We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Law of Attraction". If you have expertise in Law of Attraction and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In a day to day lifestyle, whether it's at home, at the work or while hanging out with friends, there's always a chance for getting hurt. Personal injury could be physical damage to your body or it could be mental. Whether your injury is as a result of a major accident or a medical health, you ... Views: 628
Automobile accidents, including motorbike and truck accidents, are severe issues. They happen each day and, even if you are the most secure driver in the globe, they could eventually get you. If you suffer serious injuries from an automobile, motorcycle, or truck accident, it is essential that ... Views: 661
After I had been into self-development for a few years, in the middle of 2005, I learnt about the effect that our thoughts, emotions and beliefs have on how we experience life. I think the first time I had heard about his was when I read ‘The Power of the Subconscious Mind’, by Joseph ... Views: 973
With so much crime everywhere, the time has come for one to take precautions. One gets into a muddle when faced with a legal situation. We may be right but due to the complexity of the situation, we don’t know what to do. The way forward is to hire the top law firm to remain on our side. ... Views: 746
There is a Universal Creative Energy that flows through and around us all, and is available to everyone, period. It does not care who you are, it’s always there and it’s responsible for turning thoughts into things. All we have to do is tap into this energy to achieve whatever it is we desire. ... Views: 915
Brain Management - Gain the Power of CLARITY
Recently, I was writing about another topic for the blog. That topic was “Mind to Mind - Integrity and Wellness - The Healing Power of Truth”! As you know, if you have been following my writing, I tend to build the clock - just to tell the time. ... Views: 8530
The Healing Power of Truth!
I was just viewing a provocative video on the front page of SelfGrowth.com. It was interesting and flabbergasting just what percentage of Americans are unwell in some way, shape, or form (most likely super-sized as well). Well, Mind To Mind is here to help! I suggest ... Views: 2190
How do you use the Law of Attraction in your life?
How do you manifest your dreams?
My grandmother loved books. She had interesting books lined up on her bookcase, and I was attracted to something fantastic. She used to say:
"You know, girl, books are valuable stuff. There is at ... Views: 1788
The struggle is a necessary inconvenience.
It accompanies every ambition, every success and it prevails in every failure. But there can be no real sustainable success without the struggle. It’s an unfortunate truth.
The sooner we accept this truth, the sooner we can champion it. Once ... Views: 2004
Here’s a recent email we received about the law of attraction and fate:
Hi guys, despite all your interesting findings on fate and destiny, of which I firmly believe, I am stunned at the amount of new age information out there concerning the LOA, whereby, so many people, particularly in my ... Views: 3668
7 years ago we were on a family trip. My son was 12. We saw a container where bees were with a rape ground.
My son said: Universe, please give me a family of bees.
Then he explained why it would be good if there were bees.
He painted all the benefits of bee breeding.
Do you know what ... Views: 2116
There is the chance that if someone is in to self-development, it is because of the law of attraction. Through finding out about this so-called law, it would then have meant that this ended up being an important part of their life.
One thing leads To Another
It is then the same as how ... Views: 1394
“The one problem is our sense of separation,
and the one solution is to connect again to the Oneness.”
– from A Course in Miracles
“I want to be a Blended Being! I want to be a Blended Being! I want to be a Blended Being!” These are the words and the sentiment that came up from deep inside ... Views: 1505
The debt crisis. The changing economy. The constant political race. There seem to be problems everywhere and much of the society seems to dwell on this bad, negative mentality. While this might be useful for marketing the scarcity thinking can be very painful and create unnecessary fear, ... Views: 1880
There is much composed on the power of the Law of Attraction and on utilizing visualization to produce a much better life. It's a terrific tool for those who think in it and who utilize it to enhance themselves. Is it possible to utilize the very same methods to assist others?
You currently ... Views: 2320
The law of attraction is the belief that you ATTRACT what you put out into the universe. This means that if a person is emitting positive vibes they will draw good things to them and if they are emitting negative vibes they will draw not so good things to them.
"You are a living magnet, ... Views: 1284
Exactly what you put out into the universe you will get back in abundance. If you offer you will get.
If you put out unfavorable ideas, you set up the environment to get negative-ness. And if you send out favorable ideas, you can anticipate favorable energy to return to you.
There are those ... Views: 1738
Goal setting doesn't work. OK, so that’s a pretty bold statement. We’re taught to set goals. Goals arise from our desires and give us a direction and a destination.
The question is, why do so many people fail at achieving their goals? When I was in direct sales I was taught to aim high so ... Views: 1484
What is your biggest Dream?
Everyone has a dream, what is yours? There are many successful people out there who are living their dream and loving all life has to offer. Their relationships, career, health, stamina, are all in positive alignment. Part of the reason for this is their belief in ... Views: 1608
“Life is the sum of all your choices.”
– Albert Camus

You know, we can have the most enlightened beliefs about life and how life works but they can remain pretty much theoretical until we have an opportunity to practice our beliefs. [YAY Contrast?]
For example, I have for many years been ... Views: 1371
“Everyone holds within them the magic to make their dreams come true, but sadly few realize this. When your energy, passion, vision and practical side come together with your inner beliefs, dreams can be created and achieved.” Lori Snyder, CPC
YOU can think, you can wish and you can create a ... Views: 1613
What is the real source of abundance in your life?
Most people have collapsed the concept of abundance with the condition of having plenty of money, but true abundance – as I define it here – encompasses far more than material possessions or luxuries. Satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, ease, ... Views: 2829
Think back to a time earlier in your life when you were in the midst of some kind of a challenge. Maybe it was a problem you were having with a boss, or a breakdown in a relationship with a family member or friend. And now imagine if you could go back in time and talk to that younger version of ... Views: 2596
In life, your success starts with a goal. It could be starting your own business, a new relationship or getting fit. Whether these are big goals or small goals. Goals can provide you with purpose in your life. But it does take time, determination and mental stamina to reach these goals.
Many ... Views: 830
Struggling to pay your monthly mortgage dues? Take control of the situation before it spirals out of control. The best way to find a practical solution to the problem is to consult a reputed foreclosure attorney in Maryland.
If you have piled up a significant number of installments of ... Views: 1021
The simple definition of the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like.
A wordier description is that humans attract into their lives experiences and circumstances based on their thoughts – negative thoughts produce negative results and positive thoughts produce positive ... Views: 947
Your vision board: it’s your treasure chest, a way to glimpse into the future that awaits you.
If you’ve ever made a vision board, you know the value of having one. But you also know how much work it takes to create one. Or you may have started a board and never finished or updated it ... Views: 1835
Although the term ‘bankruptcy’ has a negative ring to it, it is important to understand that this legal proceeding may offer individuals a gateway to manage their huge debts and save their most precious possessions from being recovered by banks or creditors. If you are struggling to pay off your ... Views: 1560
Men the same as women have many different views about styling and wearing their hair, especially when it comes to events such as work functions and weddings.
Combing, styling or parting their hair in their own way, but they all have the same goal in mind. To keep their crowning beautiful and ... Views: 1204
In the previous decade or more, there has actually been much discussion of something that has existed but not clearly defined, and now has a name. That name is "creative visualization".
You've most likely heard the term prior to in the news, maybe online , or checking out a publication. ... Views: 2092
My sister broke her wrist a few months ago and, although she is still in pain and has nowhere near full use of her wrist, both the surgeon and the physical therapist are telling her not to expect much more improvement. After talking with her by phone, I wrote her a note to further encourage her ... Views: 1273
When you need a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney, you will really look forward to getting the best. When you are looking for the best however, you might sometimes to confused about where you can get such lawyers. Of course there are Los Angeles Criminal Lawyers everywhere in Los Angeles and ... Views: 898
Do you remember that movie called “Stranger Than Fiction” starring Will Farrell and Emma Thompson? In it, the main character begins to hear an author in his head narrating his life. He eventually realizes she is writing a story in which he, the main character, will die in the end. So, he sets ... Views: 1886
“When you complain, you make yourself a victim.
Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it.
All else is madness.”
– Eckhart Tolle
Complaining, griping, kvetching – we all do it, right? Complaining can be a habit and, for most of us, it’s pretty easy to get others to ... Views: 1386
“What will the neighbors think?” That seemed to be the main concern of my parents when I was growing up.
As much as I rebelled against it at the time, and as much as that concern always felt like bondage to me, and as much as I really did see it as an example of how NOT to live, I still ... Views: 1334
One of my stellar clients [they’re all stellar!] wrote on his Session Prep Form that he had received yet another promotion at work and his co-workers were teasing him about “building an empire.”
He also said co-workers have been asking him how he does it, i.e., how he continues to receive ... Views: 1608
“Get your hopes up!
Expect something good to happen to you every day.”
– Joyce Meyer
“Don’t Get Your Hopes Up!” We’ve heard that advice all our lives. Family, friends, books and movies have all warned us not to get our hopes up. It’s part of our popular culture. You may even say it ... Views: 1520
I can tell you it didn’t immediately feel wonderful when my internet went down. Again! After I’d already had three service techs come out in one week [including one appointment that lasted more than 3 hours], each one assuring me I would have no more issues. It didn’t immediately feel ... Views: 1195
I used to think it was all about the money. Reaching the end goal. Partly, because I’m really results-oriented and partly because of my background in corporate. It was always about winning and being successful. Boom! That’s where the rewards always were.
In corporate, my boss called to ... Views: 1575
It is when you assume you know, or you assume you know where to look, that disappointment will have the sharpest sting. How many times have you read an article or been on a landing page that suggests they have the missing piece of the puzzle only to find out they are just selling the ... Views: 2505
Ask, Believe, Receive
It sounds simple, and there are even guided steps on how to make the Law of Attraction works. You can probably find most of it online. I found most of it focusses on thoughts, belief and gratitude. And it really sounds easy to practice. Well, I'm not sure whether it ... Views: 1389
The law of attraction has become a common staple of the self improvement community for quite some time now, especially since the book and movie "the secret" came out...
And opinions are always divided, some say it's a law as certain as the law of gravity and others claim it's complete ... Views: 1735
The unknown, that which has yet to be, the unmanifested potential. Who dares to venture into these uncharted waters? In the world of what if’s, the impossible is plausible; every dream is feasible, and all alternatives have a path to existence. So why do we only entertain the unwanted ... Views: 2350
“Depressed people have good memories for bad stuff.”
– Brian Johnson
A few years back, one of my mastermind partners surprised me by declaring it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
My first reaction was Yes!” Followed almost immediately by “Huh?”
Seems like that ship has ... Views: 1192
"Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do." - Emmanuel Swedenborg
Every time we ... Views: 1439
Your thoughts tell you a truth. They help you form your perception of reality. It is the secure feeling we get when we can justify our reality. But what is real is only real for you because your mind tells you it’s real. Even when you try to tell yourself that your thoughts are wrong, sometimes ... Views: 1938