“Are you Saying We See With our EARS?”
• 1. “I showed my teenager Mike, this new scientific research
that came to a weird conclusion about how we SEE.

• 2. “Pop, I don’t get it. We don’t just see with our eyes, the retina part, they say past experience and our expectation change the visual info, huh?”

• 3. “That’s why I’m showing to you. It is weird science. Should you believe it? Yes, neuroscientists for the last 5-years have been saying that Reading is Hearing overriding just Seeing.”

• 4. “Explain, you’re not saying reading is just hearing, but that Vision combines with Hearing, right Pop?”

• 5. “Right, our eyes do Not work alone. Credentials: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Professor Gary Lupyan. It’s dated August 26, 2013, in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. It’s the real-deal.”

• 6. “Now I read it Pop, it’s in plain English. It says, past visual experiences create our expectations, right? Then it adds the ‘weird-stuff’. Quote: “words play a powerful role in what we SEE.”

• 7. “Yeah, Language influences, affects what we see. Words we use to describe things changes what we see.

• Example: if we are drinking ‘orange-juice’ and thinking about “milk”, our mind expects to taste ‘milk’. We experience what we expect. The juice tastes funny.”

• 8. “Excuse me, but So-What? How is this new research going to help me, Pop?”

• 9. “First, we have to pay attention, live-and-act in the here-and-now. Stop being robots, and use our consciousness. Keep things in Context, so reality reflects our expectations.

• Accord to the scientists, what we understand is shaped by our knowledge & expectations. Even one-word can “alter” what we expect, and what we see. It means “labeling” ideas, people & things causes false emotional reactions.”

• 10. “Don’t get it.”

• 11. “Your mind changes your reality. Things are not Black-and-White, our thinking causes our emotions. Your emotions shape your Expectations. Ex. It’s not just another means of transportation (a car), it’s a Bentley or Rolls. Now you Value it differently.”

• 12. “Wait, now the sun is shining. When we LABEL anything, it is not just what we see because our mind adds emotion, experience & what we expect it to be. We value it differently. OK. Here’s my example.

• Say I tell you the speaker is the son of Albert Einstein. That LABEL makes you listen to him with credibility, even if he’s a dummy. Why? The name causes an emotional leap. He has Einstein’s genes, and may be brilliant, right Pop?”

• 13. “Sonny, you get it better than the researchers. In reading our body participates by linking Eyes & Ears. Reading automatically moves your LARYNX (voice box). You cannot Read without Hearing the words on the page.”

• It’s called subvocalization (your internal self-talk). But you do Not have to hear pronounced each-and-every word you read.

• You can Consciously choose to each every second or third word. Why? Because hearing each word slows down to a snail’s pace, the speed of speech which is only 150 words per minute. SpeedReading is choosing to hear every second or third word.”

• 14. “I speedread all my textbooks, even use that “6-Wh-s & How” to double my memory. You saw my report card – I’m acing school.”

• 15. “And you’ll ace your career in college and later your career. Did you know the writer of Treasure Island, Stevenson was the first to explain the power of “Who? What? When? Where? Why? & Which? And “How?”

• 16. “Great. I’ll remember that. And that it makes me look like a brilliant star to my teachers.”
That’s it. See ya next time.
Copyright © 2013, Bernard Wechsler

Author's Bio: 

Bernard Wechsler,educational director of speedreading101.org. We helped Evelyn Wood, creator of speedreading, train the White House staffs of four U.S. Presidents.We teach a one-day workshop in speedreading101 at
Columbia University. Details call Gene, 1-877-567-2500
See: www.speedreading101.org