Ever since the Surgeon General announced that cigarettes cause health issues back in the 1960’s, American’s have tried many different techniques to break their addiction. From the patch, or gum or just plain willpower, the desire to lessen the withdrawal symptoms has increased. How can I quit ... Views: 1066
New on-line Coast to Coast radio show receives high volume of listeners on very first show.
There’s a new radio show that everyone is talking about that brings real-life inspiration stories out in the open and proves once and for all that “your thoughts do create your ... Views: 1668
Yes, you read that right. You can now quit smoking while taking a relaxing mini-vacation through Creative Guided Imagery. Proven scientific data verifies that guided imagery can rewire the brain to accept new thought patterns. Just imagine taking a mental vacation to a tropical island, ... Views: 1922
If you ever became frustrated that you seem further away from manifesting your desires than before you heard about the law of attraction, don’t fret… there are many solutions for you.
If thoughts can create your future, are you sure you are putting the right thoughts out into the universe? ... Views: 1494
Given the option, would you choose a mental mini-vacation to break a long tough habit, or you would you choose the type of hypnosis that shocks you into a trance?
Both will give you the same results, but in this modern day world where stress is an everyday occurrence, it seems a mini-vacation ... Views: 1228
The fury of excitement with which people are acknowledging law of attraction for the first time is mind-boggling. I know people that have watched The Secret movie 30 times and think their search ends there. They do not realize that there are so many other wonderful resources like ... Views: 3405