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It is a widely accepted spiritual principle that your thoughts and beliefs create your reality, they even made a movie about it! What does this really mean, and how can you apply it to your life to begin to create the reality that you want?
Basically, what you have in your life now is a ... Views: 965
In part One (1) to this two part article I spoke about a number of things that impact on our lives and so I’m going to repeat a little of what I spoke about again for those who may have missed this fist article.
In studying the Law of Attraction I have become very aware of the need for ... Views: 770
In studying the Law of Attraction I have become very aware of the need for Life Skills. We need life skills that help us through the weekly grind of society if we are to be survivors. What are Life Skills and Why do I need them I hear you ask?. With the Law of Attraction we need to be in ... Views: 691
Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires
What are your dreams?
Are you in a place in your life where part of it feels limited or exhausting? If so, it is the time for you to begin manifesting your dreams and desires. First of all you must remember that Miracles do happen and that it is time to ... Views: 651
I am about to share with you one of the most powerful secrets ever heard, for stress management, propelling you forward, changing bad habits, getting more done and improving your skills.
Elite athletes know about it. People in successful businesses know about it. In fact just about every ... Views: 795
The law of attraction is a universal power based on universal laws. The question is does igniting the law of attraction with goal setting make the law of attraction work quicker?
Some would ask” is there a difference between goal setting and the law of attraction”. We all now have the basic ... Views: 681
As you delve deeper into the Law of Attraction and the processes that you need to take to have the universal law of the universe work with you and not against you, one of the key things that you will discover is your own social conditioning can and does work against you at every step of the ... Views: 924
If we can manifest our own reality, why is it that you seem to have a problem getting started? Aside from the largest issue being that you think that someone else, a “higher authority” has told you that it cannot be done and that it is a foolish notion, why can’t you just give it a try. Of ... Views: 2185
When's the last time you really had a good, hard laugh? It truly is the best medicine - literally. In a study carried out by the Department of Social and Environmental Medicine in Osaka, Japan, the effects of laughter were investigated on the levels of stress...did you know that findings ... Views: 900
I’m chuckling about the BUZZ that has been generated on the movie “The Secret”. Everyone’s talking about it. Are you?
The Laws of Attraction have been topics of conversations for decades and the concepts have been around for thousands of years.
In a nutshell - you are the Source and Creator of ... Views: 906
The Law of Attraction can be summed up into two 3-word phrases: “Thoughts Become Things” and “Like Attract Like”. However the question is: “How do we use these concepts in
our day to day lives.
How To Apply Like Attracts Like In Your ... Views: 622
The Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law - A ton of books and seminars have been sold reference the Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law with a complicated - superstitious teaching on how to accomplish the Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law.
The ... Views: 777
Within the last year millions of people world-wide have been introduced to the universal law of attraction. For the benefit of those determined to employ this law to attract their own personal success it is imperative that we clearly understand what activates this amazing power.
The following ... Views: 1856
What are the biggest parts of positive thinking and the law of attraction? Can you guess?
Appreciation and gratitude! The title may have given it away, huh?
Start appreciating what you have right now! . I am challenging you to start getting the “attitude of gratitude”! Start by ... Views: 1638
I invite you to entertain the possibility that your biggest dreams seek to express through you as much as you seek to align with them!
Everything is energy and everything resonates at a certain frequency.
When we begin resonating at the same frequency as our big dream, we will begin ... Views: 838
A long time ago, a wise man once told me, "Rasheed, when you want something, I mean REALLY want it bad, you have to create a system for attracting it!"
Intrigued, I wanted him to tell me more, but in the back of my mind, I thought he was going to tell me to start a business or something like ... Views: 1185
If we understand Cause and Effect, can we change the Cause and change the Effect on our lives for the better?
For every effect in your life, there is a cause, or series of specific, measurable, definable, identifiable causes.
We all know someone who is a Law of Attraction intention manifest ... Views: 830
Often times, we fall into the drama of life. Rather than valuing what is right in front of us, we seek what others have…and in doing so, we put blocks in the way of achieving the destiny that has already been mapped out for us.
You see, we really can become our worst own enemy. At times, we ... Views: 832
One of the best tools to attract things you want is visualization. If done properly it can be not only the great manifestation tool, but also a very relaxing and pleasurable experience.
How to visualize?
Sit down comfortably and relax. It helps to first concentrate on your breathing. The ... Views: 2233
The movie "The Secret" has become an all time bestseller! People from all walks of life are praising it and believe it or not, also criticizing it. If you haven't watched it yet..you can do so at http://www.thesecret.tv/. The experts in the movie explain the Law of attraction in such a way that ... Views: 1092
Most of you are probably familiar with the Prayer of St. Francis which begins, Make Me a Channel of Your Peace. It’s a beautiful prayer and fits perfectly into stage three of spiritual growth.
This is the stage where we recognize that while we do create things by our thoughts, we are actually ... Views: 1306
We all look on with a degree of envy at that select group of people who we consider have made it in the world, building a successful business, the big home, the sports car and expensive life style, you all know what I mean. How is it that the law of attraction has manifested this wealth for them ... Views: 670
Is the whole notion of reality creation valid?
I recently heard a some-what famous and successful person on the internet mention that the whole idea of The Secret was nonsense. He also went on to say that positive thinking was nonsense. And he topped it all off by saying that if it worked - ... Views: 1095
The Law of Attraction - What exactly is it?
We have spoken about this many times now, but I am still getting asked by friends, okay we have heard about the Law of Attraction, but what exactly is the Law of Attraction.
So we will explain again:
The Law of Attraction is the single most powerful ... Views: 720
In a polite society we say "thank you" after we receive a gift. While that is nice, it not exactly the way the Universe works. Many falter in the manifestation process because they believe that they do not already have what they want. After all, if you cannot see it or touch it, it is not ... Views: 1342
What is your perception of your friendships?
Who do you call when you break up with a boy/girlfriend, get a new job, announce an impending birth, or just need to vent? I’ll even wager that your favorite friends are even on speed dial or voice dial too! Friendship is a huge part of everyday ... Views: 1114
Words, Metaphor and Law Of Attraction. They involve in every moment of your life.
Words is something that can change our emotion, and that can change our state faster than you ever thought of. Words convey messages from human to human. Harsh words can make you sad, nice affirmation can change ... Views: 3088
The law of attraction, sometimes referred to as karma, applies to much, much more than just your personal life. The law of attraction is evident all throughout the universe so it is no wonder that a number of people are using the power of positive thoughts and actions to experience unforeseen ... Views: 2934
The Law of Attraction is becoming more and more known by more and more people. The biggest reason for this is probably the popularity of the movie “The Secret” which has been seen by lots of people.
The movie is the great introduction to the knowledge of the Law of Attraction, but ... Views: 898
We have talked about generating wealth and the power of the mind to help in the generation of this wealth. But the obvious next question is “How long will it take”. How long before you see the wealth that you have been manifesting in your mind and through your actions. How long before you see ... Views: 2422
Law of Attraction. Everyone is talking about this Law of Attraction. So, let's talk about how this Law of Attraction determines the different results Jerks and Nice guys get. And let's also see how it relates to MONEY.
The ancient universal law of Belief, commercially known these days as the ... Views: 2926
You're ready to make some changes. You've decided to pursue your passion, change directions, and jump right in. You have a wonderful coach who keeps you on course through weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly session, but somewhere in between scheduled sessions you find yourself faltering. Are you ... Views: 1021
Have you heard about the Law of Karma? It’s the Law of Cause and Effect. The law states that for every cause there is an effect and for every effect there is a cause.
As we know from physics there is and equal and opposite reaction for every action. So whatever you do, it will come back ... Views: 2253
We often talk about The Law of Attraction and how it can help in building our lives and the lift style we want to lead. The life style we lead obviously depends on the wealth that we hold, for it is this level of wealth that allows us to enjoy the lifestyle that we started out to achieve and ... Views: 662
The “power of your mind” is such a simple statement and yet most of us do not know the bounds of our minds and what there are capable of. Unfortunately for some people the mind can be an enemy and although tasked with protecting and helping us through life it in fact works against us.
Michael ... Views: 687
If you start analyzing the things around you, you will come to the conclusion that everything is energy. The whole Universe is made of energy. This energy manifests in different ways and it is moving and constantly changing with different speeds.
If you look at living things, they are created, ... Views: 761
The Law of Attraction has become known as ‘the secret’ since the release of Rhonda Byrne’s best selling book The Secret.
The Law of Attraction is not new to the Personal Development industry or to the spiritual seeker. For thousands of years the mystics, sages and spiritual ... Views: 856
One of my favorite quotes is this one from Tony Robbins: “The answer is always ‘no’ if you don’t ask.” Isn’t that the truth?! So often we know exactly what we want, but for a myriad of reasons we are unwilling to ask for it. Usually we’re scared we’ll get rejected or we’re worried about what ... Views: 936
Over the past few weeks a common theme in my articles has been to stress the importance of telling the Universe what you want. Simply put, the concept of “like attracts like” is the fundamental premise of the Law of Attraction.
No matter if you are looking to improve your financial status, the ... Views: 923
We are all becoming over powered by the amount of information and hype on the law of attraction following the film “The Secret”. In this article I would like to take a reflective look at the concepts as they have been presented to us unknowingly in the past.
To commence the reflection I would ... Views: 803
Watching those awful stacks as riders come flying off their bikes sets my knees quivering. Ouch! Cycling up and down mountains is seriously risky stuff. Stuart O’Grady is in hospital with fractured limbs and a punctured lung; Robbie McEwen pulled out after he dislocated his collarbone on a ... Views: 766
It seems almost a cliche'.
"Avoid negative people. Eliminate them from your life! They'll only bring you down. One bad apple..."
On the surface, it seems like good advice. We all want to feel good. Happy. Successful.
How can you feel good if you're around someone who's miserable? ... Views: 3022
Well what a run the law of attraction is having and I hear on the grapevine that there is a second wave due later this year that builds on the concepts already in the market place. The down side is that it is quite likely to be just a commercial grab to bring in more money for the get rich quick ... Views: 822
The universal law of attraction is the greatest of the time-tested primal laws that govern the universe. The universal law of attraction, basically, is "like attracting like." If you carry it in your thoughts, it will come true.
All of us are made up of energy. We have within us the same atoms ... Views: 774
It is natural for everyone to want to find a special someone to share their life with. Everybody dreams of one day meeting their real soulmate – someone who shares their dreams and ideas and someone they feel totally happy and comfortable with. For ...Using the Law of Attraction to find True ... Views: 8675
Article Title: THE LAWS OF LIFE: Twenty-One Universal Laws and Spiritual Truths" (from Inspirational Books)
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Other Articles by Craig are available at: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles.html
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, words of inspiration ... Views: 767
Attracting WEALTH, effortlessly, by Living in the Moment...
Living in the moment has everything to do with whether or not you will live your life with money in abundance or experience a lack of money...
All of life happens in the moment.... Anything you are thinking in regards to the past or ... Views: 956
What “The Secret” Left Out
When I watched the movie “The Secret” I wondered why Dr. Paul Leon Masters, founder of the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona, objected so strongly about some parts of it. I agree with Dr. Masters that it’s good to ... Views: 1302
The Law Of Attraction provides a great framework for you to utilise the Universal powers that exist around you.
The Law Of Attraction enables you to put forth thoughts deliberately that will be acted upon by the Universe and begin to attract to you that which you have desired.
One method of ... Views: 610
The Universal Law of Attraction could be the most powerful personal-development tool known to man. It has changed many lives, and continues to enlighten and inspire us to have, be, and do more for others and ourselves. The understanding that there are unlimited possibilities for each and every ... Views: 871