What is your biggest Dream?

Everyone has a dream, what is yours? There are many successful people out there who are living their dream and loving all life has to offer. Their relationships, career, health, stamina, are all in positive alignment. Part of the reason for this is their belief in themselves and their focus and work towards making their dreams a reality. I’m sure there is something you really want to do or that you are very passionate about. Think about your dreams and passions for a moment, focus a second on thinking about what you did or are doing NOW to help them come to fruition. Most dreams and life passions are attainable, It is just seeing the correct angle you need to take to make it happen.

What is the biggest barrier stopping you from creating your dream into reality?

Think of and write down all the things that have caused you to NOT follow your dreams. These things could be people who do not or never did support you in your passion and your life dreams. Money often is and can be another factor that may have hindered you. Fears and limiting beliefs play a major role in people never seeing the success they dream about and wish for. There are many different types of barriers which can be overcome. You might feel you lack the skills or talent to pursue your dreams. All of the above can be overcome with the right mind-set and the right training, it is however important to be aware of barriers that can be holding you back.

What passion are you afraid of owning or admitting?

Many people have DREAMS and passions that they are afraid to talk about or out of fear they push these dreams and passions to the back of their mind and do nothing except think about them every once in a while. You may worry that others may think your goal is unrealistic. Maybe you think your passion is silly to other people. An important thing to remember is that although we all have a right to our own opinions, we do not need to except someone else’s thought as our own. What is that one thing or two that you never speak of because of fear that others may reject it?

As a child, what did you really want to be?

Did you have dreams of becoming someone as a child and it didn’t turn out quite as expected? Do you still wonder what it would have been like if you did FOLLOW your dreams as a child? If you had the opportunity, would you follow this dream today?

If a genie wanted to grant you a lifelong dream, what would it be?

Some people have regrets and think time has passed and it is too late. If you are reading this, it is not too late. It is too late for people to go back and change the things they missed out on, but they can create new opportunities. What WISH would you want granted if that genie popped out of a bottle?

Tap Into Your Peak Experiences and Your ExistingTalent!

Now that you have some questions to answer and some things to ponder in regard to your dreams and passions, you can also take a good look at the goals you wish to achieve and create a plan of ACTION to reach them.

Your capabilities are very important when you are thinking about taking your dreams and passions to the next level of formation. You should also tap into peak experiences and existing talents that you already have and that can assist you in the creation of your PASSIONS. Whatever you are lacking in, there is a world of information at your fingertips. Go out and find it and educate yourself in any weak area that may be a roadblock to succeeding in the arenas that you wish.


Lori Snyder, CPC

Lori is a Certified Professional Coach & Business Coach she can be reached at info@lori-snyder.com

Author's Bio: 

Lori Snyder is the outspoken creator of the recently launched “The Female Challenge” a core workout for mind, body and soul, focusing on the five cores of empowered success. She also wrote and facilitated the very powerful seminar/workshop “How to Stay Sane Before, During & After your Divorce” which helped many successfully move through this very transitional life change. Also published is Lori's book “The Goddess Effect-Revealed” which acts as not only a book, but a seven week empowerment program, promised to rock your world into success mode.


As a Speaker, Author, Occasional Cable TV Host/Anchor, former Dale Carnegie Consultant, and Certified Transition, Business and Lifestyle Coach, Lori is an expert in helping others discover their greatness. She is known for being on target in her coaching practice, and has a gift for being able to tap into her client’s essence after knowing them for a short period of time.

Lori’s focus is on integrating all core dimensions to help each person move into their most powerful, productive and successful state of well-being. She helps guide each person through the very things that are holding them back from achieving a life they love, and the happiness, success and joy they deserve.

Lori has been featured in More Magazine, where she was interviewed on her practices and thoughts toward achieving a healthy lifestyle, along with supreme balance to achieve optimal body, mind and soul.

She was also sought after by Wellness Magazine to act as their Life Coach for a six-month feature, where she was the exclusive Life-Stylist Coach for six participants. Lori helped them create a life they loved through a six-month transitional journey, focusing on the individual needs of each person.

Lori has also written for many publications, both on and offline, including Generations Magazine, where she helped Senior’s with transition. Lori enjoyed a seat on the board of the Long Island Professional Women’s Association, and had an ongoing column in their monthly publication.

With a degree in Sociology and Anthropology, Lori has extensively studied psychology, sociology, philosophy and anthropology. She is also accredited and certified, both as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and an Energy Leadership Index™ Master Practitioner (ELI-MP).

Lori has a natural passion and love for her work. She enthusiastically helps her client’s re-discover, re-define and re-create their life. she helps them to focus, establish and implement a plan of action, that will accept nothing less then their success.

Lori believes that the way one cultivates and cares for a relationship with themselves and with others is very important, along with how they nourish their body, mind and soul on a daily basis. She feels that each person holds within them powerful inner strength, that when tapped into can help them to create powerful, positive results towards making their lives an extraordinary one.