In life, your success starts with a goal. It could be starting your own business, a new relationship or getting fit. Whether these are big goals or small goals. Goals can provide you with purpose in your life. But it does take time, determination and mental stamina to reach these goals.

Many of us get stuck. We can all start with positive intentions, but sometimes, we can’t seem to make it happen. There are many reasons for this, impatience, the busyness of life, fear of change and pressures from those around us.
So, how do you stay positive and pursue your goals? Through visualizations. Visualizations can help you to reach your goals and stay on track.

Here are 4 tips that you can use to help you on your way to visualize and fulfil your objectives. You can apply these tips to improve sports performance, the Law of Attraction and to heal your body.

Relax – Learning to relax when you visualize is a must. This can be easier said than done. But the effects of relaxing can go a long way to reduce stress in the body. By relaxing you will be able to set clear objectives in your mind. Practicing meditation is a great way to learn to relax. Through persistent practice of meditation, you will learn to stay grounded and calm in difficult situations. Yoga is another alternative. Through movement and stretching you will eliminate toxins in the body, which will promote relaxation and wellness. Diet can also help. Eat clean and keep your diet free from stimulants and high amounts of sugar.

Make It Fun - Adding some fun into your visualizations can ease off any feelings of anxiety you have about visualizations not working for you. When you are in a state of worry, you activate areas in your brain that are associated with anxiety. Having fun can counteract these negative feelings. Bring some light-heartedness into your practice. By doing this, you can rewire your brain network away from worry centres. This will promote a mindset of optimism rather than anxiety.

Self-Belief – Your mind is continuously affecting your body and your beliefs. Did you know that the brain doesn’t distinguish between what is real and what is imagined? You can have confidence that what you imagine and intend does have an influence on your life.

There is no right or wrong way to visualize. Most people think that they can’t visualize. They assume that other people visualize in high definition. But that’s not true. What matters is your intention behind the visualization. Even if your images are vague, it is what you imagine and what you feel that matters. We are all unique and have our own ways of imagining. So, have faith in yourself that you are visualizing in the best way for you.

Repetition – Research conducted by Norman Doidge, M.D, concluded that training occurred within the brain. In the experiment, two groups were playing the piano. However, one group was not physically playing, they imagined playing. It was concluded that the same degree of changes occurred in the brain activity in both groups. But, to see those changes, it was necessary for both groups to repeat the movements. Both real and imaginary. This research proves that when you practice visualization, you are exercising the brain. If you stop doing the work, then the stimulated brain regions will shrink. If you repeat visualizations daily, and are consistent in this, your brain will become hardwired to visualize.

By implementing these 4 visualization tips into your daily routine you will be able to use visualizations for mastering your goals. Practice makes perfect. The more you use these steps the better your technique will be, and the more positive results you will start see in your life.

Author's Bio: 

Sarah Buttery is an esoteric researcher and spiritual writer. Sarah created the blog Source Enlighten, as a resource for those interested in spirituality, esotericism and learning to use the Tarot for self-discovery.