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Well, it’s not really that much of a secret anymore. Many of the cast members of the movie “The Secret” have been on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” “Larry King Live,” and “Ellen.” But what is it really?
There are two ways to look at this. One is ... Views: 670
While it's nice to freshen your living space, learning how to clean out limiting thought patterns and beliefs is even more important than washing the windows!
Ah, May! The days are getting longer and the buds on the trees are bursting. What a wonderful time of year to be awake and alive! ... Views: 2263
Recently I was approached by a fellow coach from the UK, and her question was –paraphrased- this: if the Law of Attraction (LOA) always works, how come that some seemingly happy people still contract (fatal) illnesses, and how come that some children are born mentally or physically handicapped? ... Views: 1701
The Law of Attraction, its pretty much everywhere these days isn’t it? Once the creators of The Secret began showing up on Larry King and Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres it seemed as though it became the “hot” new thing to be involved in. That’s what The Secret is about, the law of attraction. Guess ... Views: 2095
What seemed like a typical day at school for Jane Elliot’s second grade class would soon turn into an important sociological experiment. The year was 1968 and the country was mourning the death of two leaders, Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. The world was a troubled place, the ... Views: 1425
The secret of manifestation is that you do not create reality by what you think but by what you feel. Everything is vibration and you attract those things that you are in vibrational resonance with. Your vibration is your feeling. It is your feelings that attract your experiences. The more you ... Views: 1657
The first step towards a balanced life is to become clear on what it is that you really want. If you’re like most people, you tend to think that what you want is a thing like a house or car, a relationship, a particular job, or—fill in the blank. You may believe if you have the thing(s) you ... Views: 733
Do you know the life of your dreams? Really know what it looks like and feels like on every level of your existence?
We all set goals in different areas of our lives, such as health, relationships or careers, which is great. Some of us also visualize these goals by creating images in our minds ... Views: 2934
There's a new fad sweeping the self-help field, including coaching. I guess its formal name is, "The law of attraction," but it could equally well be called,
* "Your Get What You Wish For"
* "Your Thoughts Create the Universe"
* "Like Attracts Like"
* "You Are Responsible For ... Views: 823
Manifestation is creation. It encompasses all that we create, from a single thought, to a breath, footstep or dollar. For each creation there is a transformation of energy, there is expenditure, destruction and creation of form. These days in metaphysical circles it is becoming popular to ... Views: 1013
The law of attraction has become one of the most popular topics today in the world of personal development. Many people have experienced massive changes in their life since they have watched the life-changing movie entitled “The Secret”. This movie focused on what is believed to be ... Views: 885
The US Masters Golf Championship featured heavy TV coverage of Tiger Woods’s failed attempt to reclaim the title. (For non-golfers: the number one all-time champion failed to win in one of the Really Big tournaments). Sitting in my living room watching Tiger’s face crumple and lower ... Views: 876
Money is just like anything else - it is made of energy, it behaves as all energy does. All energy vibrates and is attracted to other energy of similar vibration.
The magic, or 'mojo', of attracting money is all about making sure your energy matches the energy of abundant money.
If you feel ... Views: 961
New on-line Coast to Coast radio show receives high volume of listeners on very first show.
There’s a new radio show that everyone is talking about that brings real-life inspiration stories out in the open and proves once and for all that “your thoughts do create your ... Views: 1667
A stands for Attraction; more specifically the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that like energies attract each other. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. Therefore, if you are putting out negative energy you will therefore attract negative energy into your ... Views: 888
Every thought, word, feeling and action we express contains a vibration, and that vibration attracts other like vibrations. This is the Law of Attraction.
It is similar to the Law of Gravity, in the sense that it is a natural law that is always in effect, whether we are aware of it or not. ... Views: 1575
The first step to the process to success is to get into a positive mindset, and feeling the feelings of gratitude is the key to great success. Spend time each day to feel the feelings of gratitude and focus on appreciation of all things in your life. When you wake up feel grateful that you have ... Views: 891
The life that we know is governed and operated by immutable laws. These laws are backed by one great life force or the great ALL! Its manifestations are unlimited, yet many people totally ignore this great power, these great laws and this all powerful, all present, all knowing, GREAT ALL.
We ... Views: 920
Somewhere along the line the desire for achievement without effort came into play. “Smarter not harder” became a kind of motto. Nowhere is this more evident than in many of the metaphysical theories of manifestation that suggest that no physical action need to be implemented when ... Views: 1026
1. Reflection. Start with a reflection of what you wish to manifest. Ask yourself if this is what you really want. Some people tend to wish haphazardly. While I do not doubt that you will eventually get what you wish and the universe will not complain with all the orders you send, the ... Views: 1848
How Can I change a belief that I don’t want? How do I de-activate a belief that has become part of a long-lasting pattern?
The answer is, don’t bother. What? Don’t bother you say. Yes that’s right. Let’s talk about what happens when you begin to dissect a belief.
Perhaps you wonder why ... Views: 1637
What are you afraid of? I’m sure that like almost everybody else you are afraid of something.
Charles F. Haanel defines fear as “…a powerful form of thought". I think it is a very good definition, because mostly fear is in our minds. Phobia is abnormal fear. We are often ... Views: 894
There is both a natural law and spiritual law at work when it comes to attracting money. In the political arena, both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton were trying to raise money for their Presidential Campaign and the big buzz is who would raise the most money.
According to the news media, ... Views: 1157
A celebration of great magnitude is in order! The wildfire of attention to the movie The Secret signals a massive consciousness awakening. My gratitude goes out to Rhonda for producing it and to Oprah for bringing it to greater awareness in the world.
After you have a chance to play with ... Views: 1697
Wealth is a concept that is often misunderstood. More times than not it is related to material
things and money. Wealth is not just stuff. Wealth is a state of mind. A way of thinking and
being. Wealth is about abundance in all areas of life, and there are three major areas that must
be covered ... Views: 1797
The ability to balance all three areas of wealth is what true wealth is about. Balancing the areas of finances,
health, and relationships is much more than just having them in ones life. A relationship with someone that
makes one miserable on a daily basis is not wealth. Making tons of money ... Views: 994
If you ever became frustrated that you seem further away from manifesting your desires than before you heard about the law of attraction, don’t fret… there are many solutions for you.
If thoughts can create your future, are you sure you are putting the right thoughts out into the universe? ... Views: 1493
The big buzz of late has been about “The Secret.” When the movie was released people excitedly began talking about it as if it was a new discovery. It has impacted the thinking of many people and celebrities such as Oprah have brought people onto their show to discuss it. The world seems more ... Views: 1201
It’s No Secret!
How to Invite the Law of Attraction to work its magic for you
by Cynthia Wall, LCSW
Author and Psychotherapist
I believe the power of thought can transform a negative event into a positive lesson. I am always grateful when a powerful truth resurfaces and brings insight and ... Views: 1150
This may be the most important question you could ever ask yourself when
it comes to the law of attraction and creating the life of your dreams. Do I believe
that I deserve to have everything I desire? The way
you view yourself, and what you believe you are deserving of will effect ... Views: 925
So few people take the time to get to know themselves. To become their own best friend.
I would bet that a good 80% of the population out there wouldn't be able to spend more than
10 minutes in a room completely alone with absolutely no entertainment at all. No radio, no books,
no television. ... Views: 886
If your like every other person out there, the biggest thing you want in your life
is someone to love you, and for you to give your love to in return. Some of you
may even want the person of your dreams instead of the person you have now.
There is nothing wrong with that. So if the love of a ... Views: 901
Amazing Power To Attract Anything, At Warp Speed!
Cindy Sissom found herself frustrated in her pursuit of living life on her own terms. She had tried everything imaginable to do what she sensed she could do.
Down deep inside, she felt that she deserved more in living the life that she'd ... Views: 3189
Are you trying to attract success in different areas of your life but it doesn’t seem to be working. One of the mistakes you may be making is focusing on the wrong things. To help explain this let me give you a quote by Robert Francis Kennedy. He once said, ‘We should, I believe, beware of the ... Views: 1576
I know that many of you out there are having a hard time putting the law of attraction
into daily practice. With every day life bearing down on us, things can be very overwhelming
at times making it very difficult to keep our thoughts and our emotions on whatever it is that
we want out of life. ... Views: 1007
The law of attraction is a law of the universe like the Law of Gravity. The law of attraction is simply; we attract into our lives whatever we are putting our attention on. If you put your attention on what you "don't have" or what you wish you "didn't have" then you've probably noticed ... Views: 1995
Everything is energy. As Einstein said, "Matter is energy and energy is matter." One universal law of energy is that like attracts like. This is true in every case.
What you want (i.e. are attracted to) wants you.
Okay, I hear some of you saying, "If that's true, why don't I have what I ... Views: 1392
Looking at your disempowering beliefs right in the face
If you read my last article, The importance of dealing with your beliefs, you would definitely want to deal with all your disempowering beliefs that stand in the way of your manifestations.
At this step, I hope you understand the powerful ... Views: 2919
Many of the most successful and famous people in the world have one thing in common - they have spent time every day writing down their thoughts and goals! Learn how writing down your goals will increase your ability to be successful.
Recently a book came out in my country about the early ... Views: 5215
It is important to hand-write your goals on paper, the action of writing them helping to imprint them on your brain. However, before writing them - be they material, emotional, or spiritual goals - identify what price you are willing to pay to achieve them. At some point, expose to yourself your ... Views: 1750
The amazing DVD of 'The Secret' has now played in its entirety in my laptop at least 100 times. It is surely set to be one of the greatest (if not 'the greatest') and best selling DVDs in history.
As I have watched this powerful presentation, I've sought to identify the major key in enacting ... Views: 1262
Book Description
Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who ... Views: 1328
Let's face it. Many of us choose to hang on to things that at some point have hurt us, angered us, made us feel sad, or depressed us. If we choose to hang on to them, we will never move forward and we could even create physical or medical damage to our bodies. To prevent this from happening we ... Views: 64868
What if every time you entered a room people would say, “Wow, I want what she’s having!” Do you think that might generate new clientele for your business? You bet it would! It’s called attraction and it is the most powerful tool in your business-growing toolkit. Heck, ... Views: 2280
"There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have."
-- from the teachings of Abraham-Hicks*
This fully empowering declaration can manifest through you in infinite ways. It can put food on your table, love in your home, wisdom in your words, a car in your garage, and can bring you anything ... Views: 4984
Many people are actively discussing the law of attraction. This article is designed to give you a short synopsis and background for the law of attraction.
The law of attraction is a controversial theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought theories. It posits ... Views: 8297
The importance of dealing with your beliefs.
Now, if you are like most people who understand the powerful Law of Attraction that was all talked about recently on Television with respect to the movie - The Secret, know that it is entirely up to us to create the future in the way we want.
In ... Views: 1090
Once in a lifetime discoveries are made that change everything. The creators of The Secret (notably Rhonda Byrne) have made the claim that The Secret – Law of Attraction--is such a discovery. Well, actually, they claim The Secret is a Universal Law that has been around forever…no ... Views: 3822
What it is not magic, fake, or a cure-all.
What it is- the basis of how subjective reality works, the art of manipulating energy, a principle. Everything is energy. At our most molecular level, we are zooming particles of energy.
The Law of Attraction states that whatever you think about, you ... Views: 927
The fury of excitement with which people are acknowledging law of attraction for the first time is mind-boggling. I know people that have watched The Secret movie 30 times and think their search ends there. They do not realize that there are so many other wonderful resources like ... Views: 3405