In this season of pending elections for every position from local dog catcher to the Presidency of the United States have you taken the appropriate amount of time to examine your personal criteria of what you believe constitutes true leadership?
How thoroughly have you observed and intently ... Views: 922
You hear about it every day on television, on radio, in print and online. Failed leadership… faltering leadership… incompetent leadership… ineffective leadership and various other references for leadership that is simply no longer working or effective.
The leadership crisis is not just an ... Views: 1367
Anthony Robbins once said that “It’s in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped”. And I completely concur with Tony as your decisions are ultimately going to make you… or break you. In all likelihood, you have not viewed your every day business or life decisions which such ... Views: 1318
In recent years, the world has become increasingly enamored with the realm of Social Media. There are literally hundreds of differently themed social media websites that are beckoning for your attention, as well in the investment of your time, energy and resource capital to hopefully cash in on ... Views: 1069
Now that you have returned from your holiday season and have begun your New Year… the question is how much of your work and life is actually going to be “new” for 2012?
Are your business expectations and self expectations genuinely optimistic, guarded or rather uncertain? Your answer to this ... Views: 1067
Is your business doomed to forever compete at the slimmest of profit margins as it vies for the title of being the "low price" leader? By learning how to garner more of the right clientele for your business, you can attract more customers and make more money than ever before...
In recent ... Views: 1108
In my previous article, I addressed the subject of the question that you simply can’t avoid... the “Magic Question”. I hope that you have taken sufficient time to earnestly consider how you have fared in the past from your previous responses to the MQ. In like fashion, I also hope that you have ... Views: 1196
Regardless of whether you operate a large corporation, home based business or are a sales professional... your future success may rest entirely on one single question. I have come to refer to it as... the “Magic Question”, because it's the one question that you simply can't avoid.
Where ever ... Views: 1062
What have you actually accomplished in this year of 2009? Can you look yourself squarely in the mirror and honestly declare that it was a successful year?
Statistically... 98.2% of you can not make such an affirmation of “success” to yourself. While this statistic is true, it is also ... Views: 1116
I recently received an email from a client informing me of a most unpleasant personal "learning experience". While these types of events will inevitably happen to all of us, it is often difficult to come to grips with the idea that this is just part of life. Especially if our learning experience ... Views: 905
Regardless of whether you personally choose to see the continuing uncertainty of current times as a recession, depression or simply an economic down turn -- at this juncture, are any of these perspectives really appropriate to have or hold on to?
The simple truth is that how you choose to ... Views: 986
By this point in time, there are probably very few people left on Planet Earth who aren’t familiar with “Susan Boyle”. Truly a remarkable story and a remarkable individual.
Her appearance and subsequent performance on “Britain’s Got Talent” shocked the judges and the world. After already having ... Views: 1114
“Heads you win… Tails you lose...” an age old expression with which you are undoubtedly most familiar.
Following the National Anthem, this infamous coin toss is the subsequent activity of every NFL football game. Of course, this procedure is for the purpose of determining which team will kick ... Views: 1665
If you’ve ever watched the movie “Pretty Woman”, the film begins and ends with a guy who is crossing the street shouting “WHAT’S YOUR DREAM? ... THIS IS HOLLYWOOD ... EVERYBODY HAS A DREAM ... SO, WHAT’S YOUR “DREAM”?
What a great question, and a great analogy. While being quite different from ... Views: 1007
In case the title of this article sounds like a tired lyric from a classic rock n’ roll song... it is.
So, exactly what is it that you are looking for? Or to happen? And “why”?
As the current recession deepens, there are multitudes of people around the world that are truly “wishing” that ... Views: 890
Without question, this is a joyous time of the year. Whether with your real or business “family”, you will have great cause to observe many forms of celebration and tradition.
You’ll undoubtedly celebrate your business and personal relationships, the accomplishments of the ... Views: 923
Times of “uncertainty” trigger people’s defense mechanisms. Allowing external factors over which you have no direct control to dictate how you live and work is in conflict with your need to succeed.
Consider the wisdom of Golda Meir, the former prime Minister of Israel who ... Views: 5024
Within the past few days, you made one of the most significant decisions of your lifetime, while casting your vote in our country’s truly historical election.
For many of you, this decision may have been relatively easy, while others of you may have found this to be a rather daunting decision ... Views: 1130
“These are perilous times for the federation.” Jean Luc Picard, Captain of the Enterprise (Star-Trek)
While the turmoil of current times might seem like something from a galaxy far away, this is not “science fiction”. The economic crisis, supposed bail-out and the ... Views: 909
Is your business purring along like a FerrarI..... or limping along like an old clunker?
Like the rest of you, periodically my business like my car, requires some routine servicing. During my most recent visit to my neighborhood car care center, I found myself engaged in a thought process about ... Views: 1065
In case you are not familiar with the famous quotation which serves as the title for this article….. your children will undoubtedly recognize the quote “Why not? Why not you? Why not now?” as stated by “Aslan” the lion (and proper ruler of Narnia) in the Chronicles ... Views: 1294
Is your business purring along like a Ferrari... or limping along like an old clunker?
Like the rest of you, periodically my business like my car, requires some routine servicing. During my most recent visit to my neighborhood car care center, I found myself engaged in a thought process about ... Views: 891
“Why” are you doing… what you do? What’s your motivation?
Earlier this year in a Better Business Bureau survey, it was reported that 84% of America’s workforce was either “unhappy” or dissatisfied with their job or career.
In like manner, there was another interesting job report that had been ... Views: 1005
"Why" are you doing... what you do?
In a Better Business Bureau survey which was released earlier this year, it was reported that 84% of America's work force was "unhappy" or "dissatisfied" with their career or job.
I also recently encountered an interesting report that had been published by ... Views: 828