Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
Regardless of where you are in your business, you want to continue to grow. Even if your business is good, you want to move it to great. In this blog, I discuss the 3 activities that I believe can achieve that.
• Create a Language
• Design a System for Incredible Experiences
• Create a Forum ... Views: 982
A transition plan that allows the business owner to sell the business for the highest price possible in the shortest amount of time to the most qualified buyer is generally the top of the wish list for most business owners. Because the business owner lives and breathes their business they ... Views: 1060
Leaders transform vision into reality by rallying their team around more than just a well articulated idea – by truly engaging them in the strategy to get there. Execution of the strategy is where most leaders and businesses fail because the variables that affect strategy are not static but ... Views: 1333
What I aim to achieve in this essay is to determine what Core Values are, and where they come from. I will describe how the Client will live their life according to those values, or not as the case may be. Also what the consequences are for the Client if their values are not in alignment with ... Views: 5379
My company, the Confident Solutions Coach, works with entrepreneurs to develop systems in their business. I spent the last five years learning how to do this in my own business, and it is really fun to go out there and help other people get this done.
The first thing you have to do is ... Views: 1877
Someone once said that "if you don’t stand for something, you'll DO just about anything." My hero, Jim Rohn, once said that the foundation for having a successful life is having a personal philosophy. I agree with both of those assertions. Having "rules of the road" for our lives can help us to ... Views: 3838
The 3% Rule
Chances are your customers have 97% of the things they need in their world to get their mission accomplished, to get their dangers overcome, their opportunities achieved, and their strengths deepened. Your job is to help them by assembling your creativity and your skills ... Views: 841
In the nonprofit field, the development of a new program generally begins with receiving some type of grant award. Of course, nonprofits can develop programs without being awarded a grant, but the money needed to create and implement any type of program will need to come from a philanthropist or ... Views: 1510
I have adopted a great belief from my husband; “feedback is the breakfast of champions”. At first, I didn’t “get it”, but I have learned that receiving feedback is a powerful gift for personal and professional growth and that giving feedback effectively, makes for more effective leadership and ... Views: 1591
Why Doubling Your Long-Term Memory Leads to Longevity
Did you know your brain is always using multi-senses, not just one,
for comprehension? When we are listening to anyone speaking to us
(giving a lecture, or movie dialogue), our brain is using a variety of senses,
not just our ears, to ... Views: 1310
You already have everything you need to create a wonderful life for yourself. You know everything you need to know to be your own best friend, a gentle guide, a teacher and a helper to yourself so you can be truly happy and fulfilled.
You can learn how to become your own psychotherapist for ... Views: 799
In my last blog, I wrote about the importance of identifying and working with the right clients. Once you’ve identified your correct clients, you must understand what drives them.
There is a Dan Sullivan concept called DOS. DOS stands for Dangers, Opportunities, and Strengths.
D is for ... Views: 790
Letting go of the cheese
I am asked, “Can companies keep the annual review while they move to a coaching process and culture?” For those of you who have read “Who Moved my Cheese?” you can’t get your new cheese until you let go of your old cheese, so that answer is – no. This is true for ... Views: 1477
Executive In Life (Part One)
In your life, you are the Executive involved, or maybe not. If you are feeling challenged, fulfilled and in balance between your personal, work, family, and relationships; if you are feeling fulfillment from all of your efforts, then you are, indeed, the executive ... Views: 1685
An Introduction to Shimon Peres...
We have all heard of the importance of having the right attitude, staying positive, and looking at the brightside of things. This advice, for the great majority of us, is easier said than done. Why is that? We all want to do well, feel good, enjoy ... Views: 1747
I had an experience recently that I would like to share with you. While speaking with a friend in a casual conversation I was asked my opinion. I immediately shifted out of friend mode and put my trusted adviser hat on. I noticed that my listening intensified. I became more present than in the ... Views: 1191
Recently, I read several articles on mentoring as I prepared for a session with one of my new mentees. Prior to reading the articles I gave a self-assessment worksheet to the Mentee to complete prior to our session. As I refreshed my skills to prepare for the task as a mentor, I reflected on the ... Views: 1162
The elements and field conditions are always a factor in athletic competition. Athletes are often under the mistaken perception that these conditions not only enhance or impair their performance but dictate it. Beliefs such as: green grass, clear skies and no wind “help” your game and rain, mud, ... Views: 1168
The annual performance review has become a dinosaur because it has failed to change and evolve much in the last 50 years, while everything around it in business has.
50 years ago we had secretarial pools, carbon paper and mimeograph machines for making copies. Everything was sent “snail ... Views: 1771
I am reading for the second time this wonderful best selling book from Napoleon Hill published in 1937 and entitled: “Think and Grow Rich.” (the book is available at Cheap’Shop, the online store of ONLY self-improvement materials). In the chapter 8 of this original version, Napoleon ... Views: 1232
Bill Kazmaier, better known to anyone who meets him as “Kaz”, was for a period of time one of the world’s strongest who ever lived. In a most incredible feat of strength at the age of 25, Kazmaier won the American Power Lifting and the International Power Lifting Championship’s in 1979. He ... Views: 2517
Most people don't know they possess brilliance.
But they do. We all have brilliance. Many times it goes untapped. Even business owners leave much of what they have to offer untapped.
Oh, you know, those nasty cousins - Doubt and Fear, oh yeah, and the other cousin, ... Views: 1178
Five Reasons Women Make Great Salespeople
By: Liz Wendling
Why do so many business women spend more time hoping or praying for sales rather than just learning to sell? Because the mere mention of the word sales brings up fear, dread and anxiety in the hearts of many!
Countless female ... Views: 1875
I was with my mentor today and we were talking about his time in management and he was relaying a story to me that left me stuck for words. In fact the message was so basic that I may have disregarded it completely.
He was telling me that he had just taken on a new role in a large ... Views: 2247
Is it useful to describe EFT as energy medicine? To many people the phrase energy medicine suggests a religious or alternative lifestyle. Lots of websites associate energy medicine with spiritual healing. Since many mainstream searchers of alternative healing are not comfortable with the ... Views: 1633
News Flash #1: As the recession recedes, companies will start hiring more employees.
News Flash #2: The people you choose to hire will be the single most important factor in the future success of your career.
Of all the things you will do at work in the next six months, hiring the right ... Views: 1311
The Key to Becoming Unstuck: How to create healthy habits, and achieve great things
Have you ever had times when it just felt like you are STUCK! No matter what you do to move forward, you can’t! No matter what we’d like to achieve, we just can’t get to a place of developing better habits. ... Views: 2266
Business management Colleges are on the rise with most big companies and industrial giants searching for candidates who have passed out from renowned B-schools. This is more due to the fact that the Indian economy chart shows a consistent rise and is a booming industry. This has given importance ... Views: 1520
What is the best way to motivate a sales team without them relying on commission as the reason to unleash the best in them???
Sales is one of these professional careers that people enjoy mainly because you don’t get paid in a fix payroll but on a commission basis. However, there are still ... Views: 2426
Bottom line … It can be lonely at the top ! Executive coaching gives you the opportunity to examine your choices as a leader in a confidential and candid setting. Imagine having an objective and committed partner to work through the issues that you are facing. The coaching process is not only ... Views: 1219
Communication is at once easier and more challenging than ever thanks to the availability of high tech devices and programs that can keep us connected to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Now might be a great time to map out a personal communication strategy and review whether your time and energy ... Views: 1898
The Business re-engineering model launched today by Business Change Strategist Zirk Botha is expected to start a new era in Productivity benchmarking.
Zirk Botha started his professional career as a Naval Combat officer where he excelled. He was appointed as the captain of a Warship at 23 and ... Views: 2320
What does a common man understand by ‘competition’
Competition for the common businessman is understood as wanting to outdo another business. Wrong!
My philosophy is clear, I don’t believe that we can gain our psychological power by either leaning on others or trying to outdo others and ... Views: 2060
You're out of work and want to get back as quickly as possible and are willing to be as aggressive as need be. You've heard this a million times, "Make looking for a job, your full-time job". The question is how?
You've got a goal, now here's a plan to get that new job:
1. Target ... Views: 1141
“In a(n) . . . ExecuNet survey about reputation management and Internet presence, 86 percent of executive recruiters say they routinely scour online sources for information that goes beyond a candidate’s résumé. Nearly 7-in-10 search firm consultants say that executive job candidates’ prospects ... Views: 1012
Executive Leadership Coaching removes all the barriers to inspiration. When the leader is inspired, the energy of that inspiration pours through and energizes the entire company. Results naturally skyrocket.
Executive leadership coaching is a powerful tool for creating that energy and ... Views: 1035
The powerful leverage a person can access through partnering with a coach
"A decision is not enough"
A new year begins and for some it has already ended.
You have given yourself new tasks to do, take on new challenges and decided that this year things will be different and you are committed ... Views: 1410
“Where there is no leadership the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”- Proverbs 11:14
It’s hard to believe five months of 2010 are already history. As we approach the halfway point in one of the most unique times ever to do business, what message will you deliver ... Views: 2025
Here’s a Banana For Your Baby… (your business)
One of the most difficult parts of serving entrepreneurial leaders is telling them a part or their entire baby (their business) is ugly. Some self proposed consulting experts say; “focus on the positives, build on successes” and not ... Views: 1868
Although coaching is beginning to gain some momentum in the nonprofit field, most nonprofit professionals don't understand what coaching is or how it can be of value to them in their personal or professional life. Also, individuals often confuse coaching with therapy, counseling, or consulting. ... Views: 2397
It’s become common in business literature to say that entrepreneurs who care about others tend to be more successful. Thus, say business authors, it will profit you to act like a caring person. Say “thank you,” smile, look into people’s left eye, let them do most of the talking, and so ... Views: 1054
From the time that we are born, we are taught to DO things! Every time we accomplish something we are rewarded, which gives us such accomplishment that we choose to pursue more opportunities to DO things so that we can be rewarded again! Education and work is also designed to further entrench ... Views: 1878
Why is self-awareness so important in individual growth and development? What is self-awareness? How can we effectively use it to increase self-knowledge, serenity, balance and personal growth?
Self-awareness is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as the "Conscious knowledge of one's ... Views: 4518
Accountability: Whether you love that word or hate it, it is invariably one of the active ingredients for personal and professional success.
The importance of accountability is proven in corporate situations where the C.E.O.s are held accountable by a Board of Directors. They have to report ... Views: 1207
Frank was the CEO of a large investment bank that was owned by a gargantuan New York bank. His boss Charles, the chairman of the bank, called me to coach Frank. (Frank and Charles are pseudonyms.) As Charles described it, Frank had a “rough engagement style,” which is corporate speak for not ... Views: 1101
The only thing that is constant is change - We’ve all heard that saying at one time or another, and are very aware at how resistant we are to change. But an even more interesting question is: How much time do we spend on our reasons for the change, and getting resources to adapt and “power up” ... Views: 1273
An unconsidered (unexamined) life is not worth living- Socrates
Have you ever gotten into your car or an airplane, without knowing where you are going? Yet, we often do that with our lives; we start a career, relationship, business, etc and then forget to check where we are going, and what we ... Views: 5122
People ask me all the time, "How do I know if you're the right coach for me, and if you're not, how would I go about finding someone?" I have no difficulty answering this question honestly because I feel very strongly that there truly is no competition.
There are three important pieces when ... Views: 969
We all see the world through our normal eyes, but we are aware that there is much more that exists that we can only see through microscopes and telescopes.
Similarly, we see the world through our normal perspectives, paradigms, and beliefs, but there is much that exists that we may not be ... Views: 2799
Philosophical coaching is connected with modern science in asking fundamental questions about the nature of what we know or seem to know. Philosophical coaching is the butter and bread of freedom of thought prompted renewal of debate about moral and ethical enquiries. The objective is to help us ... Views: 2345