Dear Dr. Romance:
I have read your article "Fair Fight Guidlines" and it is impressive. I like to ask your advise for the following situation:
I have married for 20 years and three beautifull children. My wife whom I love the most, uses power struggle tactics: guilt and ... Views: 1321
Dear Dr. Romance:
I just saw write up on the issue of older woman and younger man. This have been a great issue for me, I make friends easily with people and at the end of the day they want a relationship and all to find that am older than them. Its been happening to me for ... Views: 1179
What can divorced dads do to help raise healthy, successful boys when they don't see their sons as often as they want? Here are some tips for non-custodial fathers who want to make certain they raise successful men.
1. Stay connected with your boy.
Find a way to get over the differences ... Views: 1237
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have been married for about four years now and my husband and I got married at 18 we have 3 kids all under the age of four and it gets stressful sometimes for both of us. He is in the army, he's been a soldier for almost 3 years now he was deployed ... Views: 1537
Dear Dr. Romance: I think I am missing myself
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am a women in my early twenties from India. I have gone through your website and i think u can help me. For the first time in life I am so confused, so helpless, and I don't know what i want. Everything ... Views: 1229
Dear Dr. Romance: I think I am missing myself
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am a women in my early twenties from India. I have gone through your website and i think u can help me. For the first time in life I am so confused, so helpless, and I don't know what i want. Everything ... Views: 1281
Dear Dr. Romance:
My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost two years now. There is a seventeen year difference in age. I left for two and a half months to help my older sister during her second pregnancy because her husband was in Iraq.
When I came back I found out ... Views: 1624
Dr. Romance on giving thanks:
A lot of people aren’t very good at looking at the positive. I hear a lot of negativity, blaming and complaining daily in my counseling office, and I find the more negative people are, the worse their lives work. Talking about how bad it all is seems ... Views: 1175
Richard and I just indulged in our early December tradition – we watched our favorite Christmas movie, "Scrooge!." the musical starring Albert Finney, which kick-starts our holiday spirit every year.
No matter what you observe: Ramadan, Kwaanza, Chanukah, Solstice or Christmas, this is a ... Views: 1291
Dr. Romance reflects:
One of the things I'm very grateful for in my life is the opportunities I have had to travel and see the world. When I see a world in turmoil: earthquakes, war, terrorism, famine, political upheaval, inflation, human rights violations: I think not of the ... Views: 1213
Dear Dr. Romance:
Thank you for such a wonderfully positive article on "generation-gap" relationships. I just finished reading "What's Behind the Trend of Women Dating Younger Men?". Although I am in a gay-relationship, I read the article with ... Views: 1238
Are you a stepparent? Are you struggling to make the right decisions for your newly created family? If so, here are four tips to help.
1. Give your blended family a chance to bond.
Don’t worry if everyone doesn’t settle in right away; bonding takes time. Hopefully, you all got to know each ... Views: 1289
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am having a little issue which I'd like some advice on; Firstly my partner had liked me for a few years before asking me out. We have been together for almost a year, yet he hasn't told his Mum that we are in a serious relationship. I have approached the subject but ... Views: 1170
In this tougher economy, couples are finding it necessary to take the jobs they can get, and that means more couples work different shifts. If one of you works a “graveyard shift” or rotating shift job that limits your time together; the difference in your shifts and commutes may mean you ... Views: 1313
Dr. Romance writes: There are people in my life who are easy to be around, and others I love who are more difficult for me. It’s not that they’re bad people, others get along with them fine, and, actually, so do I. It’s just that I have to work a little bit more to ... Views: 1233
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have a number of people I would consider friends - two in particular, that have lately become acquaintances, rather than friends, per se. One, in particular, my ex-girlfriend (who was a good friend 12 years prior to romance), no longer contacts me: calls, notes in the mail, ... Views: 1209
Dear Dr. Romance:
I read your article on yahoo about older woman dating younger men. Well I'm the opposite, you said on your article at the end "What really makes a romantic relationship succeed is the emotional connection." If this is true then I think my relationship would work ... Views: 1337
Dear Dr. Romance:
I fell for a man that I work with. He was married, and I was in a lesbian relationship. When I first saw this man, who I will refer to as John, I thought he was the most handsome man I had ever met in my life. I had dated men off and on, but my two long-term relationships were ... Views: 1210
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have just read your article that appeared on yahoo today on the issue of having an older partner.
First let me thank you for bringing up such topic, as it has been considered for a long time as a classified one. second, i have some questions that i need clarify for ... Views: 1077
Dear Dr. Romance:
I'm in my early twenties. I got to this country a few years ago from the mideast. I met this lady that was in her thirties, we dated for a couple years then she offered to marry me to improve my immigrant status. I used to ... Views: 1139
Dear Dr. Romance:
I recently read most of your book, It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction and loved it. I work at a center where in talking to our clients, we have found repeated patterns of dysfunction (generational), over and over and over again, so your ... Views: 1111
Dr. Romance writes:
Probably the most prevalent question I’m asked in my counseling practice is "Where is love?" Clients want to know why they can’t find a successful life partnership, why a friend or family member won’t respond as they would like, even why they don’t love themselves. ... Views: 1077
Men and women have to redefine themselves after a relationship ends, and reinvent their lives. If they do it well, it can lead to the most satisfying and successful years they've had. Dating successfully after divorce or a breakup require several steps to recover from the ... Views: 1104
Dear Dr. Romance:
I told my husband that if he cannot be with me as his wife and does not give me the place that a wife should have that I wanted to go on with my life and file the papers.
He stopped seeing the other woman for a weekend. Then, on the Thursday that followed, he called me ... Views: 1119
Dear Dr. Romance
A question for you: I have a female friend that I dated for 7 months - she dumped me - and is, I think, dating some other guy.
The question is: I have tried to ask her for 5 or 6 different events - and have gotten turned down for each one - with some excuse - the excuse sounds ... Views: 1391
No one likes to be criticized, fairly or not. It’s always difficult to deal with, and it can hurt. Because I’m a writer of books and columns, and because I’ve lectured, appeared on radio and TV, I am sometimes recognized in public. I’m glad I’m not more ... Views: 1266
Dear Dr. Romance:
I live in Southeast Asia. I knew about you from the internet. I have a problem that I haven't found the way out till now. Before I tell you anything, first please forgive me if my english is not too well. I am in my late 20's and for most local people at that ... Views: 1702
Dr Romance writes:
As life develops, many of us have an urge to focus on the deeper issues -- our dreams and goals, and our emotional and spiritual development. When this happens, life gradually becomes more about meaning and satisfaction and less about obligations and ... Views: 1375
When I was a girl, growing up in the small township of Rockland, New York, there was a tiny post office, which was a small room with a separate entry in the house next door. Rockland’s official postmistress was Clara Weiss, who seemed very elderly even when I was a very small child. She ... Views: 1091
Dear Dr. Romance:
I think I may be having some difficulty within my marriage! :( I dont really know if you can even help me! Maybe even give me some recommendations! I've been married for over 25 yrs. and we are in our 50s. Ever since we had a child 13 yrs ago there has been no more ... Views: 1292
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am in an unusual situation. I was speaking to a random person on Facebook one time. We became Facebook “friends”, and we kept chatting back and forth on e-mail. This girl was already dating someone (not very happy though), but I guess she kind of ... Views: 1137
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am in an unusual situation. I was speaking to a random person on Facebook one time. We became Facebook “friends”, and we kept chatting back and forth on e-mail. This girl was already dating someone (not very happy though), but I guess she kind of ... Views: 1137
Dear Dr. Romance :
I am a 20 year old college student. I have been going out with a man for almost 2 years, I feel he is the one I want to marry but now we are having problems and I don't know how we are going to stay together. I made the mistake of telling him about my ... Views: 1126
Dear Dr. Romance :
I'm getting worried because my husband is drinking more, and laughing less. He works too much, he has lost interest in his guy friends and sports. He's gotten more tense, and is on edge and irritable. Sometimes he even yells at me and the kids. I think maybe he needs ... Views: 1546
Dear Dr. Romance,
I'm a victim of emotional & mental abuse by my hopefully soon-to-be-ex husband. The sad truth is that this person doesn't or refusing to recognize what he's doing and I'm very worry for my 8 years old son who I'm sharing 50% custody with the father. I ... Views: 1177
Dear Dr. Romance
I am writing to you for your professional opinion regarding my teenage son. His behavior overall is good but when he gets angry he throws things swears a lot and just a few minutes ago destroyed my vacuum cleaner in one blow to the floor.
I am a single parent about 9 ... Views: 1163
Dear Dr. Romance:
I divorced my best friend of 13 years this past January. I'm having a hard time moving on... Let me very clear...over the past 13 years of our marriage..we were never sexually compatible...he was never that into me...I had an affair and I am still seeing that ... Views: 1593
Dr Romance recommends couples increase their mutual respect and appreciation by having a regular "State of the Union" meeting. Here are two simple techniques you can use in all kinds of relationships: couples, families, even work partners and friends, to enhance your cooperation, ... Views: 1151
Dear Dr. Romance:
What Is The Grieving Process? What are the stages of the grieving process? How long does it take to go through each stage? Can one stage be relived over and over again? Is there a way to help someone through each stage?
Dear Reader:
If you've had a personal loss, I am ... Views: 1402
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have been married for nearly 20 years and thought we had a great marriage. 10 years ago I got hurt and have had 6 back surgeries. At one point I would double up on meds and drink to ignore life. During this time my husband was an angel; until he discovered I ... Views: 1340
Dr. Romance has had many clients who are grieving, and wrote this to help.
None of us wants to think about it, but the standard definition of a totally successful relationship is the old, traditional "til death do us part." Any time we love, whether it’s a life partner, a dear ... Views: 1314
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have a friend who's asking for an advice and accidentally, I saw in the internet your advice to some heart problems. So I told myself to try ask help from you also. This lady friend of mine is well, kind of in love with a man who's also in love with her. However, a ... Views: 1164
Dr. Romance has had many clients who are grieving, and wrote this to help.
None of us wants to think about it, but the standard definition of a totally successful relationship is the old, traditional "til death do us part." Any time we love, whether it’s a life partner, a dear ... Views: 1335
Dear Dr. Romance
I am 13 years sober through the 12 steps of AA, but I haven't been to more than one meeting in the last 2 years, after making 3 a day for the 1st yr. and averaging 5 a week for the next 4 years! AA only goes so far. They do not tell you that. If you are ... Views: 2170
Dear Dr. Romance :
A man loves woman #1 but he was unhappy with the relationship for some reason. He was stressed financially. He was supporting his family. He has 2 children with woman #1 all he wants is the best for them and them to be happy and have a family. He has been going ... Views: 999
I read your book How To Be a Couple and Still Be Free
several months ago and re-read it recently. I would love to receive more one on one help. Do you have anyone you could refer me to? Thank you for your help!
Dr. Romance ... Views: 1170
Dr. Romance writes:
A seeker goes to Nepal and climbs into the Himalayas to find a teacher, a guru he’s heard about. After months of searching and struggle, he finds the famous man, and asks his burning question: "What is the meaning of life?"
"The meaning of life is a ... Views: 1175
Dear Dr. Romance:
I heard you on "How to Stay Happily Married" podcast. I am getting married in June to someone I know for 3 years and lived with. He is now deployed in the Army and has been since last May. This is my 3rd marriage and I feel like my eyes are wide open now and I know ... Views: 1162
Ever since Daniel Goleman wrote Emotional Intelligence, we have heard that phrase a lot, but perhaps you never heard it explained. Emotional intelligence is a valuable skill, because it means you know how to work with all kinds of people, understand them and get along with them. Once you ... Views: 1167
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have a family member with two failed marriages, after she asked for my advice I suggested a spousal abuse counselor for therapy. She didn't receive counseling and went on to a second failed marriage. This time even worse than the first. She doesn't understand the ... Views: 1440
Dear Dr. Romance:
Q: My father died 1 1/2 years ago.My mom always snaps at me and my older brother and I think she has a serious problem. I personally think it's a power struggle because she fells like she is loosing control over my brother and I. But, what she ... Views: 1260