As a teenager, I could not wait to be 21. I just had to get there and life would be on. No thought of the years to come especially giving that 30 and beyond seemed so far away and old. I could not imagine what being 40 would be like as I found that being in my 30's was actually not such a big ... Views: 893
The days of waiting until we get home to make calls, read our mail, enjoy dinner and perhaps some family time are just about over. One night while relaxing with my family, I looked around smiling, enjoying the moment of having some quality time watching TV with them. Well, the smile faded as I ... Views: 1111
Let's get this out on the table being skinny does not mean one is healthy and neither is being fat, overweight or obese. Lately there has been a resurgence on the topic of being overweight and the health implications. Over the years, studies have linked various diseases to being overweight or ... Views: 1094
One week into the New Year and you are motivated, now it's the third week and you're still excited. This is it! This is the year you will shed those excess pounds once and for all. It may be the year to give up drinking alcohol, smoking, using or abusing drugs, engaging in unsafe sex, fighting, ... Views: 889
What role do you play when you visit your doctor? Do you realize that you are an important member of the team? After all this is all about your health and wellness. As the most important member of the team, you are the one who can be most effective in describing your health concerns. It is your ... Views: 1051
Whose motto was Be Prepared? Who knew that this motto would be effective for the rest of my life. As a young girl, I was a part of the Girls Scout and that was our motto. These two simple yet powerful words have made an impact in all areas of my life. Being prepared is something that is ... Views: 1266
The reports and statistics are out. The percentage of children who are overweight has doubled over the past 30 years. It is neither a surprise nor a secret – we see it with our own eyes. As our society has made great progress over the years in many areas of health, our children now face a major ... Views: 1906
Vitamins are promoted in an effort to ensure that we maintain a daily healthy nutritional balance. As with anything, it is important that you follow the advise of your physician who has an accurate medical history of your physical health.
Now on to the topic of vitamins. Vitamin products ... Views: 1264
Having your own business requires consistent review. Ideas are continuously flowing and ways to improve are being flushed through your mind. Taking it up to the next level is the main goal - not wanting to miss out on being able to provide the services that your competitors are able to deliver. ... Views: 1119