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Let’s talk about the law of attraction today. Are you familiar with it? Well basically, it is a belief that your thoughts and circumstances are made up of energy, and like energy attracts. When you think positive thoughts, you attract positive outcomes, and when you think negative thoughts, you ... Views: 1219
As a Law of Attraction coach, it’s rare that I ask people to deliberately conjure negative feelings, but today is an exception.
I was sitting on an airplane yesterday on my way back from a trip, along with a fellow passenger who was very clearly having one of “those” days. I could go into ... Views: 5384
The concept underlying the Universal Law of Attraction is that everything in the universe is composed of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. All matter, and even our thoughts, is composed of energy.
The Universal Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy. ... Views: 1973
It is common for a divorcing parent to worry about losing his or her child in a divorce—or that a divorce means he or she won’t be as important in his or her child’s life as before. Kansas courts generally believe that a child has a right to have access to both parents. But what does that ... Views: 1118
Visualization is an extremely powerful tool that doubles the drive to achieve your goal, no matter how unattainable it might seem at the starting point. When you visualize success, you feel charged and motivated and increase your efforts. For someone on a weight loss journey, visualizing ... Views: 2431
Find out how passion allows you to muster the forces of the universe to activate the Law of Attraction towards the fulfillment of your Dream, living your Life purpose or delivering your message.
Passion is a creative emotional force deeply connected to the human soul, to the Elemental Forces ... Views: 1506
The law of attraction says that you attract into your life whatever you think about.
The law of attraction has worked for me in some aspects of my life but not for other aspects that meant the most to me. Or should I say, “that meant the most to my ego.” The things I wanted from a place of ... Views: 840
“Christy, stop daydreaming!!”
I heard these words a lot when I was a little girl. For me, daydreaming wasn’t about idly staring out the window; it was a way to make life more fun! While doing homework, I’d pretend that I was a travel agent… my completed papers itineraries to exotic ... Views: 4209
The Universal Law Of Attraction requires one to focus and invite in the things you really want in your life. Meditation is one of the most important tools you can use to help keep focused on your desires, and goals. It also helps to empty your mind and to access the places of peace and joy that ... Views: 1620
Are you familiar with the law of attraction? It talks about how your current thoughts can determine the outcomes of daily situations. You see, our thoughts and situations are made up of energy, and this energy attracts like energy. That is just how the Universe works. Hence, if you are an ... Views: 1197
Money: Everyone has an opinion, definition, and even a certain feeling as it relates to this one word. Some may feel good when they hear that word, whereas others, most in fact, may feel bad. The reason we feel good is that we have a good relationship with money. The reason we feel bad is that ... Views: 3950
“Whatever follows ‘I AM’ is going to come looking for you.”
– Joel Olsteen
If you’ve been following the Law of Attraction for a while, you’re most likely comfortable with the idea that your thoughts become the things and events of your life. You probably also accept the concept that you ... Views: 1297
What do you want? Reeeally want? Maybe it's a dream career? More abundance with finances? Having the love of your life?
Maybe you've been using methods you've learned about the Law of Attraction, but for some reason you're still not attaining your desire? Perhaps, you've attained it, but ... Views: 2434
I hear this often from clients:
“I’ve done everything I can to find my soulmate. Setting intentions, visualizing the perfect relationships, and actively looking through online dating and social events. But nothing works…I’m never going to meet someone!”
“That promotion I’ve worked so hard ... Views: 1220
Experiencing a life of effortless prosperity, total financial freedom and outstanding success is available to everyone - even YOU - but you have to know the secrets! Here are 10 from the International Bestseller How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST - make them a part of your daily experience and ... Views: 1933
Have you lost your direction in life?
Doubts about the meaning of what you are doing?
You have an inner "CEO"
All successful companies formulate their Vision and their Mission, sometimes termed as Business Plan, Our Vision, Our Core Idea or similar expressions.
The successful CEO makes ... Views: 1439
There's no doubt about it- everything is energy and the energy you give is the energy you receive. So what are some sure-fire ways of absolutely knowing what kind of energy you're putting out and, more important, getting back? Glad you asked because in this article I'm going to share with you 3 ... Views: 3346
Look around you right now: who or what do you see? How do you feel? Are you mostly happy with your surroundings? What about your job? Your relationships? Your finances? The good news is that if what you are seeing and feeling is what you want to be seeing and feeling, congratulations! Your past ... Views: 1488
Dear Friend,
… We hear in the media daily about financial problems, people losing jobs, having debt, in other words a lot of negative, contracting and depressing statements. This creates a lot of suffering for many people and so the problems deepen even further. We are all connected and fear ... Views: 1071
Dear Friend,
... Our Thinking Habits are either faithful servants or tyrannical masters - just as we allow them to be. However we have the say about it and we can take our choice.
...Thoughts of hate, anger, jealousy and envy will attract to us the same kind of thoughts emanating from the ... Views: 1283
The Universe gives clues to you all the time.
You have to notice them.
What you do with them is up to you.
That’s free will.
Here’s an example:
Recently I was talking to Pat O’Bryan about this and that when he mentioned he visited famed luthier Tony Nobles. Tony showed him his ... Views: 1316
We are each creating our own reality, twenty-four hours a day. The problem is that we are not conscious we are doing it. And how do we create reality? We create reality by either consciously creating it, or by allowing it. To consciously create reality is to deliberately go about trying to ... Views: 1054
Struggling to get the law of attraction to work for you? Here are 10 reasons why it isn't and how you can make it work.
1 Your request wasn't clear and specific.
You can’t go to a restaurant and ask the waiter for “food”. He needs you to order something specific and it’s the same with ... Views: 1542
Recently singer Daniel Barrett of the Austin band Porterdavis came to my home for my weekly pre-production session for my forthcoming album of original music. As he walked up the stairs into my recording studio area, I started congratulating him on something he hadn’t done yet.
“Dan, it was ... Views: 1293
Most of us move through life as if we're in a repetitive, hopeless dream, often angry or frustrated by the fact that no matter how hard we try, we never reach that special goal (or goals) we set for ourselves whether it's weight loss, a new home, a Ferrari, financial independence, or even the ... Views: 1130
What are the laws of attraction: It’s a law not a theory
In order to answer the question "What are the laws of attraction?", you need to understand that the main concept behind the Law of Attraction is that we, positively or negatively produce our personal realities. We attract the things we ... Views: 954
The secret behind the law of attraction really comes down to common sense and paying attention not only to how you feel around certain people, but how the world reacts to you. It all begins with understanding how thoughts, feelings and perceptions alter your reality. For an example, have you ... Views: 1318
Confidence plays a significant role in the way we go through life and amazing as it might seem, most people are lacking the firm self confidence that it takes to open the doors to success, prosperity and healthy relationships. Which person are you? Do you walk into a room with your head held ... Views: 1560
Expectations... expectations can help us, they can hurt us, they can guide us, and they can change the way we view the world; they can also affect the way we feel. By understanding how our expectations change the way we experience everything in our lives we can finally understand how the law of ... Views: 1110
Whether the law of attraction is real or not has been a popular topic of conversation between scientists, historians and just about anyone that watched the popular short movie "the Secret" when it was released back in 2006. The answer is yes and if you harness its power by sending out the right ... Views: 1313
The law of attraction is a very powerful thing if you use it correctly. You can manifest anything you desire into your life. Using the law of attraction may feel like being a programmer, but rather than writing a computer program, you are writing out your life.
But to master the law of ... Views: 4261
Millions of people have been trying to use the Law Of Attraction. Many have tried to use the Law Of Attraction to lose weight. But many people complain it hasn’t worked for them.
Many people don’t understand that the Law Of Attraction is always working, and that it is actually the science of ... Views: 1953
By nature, people are impatient. Our modern technology and conveniences have just made us want what we want, yesterday! On one had, our impatience is a good thing. It means we believe that what we want is attainable and doable. On the other hand, it can make us question whether we’re on the ... Views: 1273
The laws of attraction have been described as a belief system, but it is so much more than that. We all have beliefs that are ingrained in our minds and sadly most of them keep us from living the phenomenal lives we deserve. Many belief systems that we followed were instilled in us as children ... Views: 2503
Are you living your life in a place of prosperity or do you continue to barely make it financially, living paycheck to paycheck (if there's a paycheck at all).
Are you part of the 90% that live in a state of scarcity, or are you part of the small percentage that understands how important ... Views: 1947
Most of us go through life looking out at the world both visually and mentally, coming up with our own explanations for the circumstances we find ourselves in.
We put what we feel are the reasons for our circumstances in mental boxes labeled with negative conclusions that are typically not ... Views: 1484
Sometimes we cling to the strangest things… including some weird and destructive ideas about ourselves that can be self-fulfilling.
The most common of these is the pride that many of us take in our past suffering. I’ve done it myself many times, and so have you. There’s probably only a ... Views: 1333
I was never a fan of the Star Wars movies when they first came out. I didn't get what all the hype was about…until a decade ago. A friend told me I had to watch all of them, because I would become a fan. He was right. It was actually the character of Yoda I fell in love with and his lessons ... Views: 1345
There is a great power in the concept of the law of attraction, which has also been expressed in terms such as ‘magnetic centre’, ‘attractive force’, ‘the power of the mind’, and many others.
The danger of the modern concept of the law of attraction (loa) is that it professes that you have ... Views: 1548
You know that visualization in very important in using The Law of Attraction (LOA), provided that you always involve emotion in your visualization. LOA only respons feeling. That is why we need to visualize our life-goals that so stimulate our success feeling when we have been succeed in ... Views: 2611
“I don’t have time to exercise.” “I can’t write better.” “I can’t accomplish that project. No one can. It is impossible for anyone to do that.”
Most of us do a great job when it comes to giving excuses.
It’s common for people to figure out fancy excuses. I used the word “fancy” ... Views: 1573
Aspects in establishing law company goals and goals are different from goals and goals for any commercial or commercial enterprise. This is so because of the difference in the nature of the services delivered by the two. There are certain features of law companies, other than the well-known ... Views: 906
Richard Bach said, “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they are yours.” By the same token, argue for your blessings and they are also yours. I have a friend who wanted more love in her life so she set her watch to beep once an hour to remind her to take a deep breath and choose to feel ... Views: 2127
Words don't teach us - only life experiences do
I don't want you to just know the philosophy of the universal law of attraction on an intellectual level, through words you've read, or because I and/or others have told you so. I want you to know it experientially. Ultimately, words and books ... Views: 1983
Feeling good is the key to whatever you want to be, do or have. Instead of needing the world and people around you to change to make you feel better, you can feel good and watch the world change to match your good feeling. But don't just believe me. Improve the way you feel and see for yourself ... Views: 2303
Feeling guidance system.
Your feelings are your guide to your vibrational alignment with Source, as how you feel tells you whether you are aligning with Source or not. When you feel good within yourself, you are perfectly aligned; and when you don't feel good, then you are out of alignment with ... Views: 1139
A Daily Exercise to Attract More Abundance
Michael Shares His Daily Exercise for Feeling Abundant – and Why.
Law of Attraction responds to feelings (vibrations). What if we were able to duplicate the vibration of abundance deliberately? (This is what’s called Deliberate Attraction). Law of ... Views: 1488