What is true freedom for you?
Does it mean to have the power to do whatever you want and whatever pleases you at every moment?
Is it related to your finances, to the ability to afford whatever you want and desire?
Does it mean not to be bound in any way, be it by your work, your partner, your children or anything else?
Freedom, as I experience it, is an expression of Beingness.
I feel freedom whenever I allow the truth of my being to shine through whatever I experience.
I feel constricted, whenever I get caught up in resistance.
So really, freedom is not so much linked to situations and circumstances, but rather to my state of inner alignment. Am I seeing and perceiving things through the lense of limitation, through fear and through scarcity? Or am I connected to the part of me that is infinite and eternal?
The freedom that lies within you is not bound by any condition. You can feel it in the midst of heartbreak and struggle, in your pain as well as in your joy and contentment. Freedom is not limited in its availability to you. The only question that matters at any moment is: are you willing to embrace your inner freedom or are you pushing it away from you?
Allowance and acceptance are the keys to being free. And by acceptance I don´t mean resigning yourself with your current life situation that you may judge as unfulfilling or bad. I don´t mean accepting what you are thinking about your current experience, but accepting whatever is your experience right now. Whenever we hate being where we are right now, we hate the feelings associated with it. And through hating and resisting them, we turn them into problems, we construct a story of woe and suffering around them. We judge ourselves for feeling bad as this makes us believe that there must be something wrong with us. And as the self-judgment becomes unbearable, we try to find an outlet by blaming our circumstances, situations as well as other people for the hardships we´re going through. And before we know it, we´re completely caught up into suffering and victimhood.
So what if we simply felt the feelings at the root of our drama and trauma show? Feel the fear, the anger, the pain, the guilt, the unworthiness, the shame, the sadness? Feel all of it?
We have a habit of running away from these energies out of fear they will define us, stick to us forever and keep us locked into suffering. And by doing so, we´re actually giving them a message that could be read as follows: "I fear you as I am powerless in your presence. I am a victim to everything I experience. What I experience defines me. I do not want pain, suffering, sadness, anger and fear, but your presence is overwhelming. I am desperate".
Well, do you see how it is precisely our reluctance to feel these emotions that gives them power over us? By having the courage to be fully receptive and transparent to everything you experience, you will actually notice that no energy lesser than love can persist in the presence of you.
Nothing in your experience has the power to define or in any way diminish you, because the truth of your being is infinite and completely transcendent.
By fully accepting what you experience, you´re not giving it power over you. You´re acting out of the greatest source of power available to you right here and right now.
That´s the whole secret: remembrance. Remember the love you truly are, remember that you are loved infinitely at every moment of your life, no matter what others may think or say, no matter what thoughts are running through your mind and no matter how painful your current experience may be. Feel the love deep within you. Feel how it melts away all pain and resistance and leaves you with only truth and true freedom.
Benedikt Dommes is a pioneer in the field of bliss coaching, an expert in inner peace, and a gifted author, mainly in the field of spirituality and self-development. His first language is German, but he is equally at ease with English and French.
To learn more about his work, go to his website www.benediktdommes.com or email him directly at info@benediktdommes.com
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