So much has been said, published, written, recorded and broadcast about the so-called law of attraction that you'd be forgiven for thinking it was real.

I mean I'll be honest with you. Even I thought it was true for a short time.

It just all fits so neatly - you get what you think about. Full stop. Like that's all there is to success in life.

But then it hit me. After weeks of thinking, dreaming, visualizing, yearning and believing my bank account still showed the SAME AMOUNT.


You know it really isn't your fault. The mass media swallowed this thing up. Celebrities jumped on the "you are you own God" bandwagon. And then of course you have "movies" coming out that attained a mass global following and fevered cult status.

But here's the rub..'s a lie. Plain and simple. Some REAL LIFE examples for you (not quantum physics, molecular mumbo jumbo or vibrating aura junk);

- Have famine victims attracted their deaths?
- Do crime victims attract their fates?
- Do cancer victims attract their disease?

Look - you might think I'm being out of line here but it's the law of attraction believers out there who started all this.

In fact, one of its biggest supporters was widely quoted as saying that famine victims in Darfur HAD in fact brought their conditions on themselves by their thinking.

What on earth?


Look. Let me be straight with you here. I know what you're thinking - "Here's this guy knocking holes in the law of attraction just because it's not brought him what he wanted."

Not true.

What I'm about to say is not to brag or to boast - it's just to qualify what I've said upto now.

I TRIED using the LIE of attraction to get what I wanted but it didn't work. There were parts missing.

Now I've discovered what these parts are I have everything I want;
- $800,000 mansion
- My own boss
- 5-figure earnings (per month)
- 8 vacations a year
- perfect health
- happily married

You get the picture..

And no - I didn't sit in some field and magically manifest these things out of some spiritual orifice - I did it by applying my own system that works. Not some lie that is being peddled as the new cure-all the world over.


You have been lied to. You can either just stand by and accept that or you can do something about it.

You see it works like this - whether not you are with me on this doesn't actually matter because this is all going to come out in the wash sooner or later. A lot of people are going to have egg on their faces with all this law of attraction woo-woo vibrating molecules nonsense. You think Donald Trump got where he is because he sat in a corn field visualizing a billion dollars?

Give me a break!

The question is - what are you going to do about the lie? Well let me answer this for you. Let me help you and point you in the right direction..

Check out the link below to get your free Antidote to the Lie of Attraction.

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