First, let me remind you of what is the first cause of our pain and suffering. Oddly enough, a believed “thought” causes our pain and suffering.
The truth is, it’s not our bank account, or Johnny leaving his dirty socks on the floor, or our weight that is causing our misery. It is the beliefs ... Views: 2997
Why do the “rich” get richer and the “poor” stay poor?
The more you believe “I don’t have enough” the more the universe brings you “not enough”. The universe cannot give you money, success, opportunities, solutions or ideas when you decide “I don’t have enough”.
The universe cannot show ... Views: 1035
What is a poison thought and how does it sabotage me?
A poison thought is a thought that is designed to cause pain and suffering within the body when it becomes activated. Not only is it designed to cause pain but it is also designed to move you away from whatever it is you area ... Views: 1547
Have you ever played the game “slug bug”? It’s not until you’re playing the game that you realize “slug bugs” have always been around you. Before the game you’re stuck…begin to play and the opportunities (slug bugs) present themselves.
Sometimes we get stuck and feel that we are going to stay ... Views: 1039
Did you know that Colonel Sanders of the famous KFC was turned down about 1000 times before he sold the recipe that labeled him famous and successful? That means that at least 999 people rejected and criticized him for one reason or another. But it also means that he was able to create joy on ... Views: 1830
Being a deliberate creator means manifesting what you want in life and doing it on purpose. One of the most important things to keep in mind as a deliberate creator is to make sure that your beliefs are in alignment with your goals.
In other words if your goal is to have your mouth water ... Views: 898
We all have setbacks in life from time to time. Setbacks are a few of the many spices of life. They keep us on our toes and even can make life more exciting.
However, when they do happen we may find it difficult to try again and sometimes feel like giving up. This article is going to show ... Views: 3472
Thoughts were designed with an intelligence built into them that produce results once activated. What this means is, once you hold a thought in mind for as little as 30 seconds, your body, your behaviors, and your imagination respond to the activated thought.
Different thoughts do different ... Views: 893
Do you think it is possible that all thought has an intelligent design? This intelligence like the programming of a computer chip becomes activated and begins directing the body and the imagination to produce consistent and predictable results.
Imagine that there are hundreds of thoughts all ... Views: 892
Do you ever find yourself struggling and forcing yourself to get what you want? Isn't it time to take the effortless route?
You know those times when you set a new goal, and then when you make an effort for its achievement, it feels like a struggle or even frustrating to do whatever it is you ... Views: 1089