Chandra Lynn is The Official Guide to "Transformation". You can find complete information on Chandra Lynn and his products by visiting Glow Living.
Most New Year's resolutions sound wonderful. But you know what happens: They're out the window before February. The best way to keep your promise is to start small.
Although I'm about to suggest some resolutions to enrich your relationship, I recommend that you commit to just one, after first ... Views: 1441
I often compare my vision of the life I desire, and every aspect of that desire down to my daily lifestyle; such as how much do I travel? What do my relationships look like? Do I make solid and life-altering connections with people I meet? What are my financial resources, love, everything and ... Views: 1762
When was the last time you really let yourself be vulnerable? What do you associate vulnerability with? How often do you allow yourself to enter this sacred space?
Now, I was going to make a post about authenticity and abundance with the New Year coming in; however, I then realized that ... Views: 1063
psychic readings are essentially the most well-known.
Right here’s guidelines of practical concerns to aid you
keep away from a domestic deathmatch. In case you’ve regarded as anything within
the record, load up the truck. But if your answers make you uneasy, ... Views: 867
How many times have you thought “If I only knew then, what I know now”? How often have you wondered if you had the information that you needed to make wise choices along the way? Have you ever wished you could get some help or glimpse into the future to know what to do or what path to stay ... Views: 995
Psychics are
constantly asked, “When will I meet my soulmate?”
In Greek mythology, each and every person was purportedly
half of 1 are separated at birth by destiny. Existence’s quest was to find 1’s
other 50 and recombine in order to become an entire entity. Whilst the Greeks ... Views: 771
Do you have particular instruments that you prefer for sound healing? Do you feel that different instruments create different healing experiences? Have you found different instruments to be more effective for specific types of healing?
Now, I have addressed aspects of sound healing before; ... Views: 1818
Religion defines God based on a specific set of doctrines and rituals. Spirituality refers to a sacred energetic flow and way of being in the world. It cuts across all religious beliefs and traditions and influences your attitudes, feelings and behaviors toward yourself, others, nature and ... Views: 1058
Mindfulness requires constant practice. The more you do it, the better you are at being mindful. However, it is almost impossible to be mindful from the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you fall asleep at night. So, instead of trying to be mindful 24/7, it is easier to focus on ... Views: 926
Have you ever felt the presence of an Angel? Have you ever asked an Archangel for help or assistance? Have you ever wondered if Angels can really assist you?
As I think back, it seems that angels have always been one of my favorite things. The angel on the tree at Christmas, I could barely ... Views: 1001
As a holistic life coach and spiritual counselor for both individuals and couples, as well as an avid student of my own personal growth for many, many years- I have come to the conclusion that one of the most important things we can do to increase satisfaction in our relationships with ourselves ... Views: 1324
Amanda Dobra Hope
It depends, what do you want one for?
Are you looking for a guru? A spiritual teacher? Finding a great teacher on our path is a tremendous boost when we are looking to grow spiritually in an exponential way. However, when seeking a guru or teacher, choose carefully, ... Views: 1446
Methods of
psychic divination are as old as humanity
itself, and their purposes are as varied as the methods themselves. Often
the purpose of serious divination is spiritual advancement, enlightenment
and finding insight and guidance that apply to personal situations and ... Views: 890
Psychics use dream
interpretation as a tool to analyze what is going on in your subconscious mind. Dreams are the bridge between our conscious and subconscious mind. The primary language in dreams is symbols. Even actions in a dream are symbolic. The key to deciphering a symbol is how ... Views: 878
I'd like to share a simple truth I have learned from years of
psychic work and giving readings. Each and every one of us on this planet have a natural born intuition. The greatest difference between
psychics and most people is that
Psychics trust their gut!
... Views: 730
“We are in the perfect circumstances for our Souls to learn whatever they designed this whole game to learn. If we come back into form from having merged with All That Is, what the Buddhist call nirvana, we are in the world but not of it. We play the cosmic sport. We fill the forms though there ... Views: 1290
Have you ever let music transport you to a different space? Have you ever had music unlock your own inner muse? Have you ever experienced visions or connected to your true self while listening to music?
I know for myself, I can think of many journeys that I have taken while meditating to ... Views: 1011
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Ready for Mastery? - by Aimee Bernstein Author of Stress Less Achieve Moreys to
Visualize LeBron James as he leaps for the basket; Alisha Keyes at the piano singing This Girl is On Fire; a Navy Seal as he jumps out of a helicopter and races towards Bin Laden's hide-out. What do they have in common? All of them are masters of performing under pressure. Although we tend to ... Views: 1278
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Ready for Mastery? - by Aimee Bernstein Author of Stress Less Achieve Moreys to
Visualize LeBron James as he leaps for the basket; Alisha Keyes at the piano singing This Girl is On Fire; a Navy Seal as he jumps out of a helicopter and races towards Bin Laden's hide-out. What do they have in common? All of them are masters of performing under pressure. Although we tend to ... Views: 1479
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Ready for Mastery? - by Aimee Bernstein Author of Stress Less Achieve Moreys to
Visualize LeBron James as he leaps for the basket; Alisha Keyes at the piano singing This Girl is On Fire; a Navy Seal as he jumps out of a helicopter and races towards Bin Laden's hide-out. What do they have in common? All of them are masters of performing under pressure. Although we tend to ... Views: 1321
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Ready for Mastery? - by Aimee Bernstein Author of Stress Less Achieve Moreys to
Visualize LeBron James as he leaps for the basket; Alisha Keyes at the piano singing This Girl is On Fire; a Navy Seal as he jumps out of a helicopter and races towards Bin Laden's hide-out. What do they have in common? All of them are masters of performing under pressure. Although we tend to ... Views: 1220
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Ready for Mastery? - by Aimee Bernstein Author of Stress Less Achieve Moreys to
Visualize LeBron James as he leaps for the basket; Alisha Keyes at the piano singing This Girl is On Fire; a Navy Seal as he jumps out of a helicopter and races towards Bin Laden's hide-out. What do they have in common? All of them are masters of performing under pressure. Although we tend to ... Views: 1200
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Ready for Mastery? - by Aimee Bernstein Author of Stress Less Achieve Moreys to
Visualize LeBron James as he leaps for the basket; Alisha Keyes at the piano singing This Girl is On Fire; a Navy Seal as he jumps out of a helicopter and races towards Bin Laden's hide-out. What do they have in common? All of them are masters of performing under pressure. Although we tend to ... Views: 1409
Have you ever wondered why some people get great results, while others don't? Why is it that for some, achieving goals is easy, while for others, it's a struggle?
It all has to do with your subconscious beliefs. Your beliefs are the foundation on which your thoughts, behaviours and actions ... Views: 1491
Hello spiritual warriors! I am grateful to be part of this wonderful community of sharing and inspiration.
I was in Canada for 3 weeks visiting family and friends. It was nice to go back and get new perspectives on self, life and others. Stepping out of my ... Views: 880
Let us start with a little query: Are you tired of struggling?
Then let me ask you another one: who or what is causing you to struggle in your life?
Though you may not be fully aware of it right now, you are the source of everything that happens in your life. And whatever causes you to ... Views: 954
Is it possible that there is more than one timeline for our Earth? What are your thoughts that our pure and original timeline has been “hacked” and there are attempts to divert us into a more controlled “darker” timeline? Why are timelines important?
This is probably not your everyday ... Views: 1079
Many People Learn in many different ways. Sometimes people prefer to learn through actually seeing the process in action (Visual) while others prefer to have it explained to them in finer detail and ask questions for immediate feedback (Verbal). Most of the time people want and need both as ... Views: 1614
It is really interesting that this major portal of energy has received little discussion about it. Usually, in searching a date on something as major as this; there would be a ton of information available; however, until I got the right combination of words in NOTHING was coming up. Why would ... Views: 1171
Does the way we state things influence the way our brain receives the information? Does our brain need certain components in order to have clarity so that it can process what is being asked of us to an action? Can shifting how we communicate change our behaviors and help us live in greater ... Views: 955
When I was growing up, my mother drilled in me to forgive and forget. She believed that holding on to anger and resentment only hurts me, tightens my body, hurts my heart, and the other person doesn’t know that I’m still angry or feel a thing. My mother used to say, “Carolyn, always forgive ... Views: 1173
What if you were a natural at something from a very young age? What if you knew as a child just what you wanted to do in life? Have you nurtured the talents you were born with?
Every now and then in life we see those that seem to just be naturally talented. It is as if they are born into ... Views: 1006
Have you ever wondered if spirits are actually communicating with us? Have you wondered if they are actually trying to converse with us? Have you wondered what it would be like to know how a conversation with a spirit friend would work
Now all of this might sound a bit far-fetched for many. ... Views: 1115
Gratitude in and of itself can completely transform our lives. Gratitude has the power to dissolve our anger, shift our perception, and replenish our energy. In a matter of moments, being grateful can take us from a state of helplessness, to a state of hope, and gradually to a state of joy. ... Views: 1524
Problems are like the little paddles in a pin ball machine, that influence and guide the ball one way or the other. If the paddle hits the ball just right, it can propel the ball in an advantageous direction. You’re the little ball, and your problems are the paddles that guide you one way or the ... Views: 1120
We desperately want change in our lives. We’re out there making one effort after the next, only to find that we are running in place.
We all know the meaning of insanity, doing the same things and expecting different results. So we switch things up, and try new things. How is it that we ... Views: 1215
I used to think surrender meant giving up. The connotation reeked of failure. Surrendering to anything felt like backing down, or caving in. My thinking mind considered surrender a dirty word, while my drive and commitment ate surrender for breakfast. Well, that’s before I understood what it ... Views: 1138
Recently I went through a period of intense physical pain which lasted several weeks and caused some interesting effects. It reminded me of these words by the poet Emily Dickinson:
Pain has an Element of Blank –
It cannot recollect
When it begun – of if there was
A time when it was ... Views: 1248
The Monarch caterpillar has no choice. From the time it emerges out into the world to become an eating machine, it has but one destiny: it will transform into a Monarch Butterfly. It is a necessary part of its life cycle. It begins life in one form and will end it in an entirely different ... Views: 1128
I read a true story once about a guy who suddenly became inexplicably interested in photography. He surrendered to this strong interest, and indulged himself. One day he came across a flyer advertising a free local photography meeting, and decided to attend. When he got there, he found a group ... Views: 1365
I value the power of positive thinking. Until I can step outside of, or turn thought off completely, I can choose positive thought. If I’m going to live in a story, I’ll at least try to make it a good one.
That said, be leery not to wander too far into The Valley of Faux Mercy. The thinking ... Views: 1093
What’s preventing you from hearing your own Guidance?
Turning down the unnecessary, unfounded, negative static of the thinking mind, allows us to better hear and feel our own Guidance.
The first step in doing this is to notice thought. Catch thought in action, ranting on in its ... Views: 962
We see and experience our lives through the filters of our history, beliefs, stories and learned behaviors.
The ultimate filter is the mind-made identity.
We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. -Anais Nin
When we recognize thought as something separate from Self, we are ... Views: 1212
Many believe intellect drives the world, but I would suggest EMOTIONS drive and fuel our world and the world around us, like passion, love, joy, happiness, and enthusiasm as well as emotions of hatred, fear, jealousy, and guilt. Emotions (energy-in-motion) prompts us to think in a certain way, ... Views: 971
I saw this post online that said, "Attention is the root of all evil." I wondered how that could be. We are our Attention, after all. That's our real Self, Awareness. And our Awareness, Attention, or Focus, is our magic wand. We get more of whatever we point it at.
So, is attention the root ... Views: 1051
Honoring my truths is a fancy way of saying surrender. It is to unconditionally accept the truth of the moment, no matter how much it makes me want to spit, run, or fall to my knees.
It took me a long time to sit with that inner burn of acceptance. But little by little, as my own smoke ... Views: 1036
The age-old quest of knowing oneself feels necessary and essential. We think finding out who we are is of upmost importance, and feel incomplete in some way without a story of self. Well, of course we would. The self loves self. It loves the idea of itself. It loves the description and labels. ... Views: 1152
One of the single-best ways to “see” whether or not your thoughts have a creative influence on the reality around you is to begin thinking about something in particular, and then observing its reflection in your immediate environment.
For example:
If I set an intention to manifest more ... Views: 971
In the last few articles, we’ve discussed how the mechanism of belief – not the belief itself – is what catalyzes The Law of Attraction, via the Subconscious Mind.
However, as you begin increasing your consciousness and testing different beliefs, you’re going to notice that some beliefs and ... Views: 1068
“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” - Haruki Murakami
Life is unpredictable. No surprises there.
You never know what lies around the corner waiting to test your resolve.
Life’s challenges are part of the human ... Views: 1159