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Creative visualization techniques help intensify clarity and focus
to help you bring into your life that which is desirable. This is called deliberate creation.
As one of the most important tenets of the Law of Attraction, positive visualization is simple yet not
as easy to implement on a ... Views: 947
I’ve just spent the last 2 hours lounging by the pool, reading, floating, and dreaming. I found myself contemplating what has been easy for me to achieve in my life and what hasn’t. Like living here in Florida, my dream geographical location, seemed to come effortlessly once I made ... Views: 1089
Have you ever noticed that animals live in the moment? I have never seen an animal actually contemplate what his future is going to be. He goes along with every moment and acts accordingly. He doesn't even question the Universe and lives his life to the fullest. No questions; just joy and ... Views: 664
You're hoping that you have a good day. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. How about having a good day every day that you are alive here on this earth? Is it possible to have a wonderful day every day?
You can have a great day every day of your life and as always, it all starts ... Views: 655
Let me introduce you the Eleuthera Synchrotize System, an effective tool to create and shape your life (Eleuthera is a greek word which means «freedom»).
With this simple technique and the use of Sacred Geometry, we can implant your desire in your life so it gets manifested. Synchrotize goes ... Views: 1342
A friend recently sent me an email that contained one simple sentence that jumped right off the screen and hit me in the face.
When I wrote back to thank her, she was surprised because she hadn't thought of it as anything particularly profound — just something she'd been thinking about, ... Views: 863
The Law of Attraction isn’t a tool, or a process; it’s simply an observation of how things seem to group themselves together in this Universe. If you understand the principles of The Law of Attraction, but can’t seem to get what you want, you probably just need a process ... Views: 1047
Attractiveness has much less to do with beauty than you might think. After all, wouldn’t you rather be around a nice person than a pretty person that treated you poorly? “Love” and all its attributes – kindness, compassion, faith, gratitude, joy, etc – is the only ... Views: 1078
The main idea that seems to be spouted out whenever we hear about the Law of Attraction is that ‘We get what we think about most’. So most of us could be forgiven for thinking at first glance that if we just do something to change our thoughts then our life will change too.
However it is not ... Views: 1328
The basic principles to the law of attraction are simple. If you can follow these and be completely honest about these steps you will be able to manifest
what you want. I cover a deeper understanding in my books and audio books that will take you to a level of awareness how the universe works ... Views: 1121
Most people manifest things they want very sporadically. One day will be great and they’ll manifest some great stuff, and then the next two weeks will be miserable until they get that next high event when a new manifestation will come about.
That’s no way to live a fulfilled ... Views: 945
More and more the term Law of Attraction is gaining publicity and becoming known to mainstream America. The big question I'm always being asked is "Is it real and does it work?"
The answer is a definitive YES, if you understand the fundamental principles of the attraction process and how to ... Views: 1287
All through history, the world has experienced many changes, some good and some bad. Our current world today is so full of different perceptions and opinions that we are in a world of ever changing religion, politics, and culture, each one believing that they have the right answer and each one ... Views: 569
When you realize that the Law of Attraction can provide you the life that you have always dreamed of, you have to begin to think about what it is that you have to do in order for the Law of Attraction to work in your favor. You have always used the Law of Attraction but not intentionally and ... Views: 720
The basic principles to the law of attraction are simple. If you can follow these and be completely honest about these steps you will be able to manifest what you want. I cover a deeper understanding in my books and audio books that will take you to a level of awareness how the universe works ... Views: 1188
If you’re a firm believer of the Law of Attraction, and you feel your friends of family could benefit from this wisdom, should you tell them?
My own personal opinion is that you should follow your gut instinct on this. In some cases telling your friends or family could lead to ridicule ... Views: 1051
Prayer is thought; more specifically, it is focused, intentional thought based on a desire – to be, do, have, or change something or some experience. All thoughts create some sort of emotional response; some people call this emotional excitation, “vibrations,” or ... Views: 951
According to the Law of Attraction, we get what we think about most, in other words our thoughts stimulate action and attract certain results in our lives. Therefore, if you think negative thoughts, you may attract more negative thinking and results.If you think positively, on the other hand, ... Views: 1418
I think it's a sad comment on the sign of our times the many people who tell me they are so busy these days they don't have a minute to think!
At one time that statement would have been taken with a pinch of salt, easily recognisable as an overstatement: "Oh, come on, you're going too far, it's ... Views: 1337
Just about everything that has been written in the 20th century about success and wealth can be traced back to the principles Wallace Wattles wrote about in his book, "The Science of Getting Rich". In this popular book, published in 1910, he revealed the secret to the Law of Attraction and ... Views: 1762
A second Passport or better even a second citizenship one that you can choose. Dual nationality has always been held by wealthy people with a knowledge of world history. They know of the dangers of placing an entire future in the hands of politicians. Patriotism might be OK if governments were ... Views: 783
Our mind holds the key to how to get rich. We have both a conscious and a subconscious mind. Our conscious mind includes everything that is inside of our awareness while our subconscious activity is just below our awareness. Most of us have about 60,000 thoughts per day and 90% occur ... Views: 1235
Unless you’ve been living in a cave the last couple years, you’ve no doubt been exposed to The Secret and the Law of Attraction. But what is The Secret? And what is the Law of Attraction? According to the movie and the book, the secret IS the Law of Attraction. But, The Law of Attraction is ... Views: 1028
The law of attraction operates in response to our beliefs and so key to creating the life you would love to have is to fully understand the power of your own beliefs and the role they play within the attraction process.
So what is a belief?
An easy way to think of a belief is 'something you ... Views: 1167
Whether you think you attracted it or not, sometimes a 'storm' can descend upon your life out of nowhere. Maybe a family crisis or maybe your financial status just took a shift that you did not expect. Everything around us is a reflection of our thoughts but sometimes you can't even imagine ... Views: 734
Are you taking the right steps to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction?
A lot of the time you will see me discussing about the two methods of manifestation. In my opinion the two methods are:
Feel Good
Believe Your Desire
When you feel good about anything at all, in that moment ... Views: 936
A lightworker is a person who is holding the vision for society as a whole – working with conscious awareness to create balance and harmony within his light body, and thus vibrating in resonance with the higher frequencies of the ascension process.
A lightworker uses his or her imagination and ... Views: 1851
If you can’t seem to get the things you want in life, it might be tempting to say, “This ‘Law-of-Attraction-thing’ just doesn’t work for me!” Unless you want to remain unfulfilled and discontent, you need to realize something: The Law of Attraction isn’t ... Views: 852
Ever since I began studying and applying the Law of Attraction, I have always received signs from the Universe. Some are signs of encouragement or inspiration and some are signs to act upon.
Some ask if it is a lack of faith in the Universe if you ask for a sign of encouragement. The answer ... Views: 911
The Law of Attraction can help you to attain everything that you desire through emotion, thoughts, and focus. If you can attain anything, is it possible to change another person through your ability to apply the Law of Attraction intentionally?
You can change another person through your own ... Views: 929
Here are three Law of Attraction tips for you so you can start seeing more abundance in your life starting today.
The Universe Likes Speed – When utilizing the Law of Attraction do not hesitate when you feel inspired to do something. Hesitating gives your thoughts the time to change how ... Views: 882
Of all the universal laws, the law of attraction is both the most fascinating and the most misunderstood. Fascinating, because as humans we naturally want a tool to help create the life of our dreams, and the law of attraction can certainly help us to do that. Misunderstood because, unlike a ... Views: 955
I received a darling note from a single Italian woman living in Texas. She wrote: "I appreciate all your information, but where are all the great successful single men?"
I wrote back, "In Italy". (Of course:))
Then she requested I personally bring the great men to her and her ... Views: 1134
Here is a little list for you to think about when working with the law of attraction. Use this list to make sure you are on track with where you need to be in order to attract and create what you want in your life.
1. Do you have a vision board? Do you have a wall, a poster board, a ... Views: 3425
By now I'm sure most of you have heard of THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne, that blockbuster book and dvd that introduced the Law of Attraction to the world. What a great introduction to one of the most basic laws of the universe.
The Law of Attraction states: That which is like unto itself is drawn. ... Views: 2452
For every formed thing in this Universe, there is a "mental equivalent." Mental Equivalents are simply the mental images, or mental versions, of our desires; they are the thoughts and images from which we build our desires - or with which we find our desires. For everything you wish to ... Views: 5005
The law of attraction is real and available for any one to use it but if it were as simple as many say we would all be millionaires with yachts and fast cars. So why aren't we, what is stopping us all using the law of attraction to create the life that we want to? Well, because it isn't that ... Views: 1579
Convincing your logical mind that you can have anything that you desire (and in abundance) can actually keep you from manifesting what you want to attain in your life. Here's a technique to teach the logical mind that you can have abundance in any area of your life, and with no limits.
Find a ... Views: 570
There is much more to the Law of Attraction than just thinking a thought and waiting for all of your dreams to come true. The true worth comes when you embark on the treasure hunt within yourself.
You are comprised of every thought and perception that you have ever had and continue to have. ... Views: 744
In today's society, changing one's appearance through hair color, eye contacts, and cosmetic surgery, seems to be the answer to creating the "new you." So is it possible to change the physical appearance by applying the Law of Attraction for new good looks?
How your beauty is perceived by ... Views: 5283
Have you ever heard the old saying, "Be careful what you ask for...?" How about some of the more "biblical" sayings, like: "Declare a thing and it is so," "Ask and you shall receive," or "In the beginning, there was the word..." You could make a very long list of sayings and teachings from ... Views: 904
Benzene is a sweet smelling, clear chemical that looks as placid as it is toxic!
Benzene is widely used in a number of products. It is also a naturally occurring chemical. So, most people are exposed to varying amounts of benzene in their lives and are none the worse for wear. However, people ... Views: 1029
* FACT: It is estimated that more than a million schools in the US contain some form of asbestos even today.
Asbestos comes from Greek and means ‘inextinguishable’. This ‘miracle mineral’ is naturally tough and 100% fire resistant, which accounts for its overwhelming ... Views: 1124
As an instructor at Outward Bound, I belayed people backwards over cliff edges so they could abseil down a rock face. The usual response of participants is fear, ranging from mild excitement to shaking terror.
The hardest part of the experience is right on the edge when you have to hang your ... Views: 688
Telling someone who is swamped with responsibilities to 'just say no' is like telling an overweight person to 'just eat less and exercise more.'
Most overweight people know intimately the 'how to lose weight'
recipe, have been on many programs and diets. The problem is not
lack of knowledge. ... Views: 791
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last year or so, you must have heart about two fenomenally popular, yet quite different, books on the subjects related to our art. Following up on some of the discussions during our previous teleseminars, let me share a bit of my understanding of ... Views: 1555
Although the Secret is a good book to read to introduce you to the Law of Attraction, it leaves out a few crucial steps if you really want to succeed.
It's not enough to change the way you think, or to think positive thoughts. There are other crucial steps on the road to success.
Below are ... Views: 2606
One Year
On March 10th, 2008, I decided to change my life so radically that I would not recognize the life that I had just one year earlier. Stress, the cause of almost all illness, had ripped my lower back in half leaving me to walk with two canes. What was the cause of my stress? Less than ... Views: 504
When people speak of the present moment, most will dismiss it from having any real value. After all, they think they’re always in the moment, as now is all any of us have. It’s the common theme amongst all animals and humans, we all share “now”.
But how present and in ... Views: 864
You might think that by helping others, it is helping you demonstrate how to apply the Law of Attraction through compassion and gratitude. This could be true (or not) depending on how you help others when you are intentionally applying the Law of Attraction.
The question is really: Why do you ... Views: 686