“Could You use tested & proven Headlines to 2x your Closes?”
• 1. Me: “Affiliates need more than Clicks, they must produce closes on buyers’ Credit Cards, right?”
• 2. You: “What if I not an affiliate? Am I wasting my time learning about Headlines that pull?”
• 3. Me: “None of us was born an affiliate. We make a conscious decision to be in a “work-at-home’ business.
• My experience is that if you follow a system, just like a MacDonald’s (but a lot cheaper), you can earn up to $40K
annually in your Part-Time business.
• 4. You: “Guaranteed? A sure-thing?”
• 5. Me: “Absolutely NOT. It’s the winning system first, and the other 50% is your execution – how you implement.*
• Even MacDonald’s has losers, right? Well they do & they admit it. The wrong personality cannot handle employees or the public. Bad news.”
• 6. You: “I didn’t expect an unconditional guarantee. If there were no losers, everyone would own their own business. Yet we know 98% of people work for a Boss.”
• 7. Me: “Over 80% of franchises or licensed businesses are making money and improving annually after five-years.
Maybe 20% of start-from-scratch businesses without a system are successful. That an economic fact.”
• 8. You: “Show me what makes a winning headline, OK?”
• 9. Me: “Let’s list some, and then briefly see WHY they work for SpeedReading101.org? See if you would read these Subject-Lines or delete.
• A) “Do things happen To you, or do things happen “4” You – in your career?” (Attitude)
• B) “Are you as Smart as you are going to get in making money in 2014? (Self-Confidence)
• C) “Would it help you (at-work) to Save 2-hours daily on the Internet?” (New-Skills)
• D) “Need a Competitive-Advantage to win promotions?”
(Personal Growth)
• E) “Would you stand out by Reading-&-Remembering 300-pages daily?” (Specific new skill)
• F) “True or False: the most unasked (secret) question is:
• G) “Need an experienced, Free Business-Coach for 2014?”
• H) “Like a Professional Expert to Offer You Feedback in 2014?”
• I) “Why will 2014 be your Money year?”
• J) “Partner with us in a successful part-time, work-at-home business in 2014?”
• K) “Is it OK to make a large annual profit in the Education of Kids and Executives?”
• L) “You keep 90% & we make a 10% Royalty on your successful Part-time Work-At-Home business in 2014?”
That’s a dozen tested and proven click-through headlines.
• Superman believes in “Freedom-Justice-And The American Way.” Does that include “Getting Rich” and being your own boss?
• Carl Jung believed: “I am Not what happens to me. I Choose who I become.” Me too, how about you?”
See ya,
Copyright © 2013, Bernard Wechsler
“The faster you learn, the more you EARN.
You SNOOZE, you lose.”
Bernard Wechsler, educational director,
There a prize for reading Self-Growth,
Call Gene: 1-877-567-2500 to discover SpeedReading101.org
We teach local students at Columbia University, and executives
at their headquarters. We taught the White House staffs of
four U.S. Presidents with Evelyn Wood, our business partner.
See www.speedreading101.org Call Gene: 1-877-567-2500
See ya, BW
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