I am about to share with you one of the most powerful secrets ever heard, for stress management, propelling you forward, changing bad habits, getting more done and improving your skills.

Elite athletes know about it. People in successful businesses know about it. In fact just about every successful person I’ve ever met practices this in one way, shape or form.

I’m referring here to visualisation. In sport, an elite basketballer will stop for a moment and visualise the shot before they actually make it. Or a high jumper imagines themselves sailing over the bar in slow motion before they actually take their run.

In my own case, I remember a while ago, whilst I was doing my advanced scuba diving course, visualising a breakthrough for me. I have a slight problem with my sinuses which makes it difficult for me to equalise as I’m descending. We were about to do a 30 metre dive around a wreck. This was the deepest I’d ever gone.

I was a little anxious about the depth, visibility and equalising on descent (because this had become a regular problem for me). My instructor suggested I spend a moment and visualise. I did exactly that and had a major breakthrough. I wasn’t anxious at all. I was peaceful, calm and empowered. The dive went swimmingly ;-)
I equalised brilliantly, not a problem at all. It was exhilarating to have it go so smoothly. I was now inspired.

Since then I have used that technique time and again in many areas. It hasn’t worked properly every time, but the improvement in how well I do things has vastly progressed.

This technique can be used for anything that you have anxiety about, or need to improve your focus and precision about.

A friend who had cancer, visualised the cancer cells being gobbled up by pac man bad cell eaters, and within a few weeks, was given the all clear.

What is one thing in your own life that you are anxious about or need to improve your focus on. Spend a few minutes right now, and visualise it to completion. Incorporate all your senses. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Perhaps there are even smells associated with it.

Most importantly, how does it feel to be in that zone? How does that sense of accomplishment feel? Now go and do it. It takes practice, but it’s worth the effort. Let me know how you go.

yours positively

Danick Buskermolen

Author's Bio: 

Life Coach Danick Buskermolen (http://www.maximisedfreedom.com) is a graduate of Hart Life Coaching and a charter member of Life Design Associates specialising in assisting people to breakthrough limitations, define values, philosophies and purpose and live a juicy life by design instead of by default. Danick is has a background as a successful salesperson, beauty therapist, world traveller, lifetime student of personal growth/development and education, graduate of Landmark curriculum, Toastmasters Speechcraft, author, poet, speaker and a committed Christian. For more life changing articles by Danick Buskermolen, please visit http://www.maximisedfreedom.com for a free subscription to the maximized freedom newsletter ($47 value).