You are a perfect being and one that is capable of huge potential. You really can, be, do and have anything you desire. As a child you were more connected to source energy than perhaps you are now. That’s because when you’re younger you hadn’t yet adopted patterns of disallowing the well being that is natural to you.

Regaining your power as a creator isn’t the easiest task, but it certainly isn’t impossible. Depending on how well you are at adopting a new pattern will determine whether how soon you will succeed.

Remember, whatever you place your attention on, you will attract more of it if you are mixing those thoughts with emotion. It is the emotion that is doing all of the attraction, not your thoughts, words or actions.

The Law of Attraction is working at every moment and it never sleeps. You are the creator of your own reality. If you see something unwanted in your life, realize that it is there only because you attracted it. Take responsibility for your own actions! Until you do, you will not have the power to change anything. The more focus you place on blaming another for your situations then the more of it you will attract. The more blameful situations will appear into your life and the more people to blame will be present. The Law of Attraction doesn’t discriminate, it doesn’t care what you want or don’t want. It just matches things together.

By giving more focus to the things that you already have, and are grateful for, the more of those things you attract into your life. It’s much easier to focus upon something that you already have than it is to focus on something that you do not have.

Just a tiny shift in your awareness, maintained each day, will soon bring about a hurricane of delightful things to you. This subtle shift in mindset is often the most difficult thing to do. We are so conditioned into thinking in a specific way that changing your patterns of thought appears very difficult and uncomfortable.

After taking this small shift, you can take note of even the smallest of things that are beginning to show up in your life that wouldn’t have done so before. By focusing on these new things you’re experiencing you can soon build great momentum and keep on going until the uncomfortable changing of thought patterns becomes a habitual routine that you carry on without worry.

This is when you truly have become a deliberate creator.

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