What is the difference between having an abundance mindset and having a scarcity mindset?
A scarcity mindset is a fixed mindset. It is focused on lack and a belief that the supply is limited. An abundance mindset is a growth mindset. It allows for possibilities, growth and understands we live ... Views: 478
What is the difference between having an abundance mindset and having a scarcity mindset?
A scarcity mindset is a fixed mindset. It is focused on lack and a belief that the supply is limited. An abundance mindset is a growth mindset. It allows for possibilities, growth and understands we live ... Views: 548
"If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there the whole while, waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living.” —Joseph Campbell
When you tune into your soul’s purpose you feel fulfilled and have a clear sense of ... Views: 542
One of the things I really enjoy in my relationship with my husband is how we make each other laugh. It feels great to laugh and that cheery feeling lasts well beyond the actual laugh. Laughter is one of the best ways to get and keep a high vibration. And we know that when we’re in a high vibe ... Views: 593
One of the things that holds us back from making positive changes in our lives is the fear that things will be worse in the future than they are now. We cling to the ideas and circumstances we’ve already created, even if their purpose is finished. But if we don’t lovingly let go of the old, we ... Views: 531
There are many misconceptions about life purpose. Those misconceptions cause a lot of people to needlessly twist themselves into knots trying to figure out what they’re here for.
Below are some common misunderstandings about purpose that I hope to clear up for you.
1. Not everyone has a ... Views: 585
Affirmations can be a big help in creating the things, experiences, relationships, careers, spiritual growth and bank accounts you want. But, if done incorrectly they can come back to bite you. The important thing to remember about affirmations is imagining you already have what you want and ... Views: 597
“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself. Believe in yourself, your abilities and your own potential. Never let self-doubt hold you captive. You are worthy of all that you dream of and hope for.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart ... Views: 674
“Energy is the currency of the universe. When you ‘pay’ attention to something, you buy that experience. So when you allow your consciousness to focus on someone or something that annoys you, you feed it your energy and it reciprocates the experience of being annoyed. Be selective in your focus ... Views: 1066
Are you unhappy with your career but afraid to make a change because you’re not sure you’ll like it? You may have an idea about what you’d like to do next, but how do you know it’s the right choice?
We all want to be happy and fulfilled at work. We want something that utilizes skills we like ... Views: 882
How many times have you said yes to something you didn’t really want to do? This can be simple things like doing a favor when your plate is full or accepting an invitation you don’t enjoy. It can also be around larger issues. Many people don’t pursue their life purpose because of pressure from ... Views: 887
“To love what you do and feel that it matters—how could anything be more fun?” ~ Katharine Graham
What is so important about having a purpose in life? Increasingly, people are looking for something more than just “making a living.” They’re realizing that there seems to be something missing in ... Views: 945
“Success is not what you have, but who you are.”
~ Bo Bennett
When we think of the word “successful,” most people think of wealth, fame, influence, a certain job title, accolades and awards. These are the things society tells us we need to achieve in order to be a ... Views: 1163
Julie had been a middle school teacher for 35 years and, while she loved her work, she was happily anticipating retirement. A few months into it, she found herself at loose ends, with no real motivation or focus. Something was missing. And that something, she realized, was a sense of purpose. ... Views: 1135
If you’re feeling stuck in a job you don’t like and are looking to move into something more in line with your purpose and what you love, here’s the catch—you need to be in the vibrational vicinity of what you want before it can manifest in your life.
There’s a saying that you can’t leave ... Views: 887
Lack of self-confidence is one of the biggest blocks to pursuing your passions and purpose. It’s certainly something that I’ve struggled with. Each time you put yourself out to the world, it feels like a risk. But unless you do take that risk, you don’t allow yourself to make your dreams a ... Views: 978
I used to be caught in indecision about nearly everything in my life. I even had a poster in my dorm room in college that was a quote from Harvard professor Harvey Cox:
"Not to decide is to decide.”
I put it up as kind of a joke about how indecisive I was and my boyfriend at ... Views: 1100
“The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”
― Oprah Winfrey
We all have a calling in life. We are here for a reason and the dreams we hold inside us give us direction. But so often we push ... Views: 1282
Do you:
* Say yes to things you really don’t want to?
* Put everyone else’s needs before yours to the point of exhausting yourself and neglecting your own self-care?
* Go along with things you’re not really comfortable with just to keep the peace?
* Say no, but you make a lot of ... Views: 1325
Discovering your life purpose is a journey into knowing yourself. Your life has been guiding you to your purpose all along. It’s just matter of knowing what the signposts are.
Here’s a fun acronym to help you learn and remember the steps to purpose:
P = Passions: What do you love to do? ... Views: 1829
Do you feel like something is missing in your life?
We are all born with a purpose. Each of us is unique and we all have a special role to fill, that no one else can do. When we discover, acknowledge and act on that, we feel fulfilled. When we don’t, we feel as if we are wandering through ... Views: 1785
Many people are asking the question, “What is my purpose?” It’s not something that was talked about several years ago but has now come into the collective consciousness.
The first thing to consider when exploring your purpose is to understand what purpose really means. Most of the people ... Views: 1870
Goal setting doesn't work. OK, so that’s a pretty bold statement. We’re taught to set goals. Goals arise from our desires and give us a direction and a destination.
The question is, why do so many people fail at achieving their goals? When I was in direct sales I was taught to aim high so ... Views: 1484
Have you been feeling out of sorts at work and wondering if you need to make a change, but not sure if now is the time?
It’s important to self-reflect on a regular basis and not simply drift through life and career without awareness.
Paying attention to the synchronicities and signs in your ... Views: 1917
Do you remember that movie called “Stranger Than Fiction” starring Will Farrell and Emma Thompson? In it, the main character begins to hear an author in his head narrating his life. He eventually realizes she is writing a story in which he, the main character, will die in the end. So, he sets ... Views: 1886
This was a question that was put before me recently and I thought it an interesting one. For many people the answer is its easier to be unhappy, because unhappiness, struggle and complaint are their default beliefs and behaviors. For others, happiness seems to come easily. We all know those ... Views: 1593
There is much talk today about mindfulness and meditation has made its way into many workplaces and even into schools. Today we experience more stimulation from our outside environments than ever before. We have more noise and we are more accessible than ever before. More demands are placed on ... Views: 1330
I’m sure you know about the Law of Attraction, which is simply “that which I put my energy, attention and focus on, I attract into my life.” But did you know there are many other universal laws at play? The Law of Attraction is an umbrella overshadowing the other universal laws that are all ... Views: 2251
I’m sure you know about the Law of Attraction, which is simply “that which I put my energy, attention and focus on, I attract into my life.” But did you know there are many other universal laws at play? The Law of Attraction is an umbrella overshadowing the other universal laws that are all ... Views: 2251
When we think of love, especially on Valentine’s Day, we think of romantic love. Romantic love is great and we all want it! It’s necessary to keep the species going and so it is hard wired into us.
Dr. Helen Fisher, a top biological anthropologist, says romantic love is “one of the most ... Views: 1393
I recently read an article that really got my attention. It asserted that in order to move forward in life and be successful, don’t rely on passion–in fact, the author went so far as to say passion as a force to keep you moving in a successful direction is a lie. His premise was that passion ... Views: 1453
Are you one of the majority of people who, with the best of intentions, set new year resolutions, only to have them fading into distant memory by the end of January? Research from the University of Scranton found that just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals.
So, what is the ... Views: 1293
The act of setting an intention is your declaration to the universe of what goal or outcome you want to experience in your life. It is born of having a vision of what you want–which is the result of experiencing the contrast, or what you don’t want.
Every time we run up against a challenge or ... Views: 2089
One of the barriers to living on purpose and doing what you truly love is the expectations of others. It may be that your parents had fears that what you wanted to do wouldn't pay the bills, or wasn't considered a sophisticated enough calling and they set the expectation that you would follow a ... Views: 1599
One of the biggest blockages people face in moving forward with living according to their passions and purpose is belief, both conscious and subconscious. Our beliefs determine what we attract and what we allow ourselves to receive in life. When we start from a place of limiting or flawed ... Views: 3177
Welcome to part four of my five part series on why people don’t take the steps to live their highest purpose! So far I’ve covered lack of clarity on what they are passionate about, the idea that they don’t have the time or can make the commitment, and money concerns. Today I’d like to address ... Views: 2015
In the past two articles, I’ve covered the obstacles of not knowing what you are passionate about and time or commitment issues. This article will cover the topic of money.
Once you have identified the direction you want to go and have committed to the time to focus on it, an issue that comes ... Views: 1992
Many people say they just don’t have the time to pursue making a change in their lives. The idea of going in another direction, however appealing, just seems too overwhelming. Some get as far as exploring getting some help with this, but then back away. There is a lack of commitment to doing ... Views: 1980
As Henry David Thoreau famously said, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” He was explaining how most people are slaves to their work and to those who employ them. They become resigned to this state of affairs which Thoreau called “confirmed desperation.”
This rather bleak ... Views: 2597
For people seeking help with their lives and careers there are, fortunately, a variety of choices. Coaching, consulting and therapy all provide valuable services. The question is, how do you decided which type of help is best for you? The professional you choose depends upon what you are seeking ... Views: 2849
One of the things that keeps us from moving forward in our lives is our tendency to hold on to things that no longer serve a purpose. This can be in any aspect of life--certain activities, thoughts, feelings such as worry, relationships, jobs, objects, your past.
Everything that we attract ... Views: 2835
When I was a teenager, it was my ambition to become a professional ballet dancer. I began lessons around the age of eight for fun and exercise and by twelve I was a serious student. My parents were very supportive, driving me to classes several times a week and allowing me to spend a summer at ... Views: 1905
So, you’ve been trying out the law of attraction and it just isn’t working for you. You are wondering, “What’s going on? Why is it taking so long?” You begin to think this stuff just doesn’t work, or maybe it does for other people, but somehow you’re special and it just doesn’t work for ... Views: 1801
February is the month of love! We’re just past Valentine’s Day, when our thoughts and attention are on romantic love. Many people feel that romantic love is the highest form of love. While it certainly feels good, is healthy and rewarding, there is actually a higher, more certain love that ... Views: 1859
Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions for this year? How’s it going? How has it gone in past years? If you are like most people, you start out with the best intentions and then gradually you revert back to old habits. Studies show that only 8% of people actually reach their goals! ... Views: 1823
Each person on the planet is born with a higher purpose. Our purpose--which is to say, our soul’s purpose--is to grow, to evolve, and to experience joy. The soul chooses to experience and create in the physical world in order to know itself better. Higher purpose is about serving in some way ... Views: 2104
One of the most pervasive feelings that stops people from stepping up to living their highest calling--their Divine Purpose--is the feeling that what they have to offer the world is not of value. We are our own worst critics, and as we look at what those who have come before us have ... Views: 2701
As I was driving down the road with my 16 year old son I noticed him more glum than usual.
"What's up?" I ventured.
"I just don't know what to do with my life," he replied. "I don't know what I could possibly do to make a living that I would be good at."
" You'll spend most of your ... Views: 4591
This is the time of year when many of you have dropped the last child off at college. Many feelings are no doubt swirling around inside you. You may feel proud of your child and excited about the new possibilities that await him or her. You may also be feeling anxious about your child's ... Views: 3646