Most of you are probably familiar with the Prayer of St. Francis which begins, Make Me a Channel of Your Peace. It’s a beautiful prayer and fits perfectly into stage three of spiritual growth.

This is the stage where we recognize that while we do create things by our thoughts, we are actually co-creators with something much higher than ourselves, with the Universe, with God, with the Divine, if you will.

I remember studying the fact that God is both transcendent and immanent. Those were big words back then, but, now I get that while I am made in the image and likeness of God, and I create my reality by my thoughts, that’s not the whole picture. In fact, life goes easier when I somehow surrender my ideas and opinions and even when I let go of having to meet my own expectations and goals and ALLOW something to move through me. This demands that I am living a conscious life. That I KNOW that there is something larger than me, not really outside me, but in which I am contained.

I used to not like hearing the words, Surrender to the Will of God. I guess that’s because I really didn’t believe God was totally loving and having my best interest at heart. It was more like things were happening ‘for my own good’ but that connotation reminded me of all the things I didn’t want to do in life but was told I had to.

I’ve come to learn that the Universe is really a friendly place and yes, it acts on the impress of my thoughts AND there is an even greater force or plan at work here.
When I really learn to trust that I am fully supported in achieving my good, it’s amazing what shows up in my life.

Stage three of spiritual growth is all about giving in to my own Good! It’s about trust and allowing. I get to stop trying so hard. I get to know that unseen forces are at work. I get to see that Life really works and I don’t have to work at it, I simply need to respond.
This is the stage where I live in gratitude for what is – exactly as it is – not to make it better or different.

I don’t know about you, but, this is where I want to live more and more and so I am learning and willing to give up so much control. (Did I say that?) What about you?

I’d love to hear your comments – go to my blog, where you can enter your insights. Let’s learn together.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Toni LaMotta has spoken internationally, authored several books and numerous articles and has served as a consultant and trainer to a variety of corporations. Her experiences range from being a high school teacher to working with some of the top companies, associations, and organizations in the world. She served as a Catholic nun and pastoral associate for 16 years before discovering New Thought and becoming a Science of Mind Minister and Law of Attraction teacher. She is an expert at reinventing herself and helping others do the same.

To contact Dr. Toni for a keynote talk or workshops for your organization go to She is currently living in Sarasota, Florida. Her company, In-Lightened Enterprises, LLC. provides a free Newsletter by going to

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