We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Law of Attraction". If you have expertise in Law of Attraction and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
No parent I know, including myself, learns to parent in one fell swoop. Parenting is a process. We learn new things with every new challenge that presents itself. Each child and each situation builds new parenting skills and each challenge, no matter how difficult or trying, offers new ... Views: 1406
Have you ever wondered about why the law of attraction is so powerful? With it, you can influence your destiny. Check out this mind power training that I have for you today where we will be discussing about this in greater detail.
Let me break it down this mind power training for you. The law ... Views: 2759
Did you know that your subconscious mind is a powerful tool, and with the right mind power techniques, you can use it to mold you future? No, it isn’t about your skill sets or talents. Everything starts in the mind.
There are many mind power techniques out there, but here is one in its very ... Views: 2503
Have you ever heard or used the saying ‘making a mountain out of a molehill’? In what context is it usually applied? More often than not it’s applied when someone is attempting to make something that’s seemingly small into something quite major, and it’s often a problem or an issue.
Then ... Views: 1107
Are you grateful for the things you have in life? Counting your blessings is one of the easiest personal development activities you can ever take part in. Do not just be thankful of the big things. Give thanks even for the little things in life.
I honestly believe that it does not matter ... Views: 1534
If you regularly attend mind power training seminars, you will know that visualization is a very powerful activity that you can do at home. In fact, the simple act of visualizing something can even change your destiny. In this article I will talk more about this so stick around and I hope you ... Views: 2203
If you want to become a millionaire, this article has one word for you: visualization. That’s right, as simple as it may sound, that’s all there is to it. If you keep visualizing yourself as a millionaire, you’ll eventually become millionaire. But of course, it’s not as easy as that.
There’s ... Views: 7167
The fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction is that what you think about is what you get. However, while that is what the law states, it needs power to accomplish that task. Without power, the Law of Attraction will work, but it will work slowly, in barely visible ways, and with just ... Views: 1340
As parents, we provide the greatest inspiration and positive influence to our children when we act from our place of power. What is our place of power exactly? Our place of power is found in our own alignment -- that place where we feel happy, calm and joyous. It is that place where our ... Views: 1495
Do you wish to know how to attract wealth into your life? It does not matter where you are coming from or what situation you are currently facing. Everyone has an equal opportunity to attract massive wealth into their lives. Keep reading this article as I show you how.
In order to learn how ... Views: 1582
Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, Kuan Yin states the universe will bring “whatever one wants”. Whether instant or long term: any personal request should ultimately match one’s deepest sensibilities, wherever one is on that spectrum. Aware of one’s innate power, one can then call forth ... Views: 1748
One of my favorite quotes and I think one of the most effective principles and getting positive results in our lives is this: "It is in our defenselessness that your safety lies" That is from A Course in Miracles.
The concept of defenselessness is something that is foreign to many people. It ... Views: 1216
by Annabelle Drumm
Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. From nudging you into a different driving lane on the highway, taking you into a shop where you find just what you’re looking for, through to a jolt from the blue that changes your ... Views: 1785
Every where you turn these days you find material about the Law of Attraction. I have read endless articles and books that seem to regurgitate the same information.
When people have tried everything they are told to do in these books to manifest what they want and still fail to do so,they ... Views: 1354
“Your only real problem is that you have forgotten who you are.”
– A Course in Miracles
Once upon a time in meditation, I received a crystal clear message that I am absolutely and eternally wonderful; and the only problem I have ever had is not knowing that.
Really? The only problem I ... Views: 1021
Nowadays, many people get divorced, because they don’t want to fight for their relationship and just give up. It’s so easy to leave your husband/wife. All you have to do is sign the papers and separate your property and your children. It’s much more difficult to save your marriage. You really ... Views: 969
Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge! I have to admit that I am a little bit of a royal groupie. So, for me I followed the princes birth, but not as excessively as some people have. I know there are some people that would rather not hear anything at all about the royal family. I ... Views: 1148
There are two parts of their life which people normally try to change; their workplace and the relationships which they have with their families and their significant others. You may be asking yourself, "Can the law of attraction truly help me to build relationships with the people that I enjoy, ... Views: 1239
(Q1) No matter how much I refocus and use the processes, I have such a long term engrained "lack of money" vibe, that nothing changes. I have teens that are always asking for things and places to go, when they know the $ aren't there, I say no, and they are like "why", which forces me to say, ... Views: 1188
(Q1) I have been learning all about the Law of Attraction for the last 4 months and everything has changed for me for the better, all except my financial reality... In my head I'm wealthy and can feel that but I suppose because I am out of work as the month comes to an end the panic sets in as I ... Views: 1091
(Q1)When to let go, and when to act? it's probably a feeling place that tells the tale but I am still trying to figure out what inspired action is and when I'm acting to push against.. how does one tell when to allow and when to act?
(A)That is an excellent question. You are right that it's a ... Views: 1146
(Q1) If I really believe something but others don't how does LOA work. e.g. if I had money invested in a horse or the stock market and I really believed that I would make money from this venture but the other people who owned the horse or had the same shares as me didn't believe this how would ... Views: 2001
(Q1) How often do you need to re-visualize your big goal? What about the law of allowing? Also tied to that question is do you focus on repeatedly visualizing the smaller steps that make up the big goal? eg. Visualize client appt book full as opposed to big goal of reaching 1 million ... Views: 1082
Picture for a moment that you have in your possession a resource of full and complete power. You alone could influence the heat of the sunlight, the fall of the rain, the turn of the tides and the direction of the winds. What would you be do and have with this sort of power? Would you abuse it ... Views: 1028
I’ve been seeing this mentality lately. That certain objects, people, and places are ‘high vibe’. While I would agree that such as a thing exists, I want to clarify that it’s about a state of being in allowance.
An object is not high vibe just because it’s considered a luxury item-like a ... Views: 1234
This question is something that took me many years to discover the answer to. For years I had struggled in every way you can possibly imagine. Whether it was finances, business success, relationships, inner fulfillment, you name it. ... Views: 1404
The Law of Attraction says we get what we think about. But how does this actually occur? What do I have to do to invoke the Law of Attraction to get the things I want rather than the things I do not want? Is there anything else involved on my part? The answers to these and similar questions ... Views: 1759
The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that the Universe, made aware of our desires, will bring those desires to us. The Universe is made aware of our desires by our thoughts and, more importantly, our actions. To get the Law of Attraction to exert its full power, we need to provide our ... Views: 1263
The secret to getting is having.
Now, before you dismiss this idea as some kind of far-out New Age aphorism, take a moment to contemplate the difference between the experience of wanting something and the experience of having it. Try this: Bring to mind a goal or objective – whether it’s ... Views: 5767
I see it everywhere…including in the mirror…and it drives me crazy!
What is “it” you ask? Kick-ass women putting up with less than they deserve in relationships.
So many of us find someone that we think could be “the one” and then hold on for dear life despite all evidence to the contrary. ... Views: 1147
The law of vibration serves as the foundation for the Universal Law of Attraction even though it may not be as well known as the law of attraction.
Science, through quantum physics, is demonstrating that everything in our universe is energy. Even when we go down to the sub-atomic level, we ... Views: 1465
“If someone can be traumatized in 30 seconds, why can’t they
be healed in a day, an hour, a minute?”
– Rick Wilkes, EFT Expert
I am so excited about EFT these days! I have known about it for years and have used it successfully on several occasions – even recommended it as a supplemental ... Views: 1094
I was leading my twice monthly Law of Attraction Study Group and found myself explaining the Pie Theory of Life. This is pie, like in pizza. Not Pi like in math. Most of us believe in the Pie Theory without even knowing it. It is sort of ingrained in us by our western culture, and it goes ... Views: 1671
There are times when we are at our lowest and become desperately in need of all the right answers. No matter how much we try to think straight, we are become so overwhelmed by our troubles that we allow ourselves to spiral down into negative thinking. We fall into the trap of despair and Lose ... Views: 1061
Supposedly, nobody ever said life was fair. Well, I’m saying it right now. Maybe I’m a nobody so the adage still works but I’ve come to believe that life is absolutely fair. Yes, there are selfish jerks who seem to be rewarded while truly good, hardworking, selfless people seem to be punished. ... Views: 1355
Over the past few years I have become increasingly fascinated with the whole concept of metaphysics or The universal law of attraction which is the term most of us are more familiar with. I began to explore and embrace affirmations especially those of Louise ... Views: 1211
Many people misunderstand the law of attraction. Thanks to “The Secret” they believe that manifesting is just wishing for something to happen so hard that it eventually happens for you.
Unfortunately that is far from enough, as if that was the case many people would have the lives they ... Views: 1795
The Great Recession of 2008 forced the legal industry to re-engineer itself and do more with fewer resources. In particular, General Counsels (GCs) were pressured to reduce their overall legal spend, which in turn forced law firms to look for ways to streamline legal service delivery. ... Views: 1485
When we study quantum physics, we learn that nothing is fixed, there are no limitations or barriers, and that all things are composed of vibrating energy. Quantum physics approaches science with a spiritual perspective of everything being connected and in a constant state of change-all energy ... Views: 1971
To have a different experience of the life you have you must have a different experience of who you are...
Think about this for just a minute: how many people including yourself, do you know in your life that is in a place where they are not happy? They're not happy with their relationships. ... Views: 995
Using the Universal Law of Attraction to attract what you want in life all comes down to the same principle: you need to focus your attention on the thing you want with the strongest emotion. However, focusing and trusting your internal guidance system to do the right thing in order to manifest ... Views: 1375
What have your thoughts been like lately? Negative or Positive?
It is amazing to note that anything and everything that has happened in this world first began with the power of thought. Our thoughts resides in the seat of our mind, where our will and emotions also dwell.
By definition, a ... Views: 1585
One of my all-time favorite films in the last few years has been "Under the Tuscan Sun". If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. If you have seen that you might know the story I'm about to tell. The story is about a woman whose life falls apart, and how she begins to build her life back up ... Views: 1268
“Appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational match to Source Energy of anything that we’ve ever witnessed anywhere.” ~Abraham-Hicks
The fastest way to get into a good mood or to radiate a good energy vibration is to practice appreciation. The greatest ... Views: 4319
Newsflash: all the things that are not working in your life, are the things that are going to bring you to the most peace and the most joy and the most love possibly the most success. Now, this seems contradictory to what you may believe or definitely what you want to do. But, I want you to ... Views: 1077
What you are experiencing in your life right now is a reflection of the thoughts that you had previously two now.
This is the basis of creation. This is the basis of making your life in line with the divine flow. As we really gets the fact that we are co-creating with the universe at all ... Views: 1352
One of the things that is the most important on our journey in life, is to discover and follow what we are passionate about. I know that you probably have heard that many times in your life. But, it is one of the things that helps us immensely to create positive results in our lives.
Most of ... Views: 1100
"Financial abundance is simply the Universe's response
to consistent thoughts and feelings of abundance."
- Abraham-Hicks
Ever since I first heard about the Abundance Journal process -- probably six years ago now – I’ve been doing it daily. It’s actually one of my favorite processes ... Views: 1637
THIS TRUE STORY WILL CHANGE FOREVER the way you look at millionaires, the millionaire mind, making money and success!
Meet Andy, a low level manager at a super-market. During his free time, Andy is busy chasing some new business venture all the time. Every time you talk to him, he has ... Views: 2128