Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
Encounters with hypercritical and aggressive bosses that are never satisfied, can make the work you could love seem unfulfilling and tedious.
Then again, maybe YOU really ARE the problem! Does your "Boss Bully" have just cause, but inappropriate methods? Or does s/he treat most everyone with ... Views: 1677
Do you get up from bed each morning with dread and anxiety about what faces you at work?
• Do you feel like you have to make “through” each day?
• Are you completely exhausted by the time you get home each night?
• Do you see life as a merry go round over which you have no control? ... Views: 19095
Whose motto was Be Prepared? Who knew that this motto would be effective for the rest of my life. As a young girl, I was a part of the Girls Scout and that was our motto. These two simple yet powerful words have made an impact in all areas of my life. Being prepared is something that is ... Views: 1266
n How to Make Great Decisions, I shared with you two simple, four-word questions that can have a profound impact on your success rate in making basic everyday decisions. Today we are going to examine how former President Bill Clinton made critical decisions during his tenure as President of the ... Views: 2901
In Our Lives are a Mirror Image of the Little Decisions We Make, I talked about the hundreds of little choices we make each day that play a crucial role in every part of our lives. These choices were defined as either/or choices, such as do I get up and exercise as I had planned, or do I sleep ... Views: 1240
At a Greendrinks networking event I met a guy in the heating business. He asked me if I ever wondered why a certain temperature in the summer feels fine but in the winter feels chilly. He explained that the walls and objects are literally using us as a heat supply. We rarely think of our own ... Views: 2139
8 Simple Ways to Control Stress!
Simple modifications in posture, habits, thought, and behavior often go a long way toward reducing feelings of stress and tension. Here are 8 quick and simple things you can do immediately to help keep your stress level under control.
1. Control Your ... Views: 2666
When you experience life through the tainted glass of negative self beliefs, you create obstacles for yourself on a regular basis. In general, you don’t even realize that you are doing it. Instead, you focus on the difficult time that you are having in reaching your goal or creating the change ... Views: 2692
To explain why leading and learning are synonymous, reflect on the words of Eric Hoffer:
In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
In other words, learning is the key to remaining ... Views: 1275
Before we can say anything about action or reaction, we need to say something about the content embedded action.
An action contains pain, pleasure or both are an index of moral progress, since good conduct contains in a proper attitude towards pleasure and pain.
We all have these two ... Views: 1478
Several years ago Michael Gerber published a book called the E-Myth.
The fundamental premise of this book was that an entrepreneur is someone who works on their business, not just in it.
The person who only works in their business, who effectively IS the business, is called a ... Views: 2001
In my previous article, I addressed the subject of the question that you simply can’t avoid... the “Magic Question”. I hope that you have taken sufficient time to earnestly consider how you have fared in the past from your previous responses to the MQ. In like fashion, I also hope that you have ... Views: 1196
As leaders of living systems, the ability to reflect is one of the most important disciplines to develop. Over the years we have found that, at particularly difficult times in life, when confused and disheartened, and times of exhilaration when life is filled with joy and happiness, the ... Views: 2691
Two most important traditions have empowered the study of language in their separate and very different ways; however, the two topics of the study of language are hotly debated by linguists like the sort of synthesis of philosophical grammar and structural linguistics begins to develop. The two ... Views: 1769
Two most important traditions have empowered the study of language in their separate and very different ways; however, the two topics of the study of language are hotly debated by linguists like the sort of synthesis of philosophical grammar and structural linguistics begins to develop. The two ... Views: 2097
The best advice Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO of Google, ever got was to hire an executive coach.
Initially when board member, John Doerr, suggested this, Schmidt resisted because as an experienced CEO he didn't think he needed a coach. But now he is a big fan of coaching and states in an ... Views: 3391
Ever wondered why some people consistently make millions at the top of the sales ladder and others struggle to meet quota?
In this series of articles, based on 999 Legendary Selling For The 21st Century, we review the differentiators between those who consistently over achieve and those who do ... Views: 2143
For most of us our goal in life is to be comfortable. For instance, we want just enough money to be able to live a “comfortable life”.
We don’t necessarily seek the passion of fulfilling great visions, or the other extreme of apathy and despair. For many of us our lives are focused on ... Views: 1595
Three Steps to Achieve Success
Many people spend a lifetime searching for the secret to success when it is in front of them the whole time. There really isn't a magic secret to being successful it just requires purposeful action. Purposeful action means that we behave in a fully conscious ... Views: 1726
I'm sitting here writing this in my Nike jogging pants and Nike T-Shirt, socks and tennis shoes. No kidding, I've got that Nike Swoosh all over me. It's crazy how we consciously and subconsciously surround ourselves with those trusted names, products, services and brands. Branding has gone from ... Views: 2605
The secret to dealing with difficult people is to take the necessary action before they become difficult. Like everything else in life, if you deal with something before it becomes a problem, you’ll never have any major problems to deal with. The problem is, of course, that in the ordinary ... Views: 1765
Tom Lehman has had a long and distinguished career on the PGA Tour, but despite his longevity and victory in the 1996 British Open, he has (only) won five times on tour. The cumulative percentage of his victories per tournament is barely 1 percent. Kenny Perry has won thirteen PGA Tour events in ... Views: 2245
What if the reason why we are currently experiencing an economic crisis is because there are too many 'get rich' schemes ripping people off or products being sold that are not quality or do not provide value? How can they get away with it? Maybe it is time for those 'advantage takers' to step ... Views: 1590
It is now more vital than ever to stay ahead of what is going on around us, so that our businesses remain in tact and stronger than ever. I strongly believe a 'quality system' is one way to do that. That doesn't necessarily mean that you need to go to all the trouble and cost of obtaining an ... Views: 6841
Below is a link to a little questionnaire that can help you determine if you are providing 'quality' products.
If you have more than one product, write down or type up your answers (excel maybe more ... Views: 3712
We all listen, but there is a big difference between receiving information, and actually understanding what is being said. For many of us our main focus whilst listening is to pick up clues to respond to.
This is not necessarily wrong, but the difference is our intention in listening. Are we ... Views: 1411
You've followed a dream to motivate others to achieve their goals by establishing yourself as a coach or trainer. You may even have evolved a speciality - weight loss or life coach perhaps - and have a handful of clients. What are the tools you need to succeed as a coach? Next to your training, ... Views: 1163
• Write all of the goals you truly and intensely desire to achieve
• Find out the hierarchy of importance of each goal you wrote
• Start writing the first and most important goal #1
• Use the future tense ‘ I will ‘ For example: I will start writing my first book on x.y.z
• The goal ... Views: 1496
Wahoo(!) - You got the project!
Congratulations are in order, but after the immediate euphoria, reality soon rears it's sometimes ugly head:
* Time and cost of your project have been dictated for strategic reasons.
* The objectives seem subjective and you are not sure what they ... Views: 5308
The truth about the physics of positive emotions may not always please moaners, and losers, especially when you try, with your best of intentions, to help them overcome their own limitation.
People will always resist that which they cannot understand. They will always tell you “this is how ... Views: 1956
A life coaching client wrote in, “I have a question, When ever we are asked what our dreams and goals are, I like freeze, I can never really come up with what my dreams are and can’t find goals that excite me., its like they have been suppressed for so long I don’t even know. Its like when ever ... Views: 725
Everyone is on a quest for respect. Parents want their kids to do it, employees want bosses to do it, spouses demand it of each other, teachers ask their students for it and people in general feel good when it happens to them. Why is it then that so many people have no clue what respect means? ... Views: 2067
Nonprofit professionals continuously search for potential donors who believe in the organization's mission and are willing to donate money to support it. All too often, however, the organization lacks an organized system to cultivate meaningful relationships with these individuals. This article ... Views: 1848
I was attending a meeting at one of my client companies a couple of years ago. They regularly conducted sessions for the external executive coaches with whom their leaders worked, to provide updates on company results and strategy.
During one segment of the meeting, the presenter used the ... Views: 848
I recently heard an interview with leadership expert, best selling author and speaker, John Maxwell, and was intrigued by the discussion on the topic of “Failing Forward”, a book that he had written several years back.
So why are some individuals able to fight off handicaps and hardships, ... Views: 2089
For Life Coaches: Is Life Coaching No Longer Fun For You?
Many life coaches are terribly burned out on life coaching and afraid to admit it! Raise your hand if you’re experiencing this? Yes, you!
What started off as a promising career where you thought (and perhaps occasionally did) that ... Views: 1208
As the last decade ends and the new one begins, we find the world around us has changed dramatically. From social networking to energy conservation, every area of our lives is in transition. Economic challenges, global warming, food shortages and weather changes have generated dismay, protest ... Views: 2950
For many years, in spiritual and metaphysical circles, there has been talk of the ending of the Mayan Calendar in 2012, Nostradamus' Prophecies, the numerical implications of the Torah and Kabbala, as well as, the American Hopi Indian Prophecies that speak of the return of Bahana, an elder white ... Views: 1403
Sure, the beginning of a new year provides fresh inspiration and impetus for your goals. The question is, how do you sustain your motivation and stay on the continuous improvement track when daily life and familiar temptations rear their head (did you really think chocolate or "Lost" reruns were ... Views: 822
Determining your level of commitment and compliance is essential to achieving the results you want in business and life. The following article will shed some light on this subject.
When evaluating your commitment, consider whether you focus on authentic commitment or compliance.
Here is ... Views: 2251
Developing strong leadership skills is a journey, not a destination. Deciding that you want to become a better leader is a good first step, but merely making the decision to improve your leadership skills will not make you the leader you hope to become. In order to make your desires a reality, ... Views: 1295
The key to living a life of significance is to understand your own personal definition of success. We can be too quick to fall in line with how society, or our friends and family define success. Instead, true fulfillment comes from being aware of what your priorities are and living your life ... Views: 1550
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Am I a Leader? - by Courtney Lynch, Co-Founder Lead Star LLC
As women, we have dynamic lives, full of opportunity and continuous challenge. We fill a variety of roles – we are mothers, daughters, friends, volunteers and mentors. We also are called upon to lead everyday, though many of us have never considered ourselves leaders.
We are leaders, ... Views: 983
Sales Coaching for Entrepreneurs
Coaching sales staff members on consultative selling methods.
To establish a strong administrative system based on a “coaching culture” can help build a more successful practice.
Coaching staff members on consultative selling methods, then establishing a ... Views: 1673
If you are a coach with any kind of web presence - even if it is just one web page with your contact details - you need a personal profile.
When people find information on you on the web, they want to find out more about you and what you can do to help them and a personal profile can help ... Views: 934
In the nonprofit field, reference is often made to an organization’s core values, mission statement, and vision statement. I have found that there is some confusion regarding the difference between a mission and vision statement, and that some organizations have never identified their core ... Views: 3213
As you may know, I owe a tremendous amount of my successes, both personal and professional, to the power of coaching.
You see, it doesn't matter where you are in life, you are looking at reality through YOUR lens. That means that even if you're a big thinker, there are still things that you ... Views: 1811
We all have had those moments – you know, those times in a conversation when the blank look slides across their face and we know that they didn’t get our point – or when what comes back to us as a result bears no resemblance to what we asked for.
What would it be like to be able to ... Views: 1387
The world could be described as the community where the human family lives.
The question is, how do you live in this world? Who is the you that the world gets to know?
Is it the real you, where how you live on the outside is a reflection of you who are on the inside, where your ... Views: 1347
The marriage of Spiritual Consciousness and the Internet's world-wide web technology was consummated in a very public ceremony on a Monday night in March 2008, when more than 500,000 people gathered around their computers and simultaneously logged on to a ... Views: 1926