Law of Attraction. Everyone is talking about this Law of Attraction. So, let's talk about how this Law of Attraction determines the different results Jerks and Nice guys get. And let's also see how it relates to MONEY.
The ancient universal law of Belief, commercially known these days as the Law of Attraction, simply states that "whatever you deeply believe at the subconscious level you will materialize in your life", "What you deeply believe is what t you get", "it is done unto you as you believe".
You may want to read some of my previous articles dealing with this Law of Attraction and how it works.
You will notice that your vibrations (frequencies) are produced by the thoughts you PREDOMINANTLY THINK, which depends on what you PREDOMINANTLY FOCUS ON all day long.
Now, what you PREDOMINANTLY FOCUS ON, and what you PREDOMINANTLY THINK about are a direct function of your BELIEFS, VALUES (with their rules).
So, ULTIMATELY the ORIGINAL CAUSES of your vibrations (frequencies) are your BELIEFS and VALUES .
Now, you are probably familiar with the NICE guy. He always finish last. That is absolutely accurate and there is no point on even arguing about it.
He is always desperate to get a girl. He has no confidence in himself. He believes the girl is the PRIZE he must get. If never occurs to him that HE is the PRIZE, not the other way around. He thinks very little of himself. And since he has no confidence in himself, he believes he is not capable enough of getting the girl on his own merits, qualities, abilities and personality, then, he resorts to buying her gifts, flowers, sending her cards, taking her to expensive dinners, giving her money.
He is the pursuer. He is chasing al these girls all the time, He is so desperate and needy that the OUTCOME, the end-result, is the only thing that matters to him. He cannot even enjoy the process of meeting any new girl. He becomes DESPERATE to get the girl.
Now girls are mostly interested in having a good time, and they really don't care if they have to 'string along' (=LIE to) the nice guy into believing they will have sex with him later. As long as the desperate, needy nice guy keeps buying them all these gifts and showering these girls with his attention, they will act in such a way as to keep him thinking he will get somewhere with them. Girls LIE all the time to keep NICE guys buying them gifts, flowers, giving them money. (To be fair, there are girls who are exceptions to this rule, but the number is somewhat small).
You know the end-results. Girls, especially those who believe they are beautiful, ignore the NICE guys and end up sleeping with JERKS. Girls always claim they are looking for a nice guy. But they always end up sleeping with a jerk. Their behavior speaks loud and clear.
Now, on the other side of the coin, the JERK learned how to operate and beat girls at their own game. He developed steel self-confidence and self-assurance, he is totally self-assured when it comes to girls, he believes HE IS THE PRIZE, not the girls, and he sincerely believes he is God's gift to women and that all the girls love him and will do anything to be with him. He also developed the belief that "girls are a dime a dozen" and that "a new bus arrives every 10 minutes".
The Jerk learned that by being a CHALLENGE and HARD TO GET, he will have all these girls CHASING HIM, PURSUING HIM. As a consequence of all these beliefs, he doesn't really care if any specific girl ignores him or not, He knows that there are more girls where they come from and that most of them will chase him. He got plenty of fresh supply. Therefore,he doesn't feel desperate and doesn't become needy.
He gives girls NO gifts, NO dinners, no NOTHING! He is NOT CONCERNED AT ALL with the OUTCOME, the end-result. Or at least, he is NOT DESPERATE about it because he has had so many girls before he is NOT NEEDY or DESPERATE. He has this "I don't care, I don't give a damn about you" attitude that comes across LOUD and CLEAR. He becomes a CHALLENGE to girls who LOVE to CHASE after the MAN who is HARD TO GET.
You know the end-results. The JERK gets all the girls, while the NICE guy goes home alone and with a lot less $$$$$ than he started with.
To girls, the JERK, by being scarce and HARD to get, has a GREAT VALUE. On the other hand, the NICE guy is DESPERATE, always available to kiss their behinds and do whatever they tell him to do. The NICE guy has very little VALUE for girls.
Why? Why?, most men ask.
It is simple. It has to do with women's genetic programming and the fact that
this GENETIC PROGRAMMING creates these beliefs and VALUES in women that the HARD TO GET, SUPER-CONFIDENT MAN (who are VERY RARE), the ones who don't give women the time of day, are SUPER VALUABLE and super desirable. And the poor, desperate NICE guy is perceived by these same women as being VALUE-LESS and totally DISPOSABLE - except to give these women gifts, flowers, dinners, money and jewelry.
Whether you like the jerk or not, he has learned how to CONTROL girls, make them do his bidding and have girls eating out the palm of his hands, while the NICE guy is always CONTROLLED by women and always trying to please them in the belief that by being so nice, so accommodating, almost sex-less, he will get the girl. No chance.
Enter the LAW OF ATTRACTION, which is nothing more that a commercial name for the ANCIENT LAW OF BELIEF.
The NICE guy, due to his beliefs and values of being unworthy and his beliefs he cannot get pretty girls, is desperate and needy --> and he RADIATES THOSE VIBES of NEEDINESS and DESPERATION. And those vibrations of NEEDINESS and DESPERATION are so uncomfortable, so disgusting that these VIBES REPEL women.
What does this have to do with money?
You heard so many time that in order to achieve your financial goals you MUST develop that BURNING desire....
By now you should know what happens when you TRY to develop that BURNING desire.
By TRYING TOO HARD, you are communicating to your Subconscious that you don't have the money you want and that you DOUBT you will ever get it. And as a consequence you become NEEDY AND DESPERATE, just like the NICE guy. Only that instead of becoming needy and desperate for not being able to get the girl, you become NEEDY and DESPERATE for not being able to get the MONEY you desire.
And what happens to your VIBRATIONS in this case? You are sending out these
vibrations of DESPERATION and NEEDINESS. And by the Law of Attraction, you will materialize EVEN MORE LACK OF MONEY that will create even MORE DESPERATION and MORE NEEDINESS, ... and now you fall into this vicious never-ending cycle of ever increasing financial lack and limitation.
Therefore, you must learn from the JERK to be sort of unconcerned with the OUTCOME of your financial goal.
The jerk was NOT always like that. At the beginning he was just as bad as the NICE guy. But he learned very quickly to become unconcerned with the OUTCOME because his previous successes taught him that it was the BEST way to make his tactic with girls work. By being unconcerned with the OUTCOME he was not repelling, he was attracting.
In your case, you will take the necessary MIND-PROGRAMMING procedure to impress your financial goal in your Subconscious mind. And then AFTER doing your mental programming (visualization, affirmation, self-hypnosis, NLP, etc.), you continue with the rest of your activities and become as much unconcerned as possible with the programmed OUTCOME, the end-result. (The jerk has learned this works with girls.)
Then, sometime later during the day, you "program" THE GOAL into your Subconscious computer AGAIN. When you finish programming, you become Unconcerned AGAIN -- until the NEXT time you will do the mental "programming" of that financial goal.
One powerful reason why this "disconnecting and becoming unconcerned" is so difficult for most is due to their LACK of successes in the past. and they become extremely anxious and even DESPERATE as to whether it will work or not for them.
But you must do it -- or you will become desperate, always wondering whether your mind-programming is working, which will make you TRY to INCREASE your BURNING DESIRE even more by TRYING to FORCE the OUTCOME (end-result), which will make you more DESPERATE and NEEDY, which will send even more powerful vibrations of DESPERATION and NEEDINESS, which will attract to you EXACTLY what you need to become even MORE DESPERATE and MORE NEEDY -- and that is MORE lack of what you desire with all your heart (more money).
In some metaphysical circles, reference is made to the Law of DIVINE INDIFFERENCE, which simply states that the MORE attached and emotional you become about the OUTCOME (end-result), the MORE DEMAGNETIZED you become to your goal. In others words, you start REPELLING what you want SO MUCH!
This is similar to what Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) tells you about not giving so much importance to the OUTCOME and concentrating instead in ENJOYING the PROCESS to get to your destination.
Maxwell Maltz also writes about the need to let go of all worries about the OUTCOME (end-result) in his famous book "PsychoCybernetics". He talks in terms of not JAMMING your Creative Mechanism (Subconscious mind) by your constant concern about whether you will achieve or not your end result.
So, the Jerk is using the Law of Attraction to perfection, even when most successful jerks never heard about this law or the Law of Divine Indifference.
This knowledge is indispensable to develop your Millionaire Mind.
When you try to hard, you REPEL. By becoming less concerned with the OUTCOME, you let your mind operate freely and results are faster and more satisfactory -- not to mention that your blood pressure and level of stress go down to healthier levels.
Now that you learned about both Laws work together to either ATTRACT or REPEL, what are going to do with this knowledge?
= = = = = = =
Leo Foster believes being a Millionaire should be EASY and FUN Contact him at -- Millionaire Mind Secrets - Be a Millionaire - Money Magnet - Make Money Fast -- where he is designing the "Millionaire Mind Reprogramming" Courses with the fastest techniques to download directly into your brain cells the Millionaire Mind and make you automatically think and achieve like the super rich.
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