We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Adult and Senior Development". If you have expertise in Adult and Senior Development and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
You might not be surprised to know that seniors require more care than children due to the numerous ailments, the medications that must be carefully measured, and the amount of supervision that some medical conditions require.
What you might be surprised about is the variety of options your ... Views: 1830
When many people think about elderly care, they automatically assume that all facilities are like institutionalized nursing homes. While dependent patients may require the additional attention that elders at a nursing home receive, this type of setting was deemed no longer acceptable to the ... Views: 1380
Michael Mantell, Ph.D. is convinced that if there was a drug that offered all of the benefits that play does, it’d be the biggest seller on the planet. But who needs to buy a pill when play is free, available 24 hours a day, and no is ever prescription needed?
Plato did prescribe, “Life must ... Views: 1333
I have recently been experimenting with healthy recipes in which I have included honey as a sweetener but I haven't really considered what it's true benefits are because honey is usually taken for granted as being a "healthy ingredient".
I decided then to delve a bit deeper to see what ... Views: 1168
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory consists of five interdependent levels that one strives to meet in a life cycle. Some cultures may place more or less emphasis on the importance of each level, but each has great applicability to achieving a meaningful life for all people. The hierarchy is ... Views: 1471
When you look in the mirror do you really see yourself? Is it a quick look with just a hand through the hair or a concentrated look as you apply your makeup? Are you focused on the hair while shaving or tweezing your face? Do you avoid the mirror? Do You Really See You?
I ask these ... Views: 1262
There is an African-American proverb that says, “God makes three requests of His children: Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now.”
It’s that time of the year again, when the “Best of_____” lists begin to appear. You know these lists. They include everything from the best ... Views: 1424
The fastest, easiest test of the memory that I know is the one where you have to remember three objects five minutes after you’ve been told what they are.
This is part of a standardized test of cognition (typically testing for dementia) known as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). ... Views: 1987
I don't know if it's because of the weight I that have lost recently that I am more aware, but I can't help but notice the composition of people all around us.
I went out for a long walk yesterday on a nice summer evening and noticed how few other people were out doing the same - yet there ... Views: 1228
Are you training to fail?
16 July 2014
I see so many people obsessed with numbers when weight training?
5 sets of 10?
4 sets of 8??
10 sets of 20???
If an exercise is carried out with a set number of repetitions specified beforehand, when you get to that predetermined number in ... Views: 1233
Training at intervals?
24 July 2014
In last week’s blog I mentioned that short intense workouts that can be done when weight training (HIT), why can’t the same principles be incorporated in to your cardiovascular fat burning program?
If you could burn fat efficiently in short intense ... Views: 1118
Most of us are so busy that the thought of sitting still for 20 minutes or even 5 minutes a day is beyond us. We know meditation is probably good for us, but rewards seem fuzzy and methodology even fuzzier. What, exactly, is meditation? And do you have to be religious? Meditation is often ... Views: 1161
The older we get, the less enzymes and stomach acid we often have to fully process our foods. Many people start having reflux, gas, bloating, and general digestive distress. Going to the doctor often gets them prescriptions for various forms of aluminum antacids when it is often more acid, not ... Views: 1564
Hi everyone and welcome new members
Recently I started seeing more and more couples with more extreme challenges than the usual litany of problems. I noticed that for some, communication issues were just the tip of the iceberg of the list of frustrations and resentments expressed by some ... Views: 1591
When your mind starts to leave you, you’re powerless in a profound way. It’s why Alzheimer’s and dementia are so scary.
Tragically, medicine offers few answers for these diseases.
None of the drugs used for dementia actually stop memory loss. They only seem to slow the progression a little ... Views: 1742
The westernized world is pretty unhealthy. I come from Wales and more than a quarter of all over 40’s are obese. We are also an ageing nation, with around 45 per cent of us being over 45 years old.
These figures, combined with the continued downward trend in activity levels, makes Wales a ... Views: 1658
Most people suspect that forgetfulness or dementia occurs because of some changes or problems in the brain, especially among the elderly. However, this is not always the case. In fact, a heart problem can also increase the risk of dementia or Alzheimer's disease!
It may be hard to ... Views: 3637
Age is the most important determinant of the required amount of sleep a person needs. The volume of children’s sleep hours will depend on the stage of they are currently in. In the case of newborns, they sleep an average of 16 to 18 hours a day. As they reach the age of one, children’s sleep ... Views: 1774
“I’m 103,” she says with a twinkle in her eyes and an impish smile.
Born in 1910 in the Southern Canadian prairie town of Bow Island, centenarian Mary Ell is one of those rare people who has cruised past the century mark and is still living life to its fullest.
Want to live to 100? Take ... Views: 1230
“True-or-False Research Improves Your Memory 73%.”
• 1. True or False: “It’s what you KNOW, not what you ‘Show’.”
• 2. True or False: “At-Work: YOU are ‘underestimated’ by the HR department.”
• 3. True or False: “Getting-Excited is better than “Calming-
Down” for school and career ... Views: 2016
“What Makes one Graduate Wealthy, and the others ‘only’ Average?”
• 1. Me: “This is new research, December, 2013, by experts at MIT and Harvard. They say stuff about education that is brand-new. This is relevant to parents who care about their kids’ future.”
• 2. You: “Does it apply to ... Views: 1943
How to Double Your Income in 2014 Using Mental-Imagery
• 1. Me: “The latest research at the University of Oslo, & published 12.03.13 in Psychological Science drops a bomb. That what we concentrate on as a Mental-Movie,
and emotionalize, creates itself in our experiences.”
• 2. You: “Do ... Views: 2171
“Could You use tested & proven Headlines to 2x your Closes?”
• 1. Me: “Affiliates need more than Clicks, they must produce closes on buyers’ Credit Cards, right?”
• 2. You: “What if I not an affiliate? Am I wasting my time learning about Headlines that pull?”
• 3. Me: “None of us was born ... Views: 2012
“Do You Live in a Touch-Phobic Society?”
• 1. Me: “Are You a skeptic like me? Here something that I researched in scientific journals that Surprised me. Interested?”
• 2. You: “Is it long and drawn-out, or philosophy & theory? Will it do me any good? Tell me.”
• 3. Me: “It’s about ... Views: 2649
“Two Secrets of Success: Repetition & Review for 2014.”
• 1. Me: “We got 452 emails about “Thymus & Spleen THUMPING”. They remembered TARZAN of the Apes and his Thymus Thumping in the movies & TV.”
• 2. You: “I remember one thing about it, besides TARZAN.
I have NO idea of the Location of ... Views: 2078
“Before You Can Learn & Remember, Two-Brain Signals.”
• 1. Me: “Did you know your evolutionary brain hates change? It considers it a threat. Learning is included.”
• 2. You: “So what? Is there a solution to being a great learner?”
• 3. Me: “Yes, and it’s quick and easy. But you have to ... Views: 1951
“Why Instincts Can Compete With Our 21st Century Brain.”
• 1. Mike (my teenager): “My Bio teacher says we are Cavemen living in the 21st Century. There’s a conflict going on between our ancient & modern brain. Huh?”
• 2. Me (Pop): “On-the money. But here’s what it means to you. It’s the ... Views: 1932
“13-Secret Headlines to Get a Click – not a Delete”
• 1. Urgency: “For real: you SNOOZE, you lose.”
• 2. Question: “What’s the ‘Path-of-Least-Resistance?”
Answer: Habit. It can double your income in 2014.
• 3. Command: “Double your income starting this Month.”
• 4. Teaser: “If ... Views: 1968
“How do Your Ideas create Money-Dinero-Wealth?”
• 1. Me: “Your words attract your tribe. People who hunger & thirst to be in Alignment with your goals, desires, & intentions. Call it: Target, Ends & Objectives.”
• 2. You: “OK, but I need examples of the ‘right’ words.”
• 3. Me: “The #1 ... Views: 1944
“Want to Know Some Weird Tips About a Healthy Body?”
• 1. Me: “I’m a certified skeptic with a Master’s in Sarcasm cynicism & Contrarianism. But some weird stuff really…”
• 2. You: “I don’t gotta believe it, right? OK.”
• 3. Me: “My kids screamed bloody murder before getting an injection ... Views: 1899
“Want to Know Some Weird Tips About a Healthy Body?”
• 1. Me: “I’m a certified skeptic with a Master’s in Sarcasm cynicism & Contrarianism. But some weird stuff really…”
• 2. You: “I don’t gotta believe it, right? OK.”
• 3. Me: “My kids screamed bloody murder before getting an injection ... Views: 1802
“Is Mindset (attitude) 51% of Your Daily Success?”
• 1. “Want Three-Proven-Tips on Who You Can Trust & Follow to Double Your Income in 2014?”
• 2. “Do You Look, Speak, & Act Like A Professional Expert?”
• 3. “Who Has More HOPE, Successful folks or Strugglers?”
• 4. “Are You a Skeptic ... Views: 1999
“Thirty-Seconds to Control Yourself & Influence Others.”
• 1. Me: “Want power over others who try to control you?”
• 2. You: “Not particularly. I’m Ok with how I am.”
• 3. Me: “Self-Control is important because you are being hit-on all day at home, at work & by the media. They want to ... Views: 1837
“How do You React to Change at Home, At-Work, & in People?” (For me, it sucks.)
• 1. Me: “How do we decide to pay attention or mentally SNOOZE when someone is talking?”
• 2. You: “Uh, I don’t know and I don’t care. Why should I?”
• 3. Me: “If you don’t get it, you’re leaving money on the ... Views: 1767
“New Tool to Activate Your Brain For Learning & Memory?”
• 1. Me: “We have a NEW baby-easy way to add up to 35% to your Memory & Learning. And it’s permanent. Want it?”
• 2. You: “I’m not negative or even skeptical but – who says so, how much, and how hard to use is this new tool?”
• 3. ... Views: 2217
Want a Fast-System to Add 34% to Your Memory & IQ?”
• 1. Me: “I bet you’re a skeptic and contrarian like me. Do you ask for proof and evidence before you believe?”
• 2. You: “Sure, my mama said not to ‘believe’ strangers. My Pop said, “Hold on to your wallet & checkbook or they’ll be ... Views: 1983
“Past Your PEAK? Easy way to add 36% to your IQ - fast.”
• 1. Me: “We tested a baby-easy strategy that takes 5-minutes to add 36% to your long-term memory. Interested?”
• 2. You: “Do you have to be a Brainiac to make it work? Could my teenager use it to ACE his grades and exams?”
• 3. Me: ... Views: 1921
“Is The Power-of-Suggestion How You Make Money, Cement Relationships, & For Personal-Protection?”
• 1. Me: “Mike, (my teenage kid) do you intentionally use “Suggestions” to motivate yourself to ace exams & classes, and to influence, persuade & convince girls?”
• 2. Mike: “Pop, you just got ... Views: 1707
Notes to Me, Myself, & My Shadow
• 1. Our brain is a creator of ‘habits’. Its goal is to organize what we do as daily Routines on auto-pilot. That’s good & bad. The benefit of Habit is Not to have relearn daily how to drive, read, dress ourselves & do our job.
• 2. Excessive-Habits turn us ... Views: 1752
“Do You Know These Einstein Quotes?”
• 1. “The only valuable thing is Intuition.”
• 2. “A Little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. But,
a Lot of knowledge is too.”
• 3. “If you cannot explain your amazing idea, invention or theory to a smart ten-year old, you may NOT be on to ... Views: 1679
“These Experiences Impact Your Annual Income.”
• 1. “But Pop, I get Bored fast. Don’t say it, ‘I have a limited attention-span’. I remember. A goldfish has 9-seconds, and my generation has only 8. Tell me something I can use.”
• 2. “I’ll tell you some stuff I learned this week Online. You ... Views: 1500
“Are you Saying We See With our EARS?”
• 1. “I showed my teenager Mike, this new scientific research
that came to a weird conclusion about how we SEE.
• 2. “Pop, I don’t get it. We don’t just see with our eyes, the retina part, they say past experience and our expectation change the ... Views: 1478
What’s The Secret of Speaking to a Group & Convincing Them?
My teenager Michael, asked me to help him improve his Talk for Class President.
• 1. “Mike, there are two-things that rivets our attention other than Ben Franklins ($100) falling from the sky.”
• 2. “In my circles $10 bills would ... Views: 1481
“What is the Two-Letter Word that Your Brain Considers a Threat to Your ‘Survival’?
• 1. “It took the invention (1999) of the fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imagery) to show your Brain changes for the ‘worse’ - when it Sees, Hears or even
reads the word: No!”
• 2. “That’s the ... Views: 1370
It is great news when the sunshine and good weather arrives, however it is important to remember that high temperatures can be dangerous for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and they should be protected from the possible health effects of hot weather where possible.
A specialist home ... Views: 1637
How do you get insomnia? Okay, so staying up late at night can mean one thing. But what if you are trying to get a good night’s sleep but can’t?
Well, there are actually many different kinds of insomnia that all deprives you of sleep. Today in this article, I am going to explain to you what ... Views: 1279
There is a difference between biological age and chronological age. Some people in their sixties look like they are in their forties and others who have bad lifestyle choices look 20 years older than their peers.
The life expectancy in 1900 was 49 years. Today, the life expectancy is around 77 ... Views: 1749
Ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction) is the most common type of stroke. It is a deadly condition caused by blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Paralysis on one side of the body is one of the sequelae of stroke.
According to the World Health Organization, ... Views: 1981
True/False: “What your eyes see, your ‘heart’ is bound to believe.”
• 1. “I don’t even know what that means. What’s-In-It-For-Me? to even think about it?”
• 2. “If you take this knowledge to mind, you will be in the top 5% of students and executives. Example: if we see it on TV, hear it on ... Views: 1639
So you've been taking off your glasses to read for a few years. Maybe you even lost them a time or two, or the dog got a hold of them. Or maybe you're just plain tired of having to hang your "real" glasses on your head or put them in your shirt pocket just to read your favorite magazine.
It's ... Views: 915