What do your colleagues and competition do or have that allows them to achieve and accomplish so much more than some of you? In my opinion after mentoring and coaching thousands in my mindset, responsibility and accountability programs, I believe that these entrepreneurs are highly successful as ... Views: 941
What do your colleagues and competition do or have that allows them to achieve and accomplish so much more than some of you? In my opinion after mentoring and coaching thousands in my mindset, responsibility and accountability programs, I believe that these entrepreneurs are highly successful as ... Views: 952
Today more than ever entrepreneurs are spending plenty of time working on Facebook friending and messaging for hour and hours each day. And often, when connecting and engaging with new friends, building your list, client and business attraction there can be an unmistakable habit or a pattern of ... Views: 944
Today more than ever entrepreneurs are spending plenty of time working on Facebook friending and messaging for hour and hours each day. And often, when connecting and engaging with new friends, building your list, client and business attraction there can be an unmistakable habit or a pattern of ... Views: 955
I share the concept with my coaching clients that our online presence on Facebook is like the show called, “The Antiques Roadshow.” On that show all kinds of people, from every age and background possible would stand around for hours to have their cherished possession that had been laying around ... Views: 929
Probably the most gratifying moment for me in my practice is when a client shows up who is fully present and available for big growth and change, and they join my business coaching program like they really mean it. I can tell you with 100% certainty, that if you were peaking through my window in ... Views: 1119
If you could take everything you know about communications offline, mix it all together and take it down to its real essence, it is about the significance of connection and relationships in successful selling in your business or practice. It is just that simple. Building, connecting and ... Views: 882
If you could take everything you know about communications offline, mix it all together and take it down to its real essence, it is about the significance of connection and relationships in successful selling in your business or practice. It is just that simple. Building, connecting and ... Views: 883
The definitive aim of Big Thinkers in this economy that sets them apart from others is their continuous development of character and leadership. One of the most significant goals you could hope to accomplish in the course of your business and life is to become an exceptional Big Thinker in every ... Views: 1138
What I often hear when reading posts on Facebook is that in social media there is no competition for certain types of entrepreneurs who are experts. That is partially true. Everyone is unique in their area of expertise and will attract various types of ideal clients. If someone is looking for ... Views: 1166
Want to know what it feels like to be the best version of you and finally come out of the closet?
What panties are you wearing? Yes, you heard me right. If you want to be the best version of yourself, and live like you mean it, you need to start with what’s underneath.
It’s time to ... Views: 1286
The dare that I am about to challenge you with is not one you’ve heard before, nor is it presented in a conventional way. Changing your direction or path requires active participation, and is especially for you big thinkers out there. Some of you have shelves and shelves with dozens of ... Views: 2303
Avoid being seduced by the commercials, ads and marketing.
If you look through a magazine for too long, you will get pulled into the advertising or ad with the images, photos and words. By that I mean, that you are tempted to create a vision board following the old school way of thinking. ... Views: 3576
An idea sparked from a conversation that I participated in on a group Mastermind call, raising brand awareness is going to require action – conversations. From just starting-up small businesses, to well established businesses, this idea will create connections and profits online, (and off line ... Views: 912
Do you want an easy, organic (natural) way to attract ideal prospects, increase sales, and reduce your marketing costs, without being salesy? I took using social media one BIG step further. I have successfully used social media to have 100 conversations (or less) to make a deeper connection—and ... Views: 1184
I talked about solo-preneurs, coaches, consultants, healers and spiritual teachers who are struggling, and frustrated to get to the bottom of why they’ve been hiding out, playing small and repeatedly attracting the same kinds of negative people and situations in their businesses. If some or all ... Views: 2046
What if you already have everything you need to create a magnificent business and you just don’t know it? Well, guess what? You do! You already know everything you need to know to be highly successful in business, and to contribute in a meaningful way in your business so you can be truly happy ... Views: 1075
The key business strategy is simple and it changes everything. You need to make time every single day to plan and implement ideas and strategies for developing your thinking to grow your businesses. More specifically, you need to make time every single day to take an honest look at where you ... Views: 1570
Let me share with you how fixing some “unseen limits” in your thinking can easily help you grow your business beyond the 6, 7, and 8 figure levels. If you are willing to take the time to remove some of these unseen limits and blocks that you have, your client attraction, retention, sales and ... Views: 1117
Curiosity? Involvement? A touch of voyeurism? All of the above? Perhaps. But small business owners love to find out how BIG thinkers do things differently. Case in point: A VIP group coaching call results in huge breakthroughs. Through the group coaching call, a select group of BIG thinkers ... Views: 1217
This Law of Attraction strategy requires a commitment from you to set time aside. Use this time to focus on doing some Law of Attraction manifesting exercises to jump start your business results. For those of you who are not working with a Law of Attraction results Coach, you may wonder what ... Views: 1263
The one trait that all very successful solo-preneurs, coaches, consultants, healers, and spiritual teachers have in common is that they have a clear and compelling vision for the future of their businesses. This is something that you can do too. You can think about the future and create an ... Views: 1159
In this economy one of the best ways to have a high six-seven figure business and beyond is to use a resource that you already have. Your mind is your most precious asset when using the Law of Attraction and improving your Law of Attraction results. You must be continually working to increase ... Views: 1262
I am often asked the question “What if I am starting small in my business, with little or no money and need business right now, using the Law of Attraction?”
Many of the high six-seven figures and beyond solo-preneurs that I coach came from a limited background and very little money when ... Views: 2166
How often do you take time out in your day to measure your Law of Attraction results? How much time daily do you spend on creating new Law of Attraction manifestation ideas? I am consistently told by my coaching clients that this has been one of the most helpful tips that I have given during our ... Views: 1293
“How you do anything, is how you do everything.” That quote has stuck with me throughout the years. I use it as a measurement of how I live and serve the people that I work with and the people that I surround myself with. More than ever, our Law of Attraction skills with clients and customers ... Views: 1293
You have the remarkable powers of your mind and emotions that give you timely and precise feedback in your business when using the Law of Attraction. When you start to pay careful attention to how you are feeling about any situation or circumstance you will make the right decisions.
When you ... Views: 1543
I am often asked “how do I know what to look for” so that I can have better Law of Attraction results? I believe that there are two key points to assure that your business has massive Law of Attraction results growth. Look at what kind of business you are in now and see if these two reasons are ... Views: 1190
One of the most frequent questions that I have in my coaching calls with clients who own or manage a small business is “How do I get my staff motivated in this economy, and get them on board with customer service and retention?” I often hear that managers are doing more and working longer hours ... Views: 1178
Margarita came to a coaching call with great excitement. She wanted to promote someone on her staff to manage well over 200 salespeople in the office. Because their business was around “green building products” for home builders they are in a market that requires top quality leaders to ... Views: 1334
Today more than ever, the Law of Attraction can be used to keep your job or move up to a higher position within or outside of your company. I am coaching a new client who is losing sleep over keeping her job with a large nutrition company in California. There is a lot of conflict in the office ... Views: 1438
Lately, my new coaching clients have been asking me how they can improve communication at work with their employees. They want to know what they can say and do to improve communication with their employees and ease their minds about keeping their jobs and improving sales. What can they say to ... Views: 1694
When you develop a sense of urgency around using the Law of Attraction you will start to take inspired actions. Highly successful people take the time to think, plan and create their priorities in their long term attraction plan. They move quickly and decisively toward their goals and dreams. ... Views: 1978
Have you ever asked for something in your business that you really thought that you wanted?
And when you got it you wondered what in the world was I thinking? Maybe,you really wanted to have a joint venture with someone who had a large list of clients that would benefit from your services. ... Views: 1138
Anyone who uses the Law of Attraction intentionally and consistently, kicks open the doors of opportunity in all directions in their business. You will attract opportunities to be paid what you deserve, be promoted, have joint ventures, get excellent referrals and all the business that you ... Views: 1034
I love nothing more than getting together with a bunch of my girlfriends to catch up on each others’ busy lives. While we all use the Law of Attraction and success principles in what we do, we couldn’t be more different. That’s what makes the conversation so interesting – all those different ... Views: 1037
When the women I coach are using the Law of Attraction, they begin to look for others who are at that next level in business. You know the level? The one that scares the pants off you, yet you still want it.
When you are using the Law of Attraction principles successfully and want to kick it ... Views: 963
My coaching clients often ask me how to speed up the Law of Attraction process in business.
One of the things I suggest is that besides a qualified Law of Attraction coach, smart women ought to surround themselves with talented mentors. It is something you should do right from the get go, from ... Views: 1006
Sometimes Law of Attraction manifesters will come up against a blockage in their business. Things just seem to come to a complete stop. What feels like the Law of Attraction slamming into an obstacle, unable to be jarred loose, is sometimes called “hitting the wall”.
When you start having ... Views: 1114
Have you been asking the Law of Attraction to bring you new projects, big business opportunities or more clients? Are you now finding yourself attracting the wrong type of business and clients – those that make you feel stuck and unexcited?
Maybe these were once exciting prospects, but now you ... Views: 963
I had one of my Law of Attraction coaching clients try something new with me. Joan was struggling to understand and get the results that she wanted using the Law of Attraction. She had enormous debt, a low credit rating, and was close to losing her home. Joan was sure that she was using the ... Views: 940
I often get asked this question in my Law of Attraction coaching program: “What do I do if I am just going through the motions of my life? I have no passion, no plan, and no goals.” One of my coaching clients was going through this phase in her life. Her last daughter was leaving home and ... Views: 1169
Last month, I had a call with one of my Law of Attraction coaching clients. Eva’s business had taken a real turn. Her company had grown so much in the last two years that she now had well over 100 employees. Since the company had grown so fast using the Law of Attraction principles, Eva ... Views: 896
Rita became a Law of Attraction Coaching client of mine a few months ago. Rita’s dating life was one disaster after another. She had joined an online dating service and thought she had died and gone to heaven. She had at least three or four dates a week, every week, for months. Yet, the men ... Views: 953
One of my clients was sinking fast in her new relationship. She had attracted another partner who did not make her or their relationship a priority. She had developed some pretty strong life management skills in all areas of her life, except in the dating area. She needed new strategies for ... Views: 979
A few weeks ago, I sat at the airport waiting for a good friend to arrive from Florida. As I was waiting, I decided to return a call to a previous client. Anita had called to start up her Law of Attraction coaching again. She had taken two months off to go to Europe on a cycling trip.
Anita ... Views: 1470
In a previous article, I had mentioned a company that had created its very first mission statement. Once it created its first mission statement, the company then applied it to the business. They really believed that this statement would increase customer and client loyalty. Were they in for a ... Views: 1598
Lately, we have been hearing more and more about vision and mission statements for businesses. I sometimes treat myself to Starbucks for coffee. Their mission statement is proudly displayed for everyone to see. This lets you know exactly what their commitment is and their level of involvement ... Views: 2152
I sometimes stop at Starbucks for short, mild coffee as a treat on my days off. Yesterday, I stopped for a coffee break before heading out to go shopping. I needed a good jolt to get ready to try on some evening clothes at Holt Renfrew, since that could take a while! I sat outside the coffee ... Views: 981
Mary threw on her running shoes, grabbed her I-pod and headed for the door. It was a beautiful sunny day in Vancouver and she wanted to make the most of it. She needed to throw off the feelings she was having about dating and finding a partner.
She went out last night to a benefit concert ... Views: 1047