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Teraxlation is a Manifest method, Manifest Ralaxation.
This includes the energy and chakras healing, releasing the emotional blocks, transbreathing and hypnotherapy. This is very simple method, but it’s very powerful and effective.
Have you got a dream? Would you like your dream comes true? ... Views: 2288
In order for you to succeed, you will also need to have a great confidence and reassurance in yourself and your ideas, and depending on your chosen road to success you may also require the ability to sway other people around to your way of thinking.
How can you gain the confidence and the ... Views: 1446
“Once we realize that any thought, any condition is temporary,
with no power, no charge except that which we give it,
we can go back to our natural state
which is joy and amazing awesomeness.”
– Pam Grout
In my previous article, “What Negative Emotion Really Means", we determined that ... Views: 1349
When you feel negative emotion, it always means there is a desire
within you that you are contradicting with some other thought.”
– Abraham-Hicks
It had been a wonderful Thanksgiving in every way. The weather was gorgeous and clear, in the high 60's. The food was abundant and delicious. ... Views: 1088
Trends come and go. One day something’s hot, the next it’s not. Lately there’s been talk by millions of people about the law of attraction; think about what you want and it will manifest. Every month millions of dollars are spent on books, CDs, seminars, trainings and coaching sessions teaching ... Views: 1359
Lately I have been reading and hearing a great deal on the power of decision and the power of indecision. Some people would argue that indecision carries no power with it. Actually, indecision carries a lot of power. The power to immobilize. The power to diminish confidence. The power enhance ... Views: 1913
Many people marketing with the Internet are utilizing a couple of very effective strategies to increase revenues and market reach. Newer marketers may believe these tactics are brand new and are some great “secret” recently revealed. Anyone who has been in marketing for any length of time knows ... Views: 1377
Many people believe Law of Attraction (LOA) information is a recent discovery. When one first happens upon LOA this IS true; they've had a breakthrough that allows for a different view of life.
Perhaps they discovered LOA by way of a conversation, movie, book, seminar or article. Those who ... Views: 1360
When it comes to offering teleseminars the fact is there is an incredible amount of competition. In years past this was not the case. There were a handful of people offering their training by way of a teleseminar. Today this is not the way it is. Teleseminars are a dime a dozen. Does that mean ... Views: 1275
Many people struggle with affirmations. They find they’re not comfortable voicing them, or they aren’t sure what to say exactly because the words feel like a lie. Some people insist that specific words should be used while others should be avoided, and that because affirmations are typically ... Views: 2272
Hey mate,
Maybe you've noticed it's the subtle things that matter most. Get the subtle things wrong and you end up far far away from where you wish you were going.
Today's article will help you get where you are going so you have Rock Solid Success. Let's dive in.
Maybe you've ... Views: 3111
Hey mate,
Today's Neville Goddard Lesson is taken from the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack.
Let's dive in.
"A friend recently told me that he started his little restaurant in Oahu with only $180 in the bank and many debtors. This was just a ... Views: 3751
“A bird cannot fly high or far with a stone tied to its back. But release
the impediment and it’s free to soar to unprecedented heights."
– Alan Cohen
It’s difficult sometimes to accept that everything you tell yourself is simply a story. You know, the story you tell about how life is ... Views: 1218
What Is The Attraction Marketing Formula?
The Attraction marketing formula can be by far the most rewarding method for growing a loyal following and creating lasting wealth. If you are struggling to grow your audience or are just beginning your journey, read this article to the end. You will ... Views: 1531
Denial has gotten a bad reputation in a lot of circles. Most people were raised to be realistic rather than day-dreamers, but we live in a state of denial. This focus on being realistic actually places many limitations on you and focuses on the past rather than the future.
If you want to ... Views: 1347
Changing our life, thinking positively and the law of attraction are centered on one thing and that is changing our beliefs.
Our elders taught us and led us to believe that when we make positive statements and the universe hears it, those statements will become real.
This approach works ... Views: 1401
Hey mate,
I just read that studies indicate that people who suffer from depression are actually more realistic, than people who are optimistic. Researchers seemed to conclude that those of use who are optimistic are in fact delusional. We tend to think we are better looking, have a better ... Views: 2639
Tax Controversy Service is designed to assist individuals and businesses with complicated tax issues. Our service mission is to build long-term, trusting relationships with our clients.
New and complex tax regulations, combined with strengthened tax authority’s enforcement policies, make it ... Views: 1225
"A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart."
- Goethe
The title of this article is, of course, a take-off on the popular 1978 book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Over the years, my own answer to the question of why bad things happen to good people has changed ... Views: 1317
Have you ever wanted something so bad that it made you hurt? I'm sure that you have, we all have. How did you feel once the thing that you simply had to have arrived or did it? I wan to share a recent experience that I had that once it was received literally brought me, a fifty year old grown ... Views: 1456
One area that is sometimes overlooked when scheduling your kids’ time is how important it is to allow independent play.
It might not be necessary to have a literal scheduled block of time for play, especially if play still comes naturally to both you and your children, but if you find that ... Views: 1348
So, you want to be a successful marketer, first let me applaud you on your decision. The lifestyle afforded to those who learn to master a few simple concepts, can be more rewarding than you may realize at this point. First, know that we all struggle with ourselves and until we re-train our ... Views: 1248
I have read more than 50 books on the Law of Attraction and they all focus on the same thing but the way of expression is different. I cannot see any difference of opinion between, the writers main focus. They all believe in the state of receiving. They all agree on the power of gratitude. They ... Views: 1893
“The purpose of life is joy.”
– Abraham-Hicks
We hear a lot about unconditional love these days. And most people are pretty much in favor of that. So I say - What about unconditional joy? What about joy that's not dependent on conditions? Doesn't that sound like a good idea too? ... Views: 1876
“I have tons of negative self talk. I’ve been trying to make it positive for month’s and am exhausted. Please help!”
Hey mate,
There is a way that guarantees you waste a lot of time and energy and get very little result when you notice you have negative self talk or negative inner ... Views: 3066
The act of setting an intention is your declaration to the universe of what goal or outcome you want to experience in your life. It is born of having a vision of what you want–which is the result of experiencing the contrast, or what you don’t want.
Every time we run up against a challenge or ... Views: 2089
By using these Cleansing and Healing Sea Salts you will Brighten Your Aura and Clear, Balance and Protect Your Chakras and Entire Energy System. This powerful cleansing and healing will have the effect of boosting your powers of attraction and immune system.
Find out the pure essential oils I ... Views: 2363
"Financial abundance is simply the Universe's response
to consistent thoughts and feelings of abundance."
- Abraham-Hicks
The Law of Attraction teaches that, in order to manifest a desire, you must first achieve the vibration of that desire. So, if you have a desire to create more ... Views: 1179
It has been said over and over that if you are able to visualize your goals and believe them, then over time you will achieve them. After all, man becomes what he thinks.
Visualization has many favors. You can find a quiet place and basically day dream about what you want. Or, you can journal ... Views: 2323
“You are here to experience outrageous joy.
That is why you are here.”
– Abraham-Hicks
Indeed it IS a wonderful world! But, full disclosure, it wasn’t always such a wonderful world for me.
Prior to embracing the Law of Attraction, I tried many things to feel good and enjoy my life ... Views: 1205
Hey Mr Twenty Twenty,
“What if you don’t know exactly what you want? What if you have difficulty clearly defining your desire? All I know is that I don't want to live in this town that I grew up in anymore, and I don't want to work in the local factories. How do you define your aim then?” ... Views: 3093
Illness and injury are to a certain degree, a part of being alive. Even though there are some people who seem never to get sick, it is unlikely that anyone has gone through an entire life without ever getting a single cold or suffering a few cuts or bruises along the way.
Sure, some people ... Views: 3395
Hey mate,
You might not realize this, but you could be manifesting poverty - instead of manifesting wealth - because you just haven't got your focus just right.
I was working with Julia today on the phone, and she was telling me about her Feel It Real sessions. She explained exactly what ... Views: 2413
Hey mate,
The next sentence you are about to read can make creating prosperity and manifesting what you want exponentially easier - if you take it to heart. Let's dive in.
“Everything in this world is nothing more than the result of a movement in God, which is a motion in your ... Views: 3691
“There is no Non-Physical Source of darkness, sickness,
confusion or evil. There is only the Stream of Well-Being
and it is flowing toward you at all times.”
– Abraham-Hicks
Limiting beliefs – we’ve all got them. You can’t grow up human without absorbing some of the limiting beliefs of ... Views: 1255
A wonderful actor died last week. I’ve enjoyed watching him portray a variety of “bad guys with a big heart” over the years, but last week, I learned something new about him and my appreciation for Bob Hoskins has grown even greater.
Hoskins left school at 15 because he was told he was ... Views: 1552
Welcome back to the final part of 3 Steps to Manifesting with Neville Goddard.
In Part 1, we covered how to DEFINE what you want – and how to do that effectively. (And how that is very different from goal setting.)
In Part 2, we explored how to create the DETAILS – so that you don’t get ... Views: 4372
Today, we continue to explore the simple THREE STEP method of Neville Goddard’s, and the common mistakes that people make.
So let’s do a quick review with Neville and dive into the second step today.
“THE FIRST STEP in changing the future is Desire, that is, define your objective — know ... Views: 5308
This week, we are going to explore a simple THREE STEP method of Neville Goddard’s, and those common mistakes that people make with each step – so that you can stop making them today, and not make them in the future. This can’t help but help you speed up your success.
“THE FIRST STEP in ... Views: 6610
“The joy I have – the world didn’t give it,
the world can’t take it away.”
– Shirley Caesar, gospel singer
Sally, age 35, has true clarity that happiness comes from the Inside Out and she makes it her highest priority to be happy regardless of circumstances. The more she practices ... Views: 1338
Hey mate,
Neville Goddard is probably the most amazing, yet almost unknown prosperity teacher in the past 100 years. He is the mentor of Wayne Dyer, Author of Wishes Fulfilled, and has over 221 free lectures you can download for free at http://freeneville.com
Let's dive into one of the ... Views: 3807
“We can create a new approach to life. If you and I would spend a few minutes every day in withdrawing our attention from the region of sensation and concentrating it on an invisible state and remain faithful to this contemplation, feeling and sensing the reality of an invisible state, we would ... Views: 3891
By Frosty Wooldridge
It’s been said that a “best friend” constitutes a miracle of the universe.
(Sharing a campfire creates magical times for friends. It adds harmony, nature and fellowship with the bonding of the flames.)
During your lifetime, you attach to certain individuals who ... Views: 849
It’s normal to put off things in life until you have the money to do them. But does it have to be that way?
Absolutely not!
Never wait until the money shows up or you’ll spend most of your time waiting. And while you wait, you’ll be thinking about the many things for which you are ... Views: 1438
I was leading a small prosperity workshop in our home one day, when I held up my new laptop computer and asked the group, "what is it that you see?"
From off to my left I heard, "a laptop". From right behind her I heard, "a computer". A few people tried describing what it looks like, eager ... Views: 2563
Why is it that most people give up when they could experience ever increasing prosperity?
There is power in picking a path. But most people never pick a single prosperity path and stick with it till it works.
They take a bit of this and a bit of that. Read a bit of a prosperity ... Views: 2452
“The successful warrior is the average man,
with laser-like focus.”
- Bruce Lee
As a Law of Attraction Life Coach, I consider myself to be in the Happy, Healthy Life business. As such, I enjoy making a study of the best ways to attain and maintain health and happiness.
As there are ... Views: 1192
You have goals, dreams and desires that are very important to you. You have real things you wish to achieve this year and in your lifetime. But does it always work out as well as you hoped? Everyone has lessons along the way (never a mistake, always a lesson). You can have the best goals in ... Views: 1833
Lois is a wonderfully sweet 88-year-old neighbor who has dozens of friends, is always busy with community affairs, and has the loveliest garden in the world.
How does Lois do that? At age 88, how is she constantly filled with vitality, and in high demand by everyone in the community?
Lois ... Views: 1922