With so many marriages ending in divorce, it is hard to believe all those people actually made an effort to repair their situations and learn about marriage - and their partner. I have observed, and found in my own, personal experience, that a little effort can go a long way when it comes to any ... Views: 1248
Do you want to create something new, or perhaps change part of your life? Consider that, whatsoever you desire can be yours if you ask for it believing that you already have it - even if it doesn't exist yet. In other words, if you think about a thing in such a way that you truly FEEL grateful ... Views: 1161
Everyone knows that a human cannot live without water; but is water a miracle drug? Many health care professionals would say that it is. Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Messages From Water series of books, would certainly support the age-old practices of priests in many religions of imparting ... Views: 1797
Anyone who watches Oprah is familiar with The Secret - a popular book about the Law of Attraction. But many people are frustrated because, though they've read the book - and want their lives to be different - they just can't seem to make The Secret work for them. Well, the Law of Attraction ... Views: 1299
The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet dedicated its Thursday, June 19, 2008 show to the fight against cellulite – the lumpy fat cells that look like “cottage-cheese” under the skin. Cellulite is believed to affect up to 90% of the female population; and a large number of men ... Views: 2906
Everyone wants to lose weight, it seems; but, based on statistics, nobody seems to know how to do it. Over two-thirds of all Americans are overweight; and over 100-million Americans - one-third of the population - is actually considered, "obese." The only thing growing faster than America's ... Views: 1654
I think it's safe to assume that "normal" people want to be happy. We want to be around happy people, in happy environments, feeling good and doing things that make us happy. So, if happiness (and happy experiences) is our goal, what can we do to reach that goal? If happiness is a common goal ... Views: 6748
Oprah recently re-aired a show featuring The Secret, and guests: Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson, and Martha Beck - each offering their perspectives on the best-selling book by Rhonda Byrne and The Law of Attraction. One of the stories featured on this show was about a woman who overcame grief and ... Views: 3943
Happiness is our natural state. Happiness is essentially the “unimpeded flow of life-energy,” or spirit, through us – through our bodies and life experiences. We have to learn, or be conditioned, to resist the flow of life and happiness. In other words, if we didn’t have ... Views: 1415
No matter what you're looking for in this world, or in this lifetime, chances are that the underlying reason you're looking for it is so you can be happier than you are now. Think about it for a second; you certainly don't want more money and better health so you can be miserable. Likewise, if ... Views: 3815
The key to innovation, invention, and any kind of success is in thinking clearly and effectively when faced with a problem, or a situation requiring a decision or resolution. In other words, creative solutions come from cool-heads and clear-minds - not from people who freak-out when faced with a ... Views: 1260
It isn’t always easy to be different; yet, if you want to be innovative, you’ve got to break with trends, traditions, and even your own habits. There’s no way around this; innovators are bringers of new things – not old things. New means change; change means different. ... Views: 1327
When asked how he came up with his Theory of Gravity, Sir Isaac Newton replied, “I thought about it all the time.” I suppose if he had been more distracted, those ideas would have landed on someone else, or we wouldn’t have done all the things we have done based on ... Views: 1230
Prayer is something people do to ask for, or give thanks for, a desire or a desired or favorable change. There are many different ways to pray; but they all involve thinking about what you want. People using the Law of Attraction are doing the same thing; they're thinking about a desire, or a ... Views: 5816
If you don't think the Law of Attraction is working for you, then try and understand that the Law works the same for everybody - we just don't all put the same kinds of thoughts and feelings into our desires. Everyone uses their thought processes in different ways; different thoughts generate ... Views: 965
If you think your prayers are answered sometimes, and not answered at other times, or that the answer to prayers is sometimes, "Yes," sometimes, "No," and sometimes, "Maybe," then you need to consider at least one other possibility. Maybe you just don't always pray effectively. Maybe there's ... Views: 915
Imagine the most complicated piece of technology you can think of. Maybe you're thinking of a computer or some advanced weapons or medical technology, or something along those lines. Now imagine that I told you to fix one of those things you're imagining - without tools or instruction. You'd be ... Views: 986
Many of you have already figured it out; television creates stress – period. Commercial television is designed and intended to create stress for the simple reason that stressed-out people buy things to sedate or distract themselves – or to solve the problems the television tells them ... Views: 2852
Failure is not an option; it’s a judgment and a misunderstanding of where you are and what’s going on. Failure is simply what you have labeled a very necessary part of a very necessary process. And, failure can also be an idea used as an excuse to discontinue efforts or activities in ... Views: 965
The Law of Attraction isn’t a tool, or a process; it’s simply an observation of how things seem to group themselves together in this Universe. If you understand the principles of The Law of Attraction, but can’t seem to get what you want, you probably just need a process ... Views: 1047
Attractiveness has much less to do with beauty than you might think. After all, wouldn’t you rather be around a nice person than a pretty person that treated you poorly? “Love” and all its attributes – kindness, compassion, faith, gratitude, joy, etc – is the only ... Views: 1078
Oprah recently featured Dr. Oz and several people with obsessive-compulsive disorders, or OCD’s, and their trip to “OCD Boot Camp,” where they spent 72-hours facing their fears and learning to overcome their programmed-responses to those fears and worries. In just 72-hours, ... Views: 2334
This year’s competition may be over; but there will be another American Idol next year. And, there will be hundreds of thousands of would-be superstars entertaining ideas about being “The One.” But, to anyone who’s ever watched that show, it’s obvious that most ... Views: 1179
ABC Television’s, The View, featuring Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar, recently had Dr. Nancy Snyderman on to talk about her book, “Medical Myths that can Kill You,” in which Dr. Snyderman reveals a number of popular misconceptions among the general public – and even among ... Views: 1230
The three most effective weight-loss remedies just happen to be free. That’s right, at no cost to you, you can immediately start using three of the safest and healthiest weight-loss methods available; and, best of all, none of them have any adverse side-effects, unpleasant tastes, or ... Views: 1178
Prayer is thought; more specifically, it is focused, intentional thought based on a desire – to be, do, have, or change something or some experience. All thoughts create some sort of emotional response; some people call this emotional excitation, “vibrations,” or ... Views: 951
It is estimated that approximately 40% of all airline travelers experience some degree of fear of flying – or some other fear related to flying. With almost 3-billion people flying each year, that’s a lot of anxious travelers! And, considering that about 40% of all air travel is ... Views: 1171
Understanding “who” and “what” you are is one of the prerequisites for finding balance, peace, happiness, and control in your life. For example, until you know what a car is, and have some idea about how it operates, you are more of a danger than you are in control. Your ... Views: 915
If you’re afraid of flying, you don’t need me to tell you about the uncomfortable, negative effects this fear can cause. And, if you are a business traveler who is afraid of flying – but must fly anyway – you probably understand the burden and the very real cost of coping ... Views: 1186
If you can’t seem to get the things you want in life, it might be tempting to say, “This ‘Law-of-Attraction-thing’ just doesn’t work for me!” Unless you want to remain unfulfilled and discontent, you need to realize something: The Law of Attraction isn’t ... Views: 852
In the mid-nineties, Gary Craig created the Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT. EFT is based on the work of Dr. Roger Callahan, and is essentially a greatly simplified version of TFT, or Thought-Field Therapy. EFT isn’t really “better” than TFT; it’s simply more ... Views: 1003
In a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health, researchers found that people felt healthier if they were satisfied with their weight; and, the more dissatisfied they felt, the less healthy they felt – no matter how much they weighed. But how important is it that we ... Views: 1185
One of the best ways to gain weight and keep it is to think that you’re overweight. Unless you love the thought of being overweight, simply thinking that you’re too fat, or too heavy, is enough to activate your stress response. And stress, as you probably already know, is what really ... Views: 893
Innovation means progress, new visions and ideas -- moving forward. Forward progress is essential in life and business; we call it, "Success." If you aren't moving, you're stuck; and if you aren't growing, you're dying. But forward progress also means leaving things behind and moving on; ... Views: 2270
In life, your job is to enjoy your experience. Sometimes that means doing the best you can under any number of circumstances; but it always means doing your part. If, for some reason, you find that you are not enjoying your experience, it is up to you to take steps to change your ... Views: 1148
For every formed thing in this Universe, there is a "mental equivalent." Mental Equivalents are simply the mental images, or mental versions, of our desires; they are the thoughts and images from which we build our desires - or with which we find our desires. For everything you wish to ... Views: 5005
Life should be simple. Period. There were people living here -- and thriving -- long before complicated medical problems and advanced technologies. It seems obvious that, as times and people changed, we became less and less active -- becoming more and more overweight. This isn't necessarily ... Views: 1017
Have you ever heard the old saying, "Be careful what you ask for...?" How about some of the more "biblical" sayings, like: "Declare a thing and it is so," "Ask and you shall receive," or "In the beginning, there was the word..." You could make a very long list of sayings and teachings from ... Views: 904
The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet recently featured a segment on the HCG Diet – which involves injections of HCG (Human ChorioGonadotropin) Hormone and a 500-calorie per day diet regimen. As with any diet plan, there were experts on both sides of the issue; and, as with any diet ... Views: 1892
There are many paths to happiness; and if you have found one that works, you have most likely found your own "right" path. But, if you are still seeking happiness, there are certain elements of thought, word, and action, anyone can cultivate, nurture, or develop in order to create a life of ... Views: 884
The Secret isn't a new idea; and it isn't really a secret. Everyone knows this: "As a man thinketh, so it is done to him." In every religion, culture, and philosophy, this is a fundamental truth; and, even science has come full-circle in its understanding of what they call, "the Observer ... Views: 987
What do you think happens when you hate your job, or your spouse, or your kids, or your house? Did you know you get sick - literally? It's true; and it always has been. In fact, your emotions are simply a signal to you that your body is not where it wants to be, or where you want it to be. If ... Views: 973
The Placebo Effect
A line from a famous song reassures us that, "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down...in the most delightful way." But could the sugar itself be the medicine? Placebo studies show us that "a spoon full of sugar," and a little faith, could be as real a cure as any ... Views: 1328
Most people have figured out by now that medicine does not cure disease. Medicine isn't necessarily bad; it just isn't necessary. Do not let your fear of disease make you forget that humanity wasn't exactly dying off when pharmaceutical companies saw a financial opportunity and exploded onto the ... Views: 1927
The Secret, or The Law of Attraction, isn't "magic." It isn't really even a "thing." The Law of Attraction is simply a way of talking about or describing how things seem to come together, or manifest into form from the world of the un-formed. The Law of Attraction is a law, not a tool; it ... Views: 1330
We have all heard sayings like, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade;" but what if you don't like lemonade? The obvious answer is, "Sell the lemonade and buy something you DO like with your profits." But that doesn't work if you're stuck whining about the lemons. To move forward in ... Views: 1154
We commonly refer to sense, senses, or sensation, in the context of sight, hearing, touch, etc. We also use the word sense in reference to intelligence or logic. The fact is that the ears, eyes, nose, skin, and mouth/tongue, are not senses - they are "antennae," or receptors, that pick up ... Views: 1487
Visualization, meditation, prayer, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, guided meditation, mental imagery, and many other terms, are all used to describe one thing - thinking. Particularly, these terms all refer to an act of "tuning-out" the external world and going inside your self in order to "speak" and ... Views: 1021
In the drive to success, it can be easy to forget your purpose. We seem to get so wrapped-up in keeping-up that we forget the real reason for waking-up. Life has only one purpose; and that purpose is LIFE. In life, we can choose between progress and stagnation, peace and war; and we can choose ... Views: 936
You can be, do, or have anything you want. Whether you want peace and seclusion, or fortune and fame, you can have it - if you know how to get it. The good news is that there are only two simple things you need to know. The bad news is that, no matter how simple, this wisdom will continue to ... Views: 994