Ever just go through the day and feel as if you can’t change your life for the better? Everything has been decided for you and you have no choices in what you do, wear or say? Some days can feel like that, but have too many in a row and you just might be drifting aimlessly through life.
Then ... Views: 1332
Spiritual Growth
Change is hard—especially internal change. Here is some insight on how to grow spiritually.
Have you noticed that it’s just plain hard to make changes in your life? Losing ... Views: 1370
Positive and Negative Intentions are Directions.
Which Direction do you Choose?
The past couple of days I've been covering the topic of love. I stated that love is a choice based on your intentions/thoughts not your feelings. I also pointed out that in order to start attracting more ... Views: 1560
So often we miss out on God’s best because we give up too soon.
As you all know, I'm going through a very difficult time in my life right now. Not a day goes by when I don't feel like throwing in the towel and just giving up. But when I sit still ... Views: 1352
My Faith Story
Losing a job was only the tip of the iceberg for me. A little over two years ago my life changed on a dime. It was March 2011 and I was enjoying the good life. I had a great management position with the City of Houston, was earning a good income, drove a luxury ... Views: 2367
Angels Among Us
Many people are enamored by spiritual things. Television shows depict angels and demons, but what does the bible say about angels?
In this series on Angels Among Us you will view a 28minute sermon by Dr. Tony Evans on the Existence of Angels. In his sermon he makes a ... Views: 1858
Got Milk? Feed Your Inner Mouse
I often fancifully imagine a snake, mouse, and monkey inside myself. My last message focused on meeting our core for safety and was titled "I love Lucy." This Message focuses on our core need for satisfaction - broadly defined - with the hopefully not too ... Views: 1467
I love Lucy
I've always liked snakes.
I recall one day long ago when I was in primary school we had a show and tell day. The school allowed us to bring our pets to school and share an interesting story about them. I brought my pet Black Indigo Snake. The kids in my class loved it. The ... Views: 1789
" I'm going to make this place your home"
I was just listening to the radio and heard a song by Philip Philips entitled "Home." It reminded me of how important it is to return home whenever we feel overwhelmed with the day-to-day happenings of life. I know it is true in my case that I've ... Views: 1593
This week's message is about relationships in the deepest sense. As a very independent, stubborn, and don't-try-to-control-me type person, it's been hard for me to face up to the many many times I needed to depend on others. Yet when I have, there's been a softening inside, a ... Views: 1397
Feeling overwhelmed? Stressed? Too much on your plate?
Get Grounded, Come to Center
I'm old enough to remember a time when people usually answered "good" when you asked them the standard, "How are you doing?" These days the answer is commonly "busy."
In the last few weeks, while ... Views: 1166
Facial Speak
I've been watching the Jodie Arias Death Penalty trial for the past three weeks. For those of you who aren't familiar with this case, here is a little information about her.
Jodi Arias, 32, is accused of first degree murder in the death of her former boyfriend, Travis ... Views: 1428
My New Year Resolution 2013
2012 was the year we lost many famous and endearing celebrities, we witnessed the most horrible Super Storm on the East Coast, we were all victimized and suffered the heartfelt loss of children in the schools as a result of multiple senseless shootings of ... Views: 1032
We all have what Freud calls an Alter Ego. As a child mine was Superman. I would dive off my back porch with a towel around my neck landing on my belly with arms outstretched scraping my elbows until they bled.
For the past twelve years or more my Alter Ego has been that of a Samurai ... Views: 2778
God's Masterpiece
Being all that God Created you to be.
Ephesians 2:10
"For we are God's Masterpiece. Created anew in Christ Jesus, so we can be all He created us to be."
I lived in Manhattan's Upper Eastside about a seven minute walk to NYC's Museum Mile. This mile stretched from ... Views: 1358