This photo illustrates rather graphically a point I once made to my stepson, that you should always be nice to people because you never know when you'll meet them again. According to the rules of karma, it may wait until a next life to get back at you if you don't play nice, but these days it ... Views: 772
The Daily Mantra would like to applaud pop star George Michael for his appearance on Eli Stone, (which stars Johnny Lee Miller as a lawyer with a higher calling in the title role). In the past, the publicity shy singer/songwriter has even refused to promote his own records, so when he stepped ... Views: 2489
What's the secret to a long and happy marriage? We can look to the sky for a clue. As an astrologer one of the biggest questions I get is "when will I find the right person and how do I know if he/she is right for me?" Most people just look at their sun sign and wonder if they can be compatible ... Views: 7420
Olivia Newton John’s Great Chinese Walk For Cancer
Breast cancer survivor Olivia Newton John is planning a 21-day walk along the Great Wall of China to raise money for a brand new, state of the art, treatment and research cancer center. Her journey begins on April 7th, and, if all goes to ... Views: 1827
Mind Habits: The Perfect Computer Game For Students Of The Law Of Attraction
Scientists have developed a computer game that students of the Law of Attraction may find helpful. The Mind Habits game trains players' brains to focus on the positive rather than the negative, and has been proven to ... Views: 1282
Ostara, The Pagan Equinox, And The Season To Shop
Our clocks are adjusted, and we're enjoying the perfectly balanced day and night of the spring equinox. Total coincidence that Easter is just around the corner, right? Well, not entirely...
While to Christians this weekend is most closely ... Views: 1772
Deepak Chopra is perhaps the world’s most popular spiritual guru. He is certainly one of the planet's most prolific authors. But there’s a confusing array of books strewn about on the path to enlightenment. Chopra offers a handy shortcut to the spiritual road Buddha mapped out, selecting ten of ... Views: 1120
When I first came to Los Angeles over a decade ago, the city's love for psychiatrists was already a longstanding joke. And when Prozac and its ilk first arrived on the scene they were hailed as miracle pills that would bring instant happiness to the metropolis' two-hundred buck an hour couch ... Views: 799
How many times have you heard a single friend say, "if only I had a boyfriend/ girlfriend/ soul mate my life would be perfect." I've always thought that logic was flawed. That's way to much pressure to put on a potential partner. If you expect a "soul mate" to come along and make your life ... Views: 789