We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Law of Attraction". If you have expertise in Law of Attraction and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Do you ever ask yourself if you are on the right path? Do you wonder whether if you had made that one decision differently, that you would be in a better position in your life?
Every decision you make is the right decision for that moment.
With the Law of Attraction, there is no right and ... Views: 579
Mind Habits: The Perfect Computer Game For Students Of The Law Of Attraction
Scientists have developed a computer game that students of the Law of Attraction may find helpful. The Mind Habits game trains players' brains to focus on the positive rather than the negative, and has been proven to ... Views: 1282
Many people are beginning to practice the “secret” Law of Attraction. From corporate professionals to home care nurses, people in every profession are discovering that the Universal Laws can work for them. But what happens when it doesn’t work? Here are some reasons that the ... Views: 1894
The Law of Attraction works 100% of the time. Our attitude about life is directly correlated to our experiences. If we think people are rude, then that is what we will notice and experience. Your vibration will draw people of a similar vibration to you, and guess what, you will meet rude ... Views: 1132
You are a perfect being and one that is capable of huge potential. You really can, be, do and have anything you desire. As a child you were more connected to source energy than perhaps you are now. That’s because when you’re younger you hadn’t yet adopted patterns of ... Views: 684
A funny thing happened at the end of Abraham's Art of Allowing Workshop I recently attended in Burlington, Massachusetts.
I headed over to the restroom along with half of the rest of the crowd. As usual the men had a short wait while the women were piled up in a line outside the restroom ... Views: 1049
How do you treat the relationships in your life? Do you consider the Law of Attraction when you are interacting with the ones you love? Do you consider the Law of Attraction when you are interacting with your friends or colleagues? Take this relationship quiz and see how well you are applying ... Views: 685
After you read this short article you will feel excited as you now have a tool that you can use any time that you want with the Law of Attraction.
Some of you may be saying “What the heck is the Law of Attraction?
I keep hearing about it and have been wondering what it is all about.
Law of ... Views: 1413
Changing your thinking will change your vibration. Your vibe is your mood or feelings.
When you do this you are sending something completely different out to the Universe and getting completely different results.
Can you remember a time when having the right tool got you what you ... Views: 710
Are you ready for this?
It really is a LAW.
Okay! It is not the kind you find at city hall, in law books or even at law school.
It is the kind that is happening all the time. I really mean, all the time, every second in your life. Whether you are in a good mood, bad mood or unsure of how you ... Views: 769
Are you ready for this?
It really is a LAW.
Okay! It is not the kind you find at city hall, in law books or even at law school.
It is the kind that is happening all the time. I really mean, all the time, every second in your life. Whether you are in a good mood, bad mood or unsure of how you ... Views: 720
This is the topic that you can search on the internet and not find an answer that will satisfy you.
This is the topic that all those people who don't believe in Law of Attraction use to try to prove their case. These non believers use the argument that says "if Law of Attraction is true and ... Views: 4070
Can you guess what the biggest Law of Attraction saboteur is? There are many lack feelings and thoughts that could sabotage your effects in the Law of Attraction but the biggest is…drum roll please…fear.
If there is one thing to work on within yourself, it is the ridding of fear. Fear of ... Views: 677
Just the other day I was riding in the car with a friend of mine. She was talking about how well she practices the Law of Attraction but she can’t seem to get things to go how she wants them. Then the subject changed to her boyfriend and that’s when I found out she was an Armchair LOA ... Views: 817
The parental journey has many paths, we as parents have walked down a few, sometime to turn around and say “that’s not my path”. The other thing that seems to happen is we walk down a path that resonates with us for awhile, and then seemingly abruptly, we look around and ask “Is this still the ... Views: 1531
Thoughts were designed with an intelligence built into them that produce results once activated. What this means is, once you hold a thought in mind for as little as 30 seconds, your body, your behaviors, and your imagination respond to the activated thought.
Different thoughts do different ... Views: 891
If you’ve tried using the Law of Attraction and have failed to manifest what you want, then rest assured that you are not alone. Many thousands of people have given up far too quickly once they’ve decided that it doesn’t work for them.
But why doesn’t it work for them? ... Views: 746
Life may be a river whose flow we cannot reverse, and yet within that flow we see that we have the freedom to navigate our course. Near the shore we move slowly and roughly, while near the center we move quickly and smoothly. We can humbly accept the bigger things and still actively direct the ... Views: 899
Being resistant is a common obstacle that can keep you from enjoying your life to the fullest through the Law of Attraction. The feeling of resistance or ‘pushing against’ seems to pop up in everyday life. Recognizing resistance and how to keep it at bay will help you attain your desires. ... Views: 757
When learning about the Law of Attraction, you find that there are many things that you have to consider and apply in your life. You have to be willing to go inside yourself and change some basic patterns that you have been using; many of them you didn’t even know existed within yourself. Here ... Views: 551
Attracting Success
New Thought affirmations
In New Thought and personal development, an affirmation is a form of autosuggestion in which a statement of a desirable intention or condition of the world or the mind is deliberately meditated on and/or repeated in order to implant it in the mind. ... Views: 721
Attracting Wealth
Napoleon Hill (October 26, 1883–November 8, 1970) was an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time. In America, Hill ... Views: 776
Negative Thoughts
Intrusive thoughts are unwelcome, involuntary thoughts, images or unpleasant ideas that may become obsessions, are upsetting or distressing, and can be difficult to be free of and manage. Intrusive thoughts, urges, and images are of inappropriate things at inappropriate times, ... Views: 9939
New Thought Movement
The New Thought Movement or New Thought is a loosely allied group of denominations, organizations, authors, philosophers, and individuals who share a set of metaphysical beliefs concerning healing, life force, visualization, and personal power. The New Thought Movement ... Views: 1025
The Law of Attraction
The phrase Law of Attraction has been used by many esoteric writers, although the actual definition varies greatly. Most authors associate the Law of Attraction with the saying, "like attracts like", usually as applied to the mental life of human beings: that a person's ... Views: 993
So much has been said, published, written, recorded and broadcast about the so-called law of attraction that you'd be forgiven for thinking it was real.
I mean I'll be honest with you. Even I thought it was true for a short time.
It just all fits so neatly - you get what you think about. Full ... Views: 692
First, read the article below on "GRATITUDE".
Second, read a very simple but powerful way to format your programming instructions -- using the power of gratitude.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
There are two simple techniques ... Views: 3219
Do you think it is possible that all thought has an intelligent design? This intelligence like the programming of a computer chip becomes activated and begins directing the body and the imagination to produce consistent and predictable results.
Imagine that there are hundreds of thoughts all ... Views: 891
Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used by people for ages. No one can really say when people started to meditate, but most scholars say that it started probably about 5,000 years ago. I personally think it is just a speculation and that meditation is as old as mankind.
People ... Views: 807
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought philosophy. It posits that one should never dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical principle of life is embodied in a "law of ... Views: 1542
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought philosophy. It posits that one should never dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical principle of life is embodied in a "law of ... Views: 973
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought philosophy. It posits that one should never dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical principle of life is embodied in a "law of ... Views: 933
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought philosophy. It posits that one should never dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical principle of life is embodied in a "law of ... Views: 1612
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought philosophy. It posits that one should never dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical principle of life is embodied in a "law of ... Views: 1240
Do you ever find yourself struggling and forcing yourself to get what you want? Isn't it time to take the effortless route?
You know those times when you set a new goal, and then when you make an effort for its achievement, it feels like a struggle or even frustrating to do whatever it is you ... Views: 1088
The Vatican has come up with a new list of sins for the modern age. These include pollution, experiments in genetic manipulation, recreational drug use, and causing social and economic injustices, such as poverty, by amassing too much wealth (something the Church could be considered guilty of ... Views: 2345
There’s a lot of talk about the Law of Attraction out there.
Sometimes people complain that the Law of Attraction isn’t working.
Sometimes people try to tell you how you can “use” the Law of Attraction to get what you want.
Both of the above statements are absolutely ... Views: 1316
A Vision Board is a simple tool you can create to help you with getting what you want out of life via the law of attraction and manifestation. It is the visual equivalent of your thoughts, of what you desire and want in life. Your Vision Board could be your idea of a dream trip you want to take ... Views: 627
I must have said, “NO” a dozen times! Why would I do that, when the Law of Attraction teaches us to focus on what we want and eliminate the words “no,” “not” and “don’t?”
Are there times when saying “NO” is really saying ... Views: 1314
Each one of us possesses all the tools to have all that we desire in our lives through intentionally applying the Law of Attraction. So can you imagine what it would be like to be a child of the Law of Attraction; to apply the Law of Attraction intentionally from childhood? Think of how ... Views: 1843
You're visualizing that perfect job every night and just know that the Universe is bringing you exactly what you desire. You also know that the job you are currently working at right now is not what you want. But you have to work there until the Universe brings you the job you dream of, right? ... Views: 695
You are energy.
Pure and simple. You are made up of the same stuff as the sun, the moon, and the stars. You are a walking, talking bundle of intelligent energy in the form of a human body. You are made up of cells; which are made up of atoms; which are made up of subatomic particles. What are ... Views: 756
Isn't it amazing how often life knocks us on the head and we persist to move on regardless? We sometimes do not learn to enjoy and achieve in life until everything else has been exhausted.
Well that's what I went through.
I had been reading interesting material on letting go and trust ... Views: 14194
What if the life of your dreams arrived today?
What if you met the man or woman of your dreams or got that big idea for the book you’ve wanted to write?
Would that be okay?
Would you be ready?
Maybe you’re answering with an enthusiastic “Yes!” and “Bring it ... Views: 690
Thoughts are things.
Your thoughts are not just wispy little clouds drifting through your head. Your thoughts are *things.* They are actually *measurable units of energy.* Thoughts are biochemical electrical impulses. They are waves of energy that, as far as we can tell, penetrate all time and ... Views: 2368
One of the most common "screw-ups" when it comes to the successful use of the Law of Attraction is believing in scarcity. Believing that you better grab a piece of the pie because there is only one pie and that is not enough for everybody!
It starts as a young child, especially if you have ... Views: 1181
Do you know exactly what you want in your love relationship?
Think of the kinds of things that you want in a partner. Have you noticed how you are starting to imagine a list? Now keep that list in your minds eye and ask yourself….
“Why aren’t they in my life yet?”
Are you one of those ... Views: 829
Everyone loves a secret; that's one of the things that made the book and DVD, "The Secret," so popular. Everyone wants to know the "Secret." People naturally want things to be better; and they want to know how to do that. That's why "How-to," and, "Self-Help" books are so popular. And if there's ... Views: 755
Hypnosis is the fast-track, automatic-pilot way of using the highly valuable concepts talked about in the popular DVD and book, "The Secret", which is based on the Universal Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction, simply stated, says that "What you think about and believe in sets up a natural ... Views: 1304
We got a call from our 23-year old daughter the other day that got me to thinking about getting to the root of a problem, and then letting it go.
She was upset that a guy she was interested in was playing an immature "trying to make her jealous" game. Not only did it not make her jealous, it ... Views: 656