I grew up as an introvert, although I didn't know the term "introvert" until later on in life. Even then, I've thought introvert must be inferior(thanks to the extrovert glorifying trend on the internet). It was until much later that I realised the strength of an introvert.
As a child, I ... Views: 1404
Everyone wants to be happy, right? YES. Whatever you do in life, pursuing your career, building your business, going to college, or learning a new skill, it is for a reason. It calls come down to leading a happy life. For whatever reason you tell yourself, it is always you want more money, more ... Views: 689
Ask, Believe, Receive
It sounds simple, and there are even guided steps on how to make the Law of Attraction works. You can probably find most of it online. I found most of it focusses on thoughts, belief and gratitude. And it really sounds easy to practice. Well, I'm not sure whether it ... Views: 1389