ... Views: 1197
So often we miss out on God’s best because we give up too soon.
As you all know, I'm going through a very difficult time in my life right now. Not a day goes by when I don't feel like throwing in the towel and just giving up. But when I sit still ... Views: 1352
Before entering the workforce, it is common for young people to study calculus and other higher academic subjects. While there is no doubt that training in such fields is valuable, it is also very important that young workers learn the idea of optimism. It can definitely be very beneficial for ... Views: 953
Each and every day we need to be committed to claiming our worth, which will empower you and in, therefore, help you show up more fully to serve those that you are meant to.
Make a commitment today to choose 1 empowering strategy and put it into practice TODAY!
1. Get Active! Nope I don't ... Views: 970
“Whatever your age, if you learn to listen, your inner voice will speak to you about your path,” writes oncologist Dr. Bernie Siegel in Peace, Love and Healing, your ‘job on earth.’ This wisdom that is directing you from within is your birthright... an inner message, an ... Views: 1489
Your infinite potential speaks to you. Set aside all that you are currently thinking right now, and listen intently to it's words:
"Everything that you desire, all that you yearn to experience, your wildest dreams and aspirations are currently awaiting your call. Your highest thoughts of ... Views: 1533
While walking around my favorite pond this morning, I came upon a little girl and her mom feeding the geese. The little girl was probably three years old. She was having the time of her life.
But, all of a sudden two of the geese got into a squabble about one specific piece of bread, and ... Views: 1771
By working with myself in order to better myself,
And by working with truthful facts that I’ve learned about myself,
I am now able to say that I have been unfair with myself in many ways.
I’ve been unfair with myself because it was the only thing I knew to do,
And I finally ... Views: 1722
There's nothing like a touch of spring in the air to stir my curiosity about what lessons the spring season may offer. The 75-degree weather in the Boston area during early April sure sparked me. I decided to do some spring-cleaning around the yard and began with the flower beds, figuring that a ... Views: 1678
Spiritual Growth author motivated from a spiritual awakening.
Active member at an Eastern Orthodox House Of Hospitality, Cleveland, Ohio, working with seminarians and learning.
Blogs have been published at Ezine Articles and at www.ohiocitypower.net and the website is listed on the ... Views: 1604
Change is inevitable. There are large numbers of changes that occur regularly in your life that are completely within your control. You make modifications to the way you do things, vary how you think about something, adjust what you do or when you do it and make huge transformative changes such ... Views: 2049
In the past few articles we dove into the art of manifesting our heart’s desires through the power of intention. Yet if it was as easy as saying an intention or asking for what we wanted, we would all be living the life of our dreams already. So in addition to focusing your mind on intentions, ... Views: 1519
I’ve spoken often about Be the Change. I love the idea of Change. Change is our privilege, a function of our free will, and it exercises autonomy in our lives when we learn how it functions and how to use it wisely and well.
In order to change, you have to decide that’s what you want to do. ... Views: 1312
$9,000 in CASH PRIZES.
“Ordinary gurus are everywhere, you just need to open your eyes, mind, and heart and be receptive. That clerk in the local grocery store, the cabbie or the passerby on the street might just say the right and perfect thing that gives you the ... Views: 2232
Announcing The Ordinary Guru Contest
Life is always sending you everyday, ordinary gurus who help you break through beliefs and myths that stop you from experiencing the life you dream of living.
These unassuming gurus help you to see yourself and life differently. They offer insights ... Views: 2061
Spring is a magical and transformative time of the year. It is the perfect time to take a good look at your surroundings and get rid of anything that does not provide you with vital fresh energy. This is the time of the year that provides fuel to flame the successes and joys of your ... Views: 1982
“Acceptance is the answer to all of my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation – some fact of my life – unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is ... Views: 2066
Yes, there is such a thing.
A meditation technique that helps you to overcome shyness.
It’s a meditation technique I’ve used for over 6 years and it’s helped me a great deal.
If you follow any of my articles or read about me then you know I’ve overcome shyness and gotten to the point ... Views: 1826
It’s time to look at an important word that we love to banter about, but usually use inappropriately. The word is “rapture.” Its original meaning was “to jump out” … to jump out of one’s usual way of being … to jump out of ones’ comfort zone … to jump out of our shell and feel the freedom of ... Views: 1718
Lois is a wonderfully sweet 88-year-old neighbor who has dozens of friends, is always busy with community affairs, and has the loveliest garden in the world.
How does Lois do that? At age 88, how is she constantly filled with vitality, and in high demand by everyone in the community?
Lois ... Views: 1925
Do I need to go to a temple to love God? Do I need to go to an arboretum to love nature? Do I need to go to a therapist to love myself? If my life is a dance, then love is already here, and I need go nowhere in particular to express my love.
When I awaken with loving feelings, and when I say ... Views: 1767
There is a spiritual movement happening; I see it in the media, in social media, in my personal interactions – people are seeking more, they want more peace in their lives.
I know some of this shift is happening at a local level because of the people, places and things I am choosing to spend ... Views: 1024
In my book, And Then I Met Margaret, I share twenty one epoch experiences that helped lift me out of poverty into prosperity. I don’t consider it a “How To Get Rich” book by any means, but I do consider it a spiritual self-help book. The book points to many of the everyday, ordinary, unassuming ... Views: 2090
I live in a part of the U.S. that received a once-a-decade snowfall last week. At least 12,000 flights were cancelled. Millions of people were home from work, rearranging untold numbers of meetings and assignments.
Such rapid change is commonplace in our world today. Snow is forecast. Other ... Views: 1447
While studying Great Depression businesses created by successful entrepreneurs, I discovered five core practices that were daily habits for them. They asked themselves five questions daily that charted their course to success.
You become a successful business person, also, by asking yourself ... Views: 1506
Over the next five blogs, I will show you how to make your fantasies become facts in your life. The secret to success is putting your daydreams to productive use. When you walk around town imagining a bright future, but do nothing to make those dreams real … it’s like driving a truck full of ... Views: 1551
The typical mind can easily ask a question with eagerness, but is not really looking for an answer. It is with “wrong eagerness” that it asks. It is truly only eager to give the point of view that it already holds. The question is simply leading to that.
The mind that asks a thousand ... Views: 1381
Spiritual Confusion - Day 1 / Way 1
There are millions of people who are confused about the concept of spirituality. When the word “spiritual” or “spirituality” is used, many folks think of it as uncommon, unexplainable or some “out of this world” occurrence. They don’t see spirituality ... Views: 1750
All that I am today, and all that I have today is vastly more than I could have possibly imagined when I was twelve years old. At that age, I assumed that the best I could hope for was to sweep floors in a local factory in the mill town in which I was raised. All of my success, be it in the ... Views: 1614
After a hard day at work, I love meeting friends at the local Mexican restaurant for a beer and spicy dinner. During a chips and salsa evening one hot July, I noticed a new poster near the bar. It featured a crowd of people running through the streets of Pamplona, Spain ahead of a herd of ... Views: 2063
Choose What You Create and Create What You Choose
Just about everyone you speak with would undoubtedly agree that Life is all about choice.
We make choices constantly, each moment by moment and from day to day. Sometimes we make great choices and other times maybe not. Our ability to ... Views: 1225
The power of BUT is overwhelming when we don’t see it coming. Saying, “BUT” for any reason is calling upon a contradictory energy that cancels out any good you’ve done.
“I like what I did with this project today, BUT, I still have a lot of work to do.” You are saying that you want to advance ... Views: 2570
Insight One
If you were willing to see that your very own thinking causes your glorious and your miserable experiences of life; if you were willing to accept that you are the originator, the cause of the kind of life you live – this is the beginning of the end of thinking that there’s ... Views: 2258
A reader watched my DVD, Humbug, and emailed me this question:
“Was there one point in your life that was the turn around? I often ask people who’ve obviously hitched themselves to a Saturn 5 rocket the same question.”
I get that question a lot.
I’ve been thinking about it long and ... Views: 1037
You are marvelously made. There is so much more to you than what your physical eyes can see. Part of the game, called “The Evolution of Humanity” is to use our imagination and know that we are infinitely more than what we portrayed ourselves to be the day before. We are Image Makers – that is ... Views: 1656
Nothing makes the heart warm and entices the blossoming of one's joyous spirit like the pleasing attitude of gratitude. With Thanksgiving Day approaching, this exceptional quality of the heart takes center stage in the mind. Thanksgiving offers us an opportunity to notice how far we've come by ... Views: 1702
It's 10:01 pm, and I'm rewriting the newsletter. Why? Today was a day of profound experiences, and I want to share them with you. I'm sharing my experiences with you because I truly wished someone would have shared their experiences with me. I would have walked the same road, but at least I ... Views: 970
A Heart Warming Recipe For A Happy Holiday
Thanksgiving is already upon us. Yes, it’s that time of year!
Let’s give gratitude for all of our blessings.
We can feel the weather quickly changing! It’s getting much colder as we briskly move into the winter months. Surely, we can wear some ... Views: 1699
It's wise to understand that, in every moment, you are about as happy as you assume it's your right to be. And, it's profoundly relieving when you trust that it’s your birthright to be happy and enjoy life.
If, right now, ... Views: 2746
I’ve been around for a while, nearly seven decades. I’ve met a lot of successful folks in different domains of life. I’ve found some things are consistent with these folks, when it comes to succeeding in life. Most important is that they make a decision to feel good about themselves and life ... Views: 2305
Tiredness comes from compulsively doing those things that are destroying your health and well-being. The person who is unable to separate himself from his compulsive tendencies is enslaved by his interior conditioning; conditioning that causes him to mechanically react to his exterior life. His ... Views: 1959
When I was a kid, I was moody. When I was moody, I was fated to get in some kind of trouble that got me in hot water. When I got in hot water, I felt resentful, and would say to myself, “See, life is tough; I can’t do anything without everyone jumping all over me. No wonder why I’m so ... Views: 2507
If we are intimidated for any reason, it certainly makes it unnecessarily difficult to be happy. Realistically, intimidation is allowing our fears to influence us in a negative manner. When we are intimidated, we are also on some level deciding that the other person is more powerful. If this ... Views: 1514
A lot of my patients ask me how to be a success. They do everything by the book, say the perfect affirmations, think positively, and do dream boards as suggested in the book “The Secret”. Yet they are not successful in making the Law of Attraction work for them. What is going on? ... Views: 1795
10 steps to a BETTER YOU!
Entering a New Year has always been a time for reflecting on the past, and more importantly, preparing for the changes you want (or need) to make in the coming year. Rather than simply rolling from one year to the next, dragging your past into your future, here are ... Views: 1091
Manifestation is the results of your thoughts.
Sounds simple if you are already a manifestation student but do you really believe it and live by it. What we focus on expands, so what are you manifesting? Why not stop and think about it, what you are manifesting right now. How do you feel ... Views: 1643