The idea of quickly releasing negative emotions by tapping is a new paradigm, only discovered decades ago. However it is based on 5000 years of Chinese acupuncture. And it works time after time as acupuncture does. With similarly surprisingly quick results. And unlike acupuncture, we can do ... Views: 3321
After a car accident, EFT can be an extremely useful tool to help anyone involved to overcome the physical and emotional effects of that trauma. I would urge people who have been in car accidents, whether recent or long past, to tap on acupuncture points while reviewing the images, physical ... Views: 3233
Is it useful to describe EFT as energy medicine? To many people the phrase energy medicine suggests a religious or alternative lifestyle. Lots of websites associate energy medicine with spiritual healing. Since many mainstream searchers of alternative healing are not comfortable with the ... Views: 1633
Stress has been shown to cause a physiological reaction in the body that can have many adverse effects, including osteopenia and osteoporosis. Bone loss may lead to further stressors such as pain, less mobility, medical bills and depression, which can create a feedback loop of more stress ... Views: 3414
Whether a person knows anything about EFT or not, it is possible that just reading this article and thinking about each question, can bring a certain amount of relief. Sometimes just observing the discomfort is enough to help you feel better.
I have studied Gary Craig’s videos for hundreds of ... Views: 1921
Sometimes, but not usually, pain or discomfort is the result of one single traumatic event. When that happens we can use EFT techniques to resolve the emotions surrounding the trauma, and get physical relief really quickly.
I would suggest that when a person experiences a medical trauma ... Views: 4417