Executive In Life (Part One)
In your life, you are the Executive involved, or maybe not. If you are feeling challenged, fulfilled and in balance between your personal, work, family, and relationships; if you are feeling fulfillment from all of your efforts, then you are, indeed, the executive ... Views: 1685
Psychology is in trouble on so many fronts. Beside the obvious, with on-demand texting, email, chat, forums, blogs and such, people do not have to schedule appointments, wait, be exposed to antiquated talk therapy, and quite frankly disappointment for a system failed. When the first words from ... Views: 1244
The title reads, "Nine people killed in Connecticut workplace shooting (www.necn.com 8/3/10 1:16 PM). Reportedly, an employee who was asked to resign from a beer distribution center chose to communicate to the world how he felt about losing control. My first thought was this is the Golden ... Views: 1394
The Human Condition
Volume 1, Part 01
Have you ever wondered what is the platform for our one and only human experience? I have, for I once destroyed 99.9 percent of my human experience. With one tenth of my experience left, I took the time to learn how to learn from my insecurities. I ... Views: 1625
I recently saw a banner — set in place for Recovery Month — that read: “Recovery Happens.” My question is: “What is implied here?” Words have meaning, and when those words are demonstrative of a process to behavioral change, people either simply disregard, are motivated by, or are intimidated by ... Views: 2203
When are people going to get real?
When society reads in the newspaper or catches on local news channels the headlines: Murder-Suicide, Domestic Abuse Homicide, or Workplace Violence, they are intrigued out of the common interest that everyone has been frustrated in a relationship at home, ... Views: 1688