Does it actually exist the key to a life in happiness and fulfillment? Can joy be at the base of my experience? Why are pain and heaviness so prevalent in our lives, even though everybody in essence wants nothing else but happiness?
Joy, bliss and fulfillment are expressions of your true ... Views: 867
Many of us are living, but are not really alive. We do not truly live our experiences, but perceive them only through the veil of past impressions, thoughts and concepts. We are more at home in our constantly analysing and evaluating thinking processes than in our direct sensations. And by so ... Views: 1003
Time can be your friend or your greatest nemesis; a means for great experiences or deep suffering. Indeed does suffering require time. I can´t suffer without experiencing time as a reality and myself as a being subjected to time.
If you really understand that what you are is beyond time, you ... Views: 884
Whenever we speak of fighting, we generally refer to fighting through violence. Something is there menacing us in some way and we feel the need to crush and annihilate it. We may see this menace inside or outside of us. However, menace as a way of seeing and interpreting our reality always takes ... Views: 961
The Power of Simplicity
There is a difference between simple and easy. The greatest things in life are all about simplicity. The most powerful recipe for manifesting the life of your dreams is also the simplest and consists of only two words: Be yourself.
It is simple and very powerful, ... Views: 1621
Shame is an energy, something that we can feel and relate to, but we are not born with it.
Shame at is foundation is made of ideas about ourselves that we took on and absorbed through the course of our lives. The essence of these ideas is always self-judgment: we judge ourselves or a part of ... Views: 1280
We don´t like to be vulnerable. We don´t like to be at the mercy of pain and sadness or any other intense emotion that runs through our body. We like to be in control of what we feel and experience, to defend ourselves whenever we are hurt, to appear strong and powerful.
So we run from our ... Views: 1013
What is true freedom for you?
Does it mean to have the power to do whatever you want and whatever pleases you at every moment?
Is it related to your finances, to the ability to afford whatever you want and desire?
Does it mean not to be bound in any way, be it by your work, your partner, ... Views: 992
Fear is the number-one ingredient of any form of self-sabotage. And fear is a blessing.
Fear is unconsciousness. And fear may be a wonderful gateway for conscious living.
How do these seeming paradoxes fit together? Well, it all depends on how you approach and experience fear. It also ... Views: 971
The real secret of staying positive is to go beyond any effort to think or feel positively.
Trying to keep your thoughts positive automatically creates inner conflict as you are approaching yourself and your way of thinking from a place of judgment and evaluation.
Paying attention to your ... Views: 1115
Each one of us knows to what extent the human experience can be hard and painful. And most of us try to live our lives doing their best to avoid painful experiences and to look for those that feel pleasurable. We tend to forget that the more we try to avoid pain and run away from it, the more we ... Views: 951
What do we truly refer to when we speak of addictions? What do I mean when I say that I´m addicted to something, be it a substance such as nicotine, alcohol or heroine, or be it an activity, such as sex, gambling or work? What is the major driving force pushing me to addictive behavior? In my ... Views: 1313
Let us start with a little query: Are you tired of struggling?
Then let me ask you another one: who or what is causing you to struggle in your life?
Though you may not be fully aware of it right now, you are the source of everything that happens in your life. And whatever causes you to ... Views: 954
First myth: Allowing for my emotions creates suffering.
It is just the other way round: trying to escape from emotions that feel uncomfortable to us is what creates suffering in the long run. It is impossible to suffer without judging our experience. If we feel anger, fear or sadness and ... Views: 1120
Are you ready to receive in each moment who you truly are? Are you ready to receive each moment in the fullness of your being? Are you ready to receive everything you´ve once rejected, because you deemed it bad and negative and feared that it would turn you bad and negative?
And are you ... Views: 987
The more you are able to open up inside, to you and your energy, to everything that wants to flow through you, the more your perceptions of the outside will change: your way of dealing with situations implying other people and the way you relate to them. Whereas surrender, receptivity and ... Views: 927
Indesiveness is born out of fear and insecurity. As long as I am in the grip of my fear and fear-based conversations, I will not be able to really honor myself. And without honoring myself, I will not have the courage to make decisions out of my true being. I am spiraling downwards into ... Views: 1138
To accept out of love has tremendous power. It permits to reinvigorate stagnant energies, dissolves old pain and to open up to the infinity of your heart and being.
Accepting out of victimhood, however, is something completely different. It means to do nothing about a situation you feel bad ... Views: 1025