The Law of Attraction can be summed up into two 3-word phrases: “Thoughts Become Things” and “Like Attract Like”.  However the question is: “How do we use these concepts in
our day to day lives.  

How To Apply Like Attracts Like In Your Life:

Basically, the Law of Attraction states that whatever energy you put into the world, you will get back.  We
really need to take a quick peak at how this affects you before you can fully
understand how you can use it.  When you focus on what you want, you are
sending an energy or a vibration out toward that desire.  That desire will
be returned to you with sufficient focus and effort.

Well, lets take a look at how this effects you personally. 
Most of you have a "big wish" that you have secretly tucked away under your hat. 
You wish you had a million dollars, you wish you had a fancy sports car, you
wish you had love, etc.

First, You must realize your wish is attainable, with
sufficient desire and effort... YES!  I said effort!  Didn't your
mother ever tell you that you can't get something for nothing? ;)  Well,
that happens to be particularly true when it comes to the Laws of Attraction. 
If you don't think you can get it, YOU WON'T! 

Second, You must see what you want and really know what
goal you are going for.  You can't say "I want to be a millionaire" and
just expect it to happen.  (Although, it sure would be nice.)  What
you should do is say "I want to make $100,000,000 by the year 2015".  Know
what you want, be specific. 

Next, know what kind of energy you are putting into the
world.  Don't just send yourself out there blindly going from place to
place.  Henry Ford once said, "Whether You Think You Can or Can't Do,
You're Right."  Your thoughts are your reality.  Change the way you
think about something and you will see a difference in the way the universe
reacts to you.  I have personally seen this in my life.  If it is one
of my off days and I am not particularly in the mood to be around people, I will
notice that they don't particularly want to be around me, either.  I also
have noticed when I am accepting of people and I really want people around me,
they appear out of no where.  It is really a matter of perception and the
way you think that can create the real change.

We need to look at some other points, too.  Forward

Next, You need to work to get that goal.  I keep
saying that don't I! :)  But you know what?  It is so true.  You
have heard about Jim Carrey and the Million Dollar Check, right?  (Quickly,
for anyone who hasn't - Jim wrote a check to himself for $1,000,000.  He
made a solemn vow that someday that would be his pay check.)  He created a
goal, worked toward it and achieved it.  Through his acting ability and
comedy routine, he was able to create a following that made him wildly popular. 
He attracted contacts that started to net him millions of dollars per movie,
instead of just $1,000,000. 

Next, You need to remember to constantly keep it in your
sights.  Write it down on a piece of paper and put it up on the wall or sit
it next to your computer.  Keep thinking about achieving that goal. 
Know that you will have it.  A great example of this is a girl who had
aspired to be able to write online for various people.  She kept submitting
and bidding on projects at freelancer websites.  She worked toward getting
a steady income.  She kept it in her sites.  She submitted a bid at
one location and found a place that allowed her to work on project after
project.  She kept that final desire in her sights and eventually achieved
a great number of successful jobs.  She was able to achieve a part time
income from the work that she was doing, which wasn't much, but she was still
happy with the work that she was doing.  She had achieved part of what she

Second to last, you need to make sure that your intentions
are right.  If you are out there telling people that they will get rich if
they just buy your product, but you just think it is an easy way to make some
quick cash, then when you are out looking for a great product to promote, you
are only going to find products that will produce that kind of result.  The
companies that you look at and buy into will most likely tell you that a 30 day
money back guarantee is granted, no questions asked.  Then when you get
inside and see the product is a waste of your money, you want to ask for your
money back.  Well, you can't because what they are telling you now that you
are inside is that you have to prove to them that you tried to use the system
before they will give you the money back. This leads me back to my point. 
If your intentions are not right, then the universe will show you the door back
to where you were leaving others. A great rule of thumb to live by is, always
leave someone better than you found them.  Just imagine what you would get
in return.

This brings me to my last point, Reap what you have sown. 
If you have worked on getting that desire, you should start to see the reward. 
You can reap what you have sown in the beginning, but you must remember one
final thing.  You have to start over at the beginning.  You should
re-evaluate your life and intentions.  Live the life you want.  Live
the way you want.  Your desires will manifest if you follow the directions
you have been given. 

Ok So lets break down how to use the Laws of Attraction
into actionable steps.

Step 1: Believe you can Achieve your Desires.

Step 2: Be specific with that desire, know what you want.

Step 3: Know what Energy you are putting into the world.

Step 4: Work Toward your Goal.

Step 5: Keep focused on your desire.

Step 6: Keep your intentions right.

Step 7: Reap what you have sown.

The laws of attraction are not complicated. You can achieve
success without any questions asked.  Live your life to achieve your

Author's Bio: 

I’ve had a passion for helping others reach their potential every since I could remember. They called me “The Professor” in elementary school because I was the kid who broke up fights, helped people with their homework and helped the teacher clean up after class. Yes! I was a nerd…and proud of it!