It is really interesting that this major portal of energy has received little discussion about it. Usually, in searching a date on something as major as this; there would be a ton of information available; however, until I got the right combination of words in NOTHING was coming up. Why would it be kept so quiet? What is it that “they” don’t want you to know about?

Well, personally I would have thought the religious groups would have been all over this as it represents a time of redemption. The energy of redemption is about turning the tides. This is when the Christ Consciousness becomes active again; and is all about that which has been sacrificed (in religious circles this was Jesus the man and in more spiritual foundations Yeshua the Ascended Master) re-birthing to take it’s rulership. The rulership now being that of Compassion and Unity.

Codes share all about this event; and that is why I am offering this interpretation of the codes of this time and portal.

Let’s start with the aspect of all the 8′s that are getting a little buzz - known as the triple 8. This brings an aspect that even while there is unity, it is also a very personal journey and awakening. It is one that is deeply rooted in deep connection with Divine Spirit. It is a time to become the deep sea diver and be willing to retreat to Divine Self and honor time needed for processing and refocusing your energy. It is one that will show where we are and are not connected to our God or Divine Self. Now imagine if you made that deep and strong beyond the spoken word connection fully and completely. To do so would allow you great independence and freedom and an ability to be yourself. Those that seek to control you and run your lives and program you to “their” ways really don’t want that; thus why so much of this has been hushed down.

Within this aspect we have 2 key avenues of this 888 vibration. This is truly a Spiritual or Divine Trinity of Immortality which was in Christ’s coding. Note that the actual symbol of Infinity is actually that of the 8 and not the 8 on it’s side as is often displayed (which symbolizes overturning the Christ Consciousness). The 8 aligns with Divine Infinity which is the immortal energy that lives on and on within our greatest depths.

The first of the 2 avenues brings us to know that in this portal we are receiving High Assistance; which again plays into the assistance of Christ Consciousness. Keep in mind that while this is available, each individual must choose for themselves to accept and step into living that consciousness body, mind, and spirit not just acknowledging that it exists. It is about actually taking it and doing something with it.

The second of the 2 avenues brings us to realize that this portal is aligned with the Royal Star of the Lion in numerology. This connects us to a code that assures that not only do we have Divine protection and assistance; but that Christ Consciousness is assured to have success as we move forward. Some will start to feel that their prayers are answered. This protection and assistance comes by living through Universal Laws and through functioning in our higher selves. When we live the Christ Consciousness we are automatically “protected” and “assisted”

This portal also assures that this “higher” thinking will take it’s reign and become all powerful. It does this by releasing attachments to the material world. This aspect of the coding reminds us that there can still be some bumpy roads; but it will be rougher for those that hold onto “prize possessions” or are concerned about material things. It reminds us that our power is not based in what we have but who we are; and if we are leading and living with compassion. The wise person does not suffer without all their material components in life; but is happy to release them or exchange them for true pleasures such as friendships, nature, caring about all life. This brings into play where there can be selfishness unknowingly. Does a person really need a 10,000 square foot home if it requires damaging the Earth, and polluting with chemicals to maintain a “pretty” yard? Many cultural and world issues will be required to be addressed from the opening of this portal. Also, when we release our attachment to worldly things we release the ability to be controlled which separates us from the Divine energy and light that is within us; that is allowing others to control us or feeling we “need” material things is what separates us.

This portal in particular is related to peace which means we are also going to have those that try to control more through war; and will also bring to us the importance to stop fighting with each other - be it through wars, racism, or even arguing who is “right” in things. This will be a requirement whether we choose to do this by choice (which is where we are empowered) or whether we are forced into it due to resisting getting there on our own. We can expect this transition to be very prevalent until 2020.

Portal energy in general is about seeing if we have truly learned our lessons. It offers us strength and blessings provided we are willing to truly look at what is happening and to learn from the strife or trials of previous times. This reminds us that we are NOT meant to learn the hard way; but if we look at the suffering that happened say in Christ’s time, it is important to not repeat those choices again and this time support Compassion and Unity instead of Crucify it. It is up to us to operate with greater wisdom and to show the experience we have gained. We need to lay down our weapons be they guns, cultural disagreements, politics, governments, “causes”, differences, words, or any other that is being used. While we are each unique, we can still work with each other.

As we look deeper at the Lion’s Gate Portal we find that we are being offered the opportunity to have great happiness, that we can succeed through living this Christ Consciousness - balancing the masculine and feminine energy. This is the bright shining Sun energy that allows us to shine in the world and to be successful and joyous in life. This light is now shining in the world; and the only question will be, will we choose to be a part of it and enjoy the radiance it has to offer; or will we remain in self-destructive ways that will only end up destroying ourselves.

Also, while this is a portal of Peace, it is also a portal that brings with it great upheaval and destruction. There are those that will misuse their power to try to keep “control of the people”. The method of operation will be to use their power to wreck so much havoc without us even being seen or in ways that are very unexpected. We are already seeing so many rights taken away. This power is already being shown through Flag operations, being told what is “best” for you, having things put into place for “your own protection” as if you can’t take care of yourself and you are unable to make your own decisions.

Christ was a revolutionary; so it is no wonder that there will also be upheaval of power sources. We will also start to see the collapse of governments, big banking control, mega corporations that are disrespectful to life and inconsiderate that there are people and not just robots, and those that are operating deceptively. This equates to the clearing of the temples that happened in Christ’s time. Those things that are against true consciousness and Divine presence will start to experience more and more challenges. Those that try to control all will realize they do not have the support or backing they perceive themselves to have; as Christ Consciousness now has dominion.

So as you can see there will be lots of shifts, changes, and transformation; and with all transformation some things will have to breakdown before we see a breakthrough. This aspect brings us to the coding that it is important to be able to operate on one’s own accord in alignment with Christ Consciousness. Operating by the “direction” of others can wreck a person. This is another aspect of why “they” didn’t want you aware of this energy. “They” would prefer that you follow them so that they can mess up your life any way they want. It is important to think for yourself, make your own decisions from the heart centered God self. It is important to respond and not react. Choose your course, do not blindly follow or accept helplessness.

This leads us to the culmination in this portal which is the coding of Ancient Wisdom. This assures us success after great strife and trials. Many can relate to this as they have been experiencing great challenges; and now can experience many blessings. Among these experiences they have also gained great wisdom. Stay focused on what is true. Acknowledge and embrace the consciousness, keep integrating it into your life at deeper and deeper levels, reach beneath the surface of people and things and do not take them for face value. You cannot be passive if you are to experience the blessings. You won’t just suddenly have an amazing life, you have to create it and participate in the development of it. This portal is like a package that has all the parts to something we are going to build. It has just been delivered. It can’t be built until we take it out of the box, put the pieces together; and then once built use it.

Watch for more of my Code Interpretation work. I will soon be opening a new Facebook Page focused on this. You can learn more about my work, and delve into your own personal codes through my website at:

Author's Bio: 

Jesse Ann Nichols George is the author of 4 books, which are founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life; as well as to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. In addition she is a collaborator on “Embraced by the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway To Power, Passion, and Purpose”. She created of The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes and helping them to work with their best influences and to strongly connect with Divine Flow. She is a 13th+ generation spiritual healer, energy tuner, life/relationship/spiritual and wellness coach, holistic and natural lifestyle advisor. She is also a 13th+ generation Druidic practitioner; honoring and appreciating the harmony of all things. Her work encompasses practices from Eastern and Western philosophies. Jesse is a speaker and also hosts her own radio show. You can learn more about the work that she is doing at