We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Strategic Planning". If you have expertise in Strategic Planning and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Voice logging is not only meant for recording telephone lines but also for recording various business radio channels. This method not only enhances customer services but also ensures their data security. There are various types of voice logging systems available in the market. The digital ... Views: 606
As a solo spiritual business owner, it's easy to get overwhelmed with all of the various and sundry tasks on your "to do" list (trust me, I speak from experience!).
This feeling can be exacerbated by the energy of the Waxing or growing Moon (the period between the New Moon and the Full Moon, ... Views: 1294
By Karlene Sinclair-Robinson
Over the years I have asked business owners, “What do you know of Factoring?” Many times the answer is “I have never heard of it”. For those who answered, “I know little about it”, this is for you, too. Factoring your small business receivables is when you sell ... Views: 1271
Many entrepreneurs learned early on that diversifying their business was a key strategy to their success. Their current success hinged strongly on how well they were able to adapt and change with the shifting tide of the business world and what their clients demanded of them. Without ... Views: 1182
It's of great importance to stay in touch with the concerns such as simply how much the parent company as well as its partners have led to the sales in order that it gets simpler to manage a distribution channel more appropriate manner. If you can't maintain the a record of this kind of matters, ... Views: 1283
Finding something to distinguish yourself from your competitors is one of the hardest parts of getting “in” with a store. Having the right product and image is hugely important; however, so is being able to effectively communicate your product idea to a retailer.
Once you get the store owner ... Views: 898
As the name implies, effects-based thinking (EBT) is an approach to strategic planning and decision making where the effects of specific actions are assessed, not in a narrowly defined and time-limited way, but through a perspective that is sensitive to broad-ranging and lasting impacts. ... Views: 1128
It's one thing to make a promise. It's quite another to keep it. Yet, businesses make promises every day. Some keep them. Some companies like AT&T, Bank of America and US Airways have good intentions, but can't keep them because their strong culture and strong brand are misaligned. And, worst of ... Views: 1048
Fox News reported on 1/8/11 that ” Obama Administration Reportedly Plans to Create Internet ID for All Americans“. Obama wants the Commerce Department to create Internet ID for all Americans.
Without getting into the political side, there are some key concerns that arise with a government ... Views: 1060
How high is your competitive awareness? On a scale of one to 10…with 10 being strongest…pick a number you feel most represents your current level of competitive awareness. Most experienced sales professionals identify their competitive awareness level as around a seven to nine…what’s your ... Views: 3751
Google-CEO Eric Schmidt said at the GSMA summit in Barcelona last month, “Facebook is additive for Google, and Microsoft, which has a good advertising model, remains our main competitor. We have not seen any shift in our advertising due to Facebook.”
To make it stay this way and keep Facebook ... Views: 860
Every customer has a price range where they are willing to make a decision without any further thinking. I refer to this as the Price Tolerance Ratio – also known as the PTR.
Knowing your customer's PTR is critical. I believe it is one of the major obstacles salespeople fail to comprehend. ... Views: 954
3-2-1 Method: A technique to assist in accomplishing your to-do list. Can be used for getting through a holiday season or building your business and anything in-between that you intend to create. The method is to write a list consisting of 3 items, 2 items and 1 item:
3- Tweaks…write 3 small ... Views: 1330
Last week an interesting question was posed to me: how does a seller go about cold calling, prospecting, and lead generation when they have a wide range of products to sell? How do you know what to tell prospects about when you have hundreds or more items available?
This wasn't an abstract ... Views: 959
The past few years have been more than a little difficult for almost every size and type of business. An unhealthy economy, like a ruthless virus, can prove fatal to any business that is weak. However, there are proven remedies to prevent your failure to survive in business, regardless of the ... Views: 721
If you’re looking to boost your chances to get into colleges you love, then timing is everything. Understanding the different types of admission will have a dramatic impact on your chances of getting in to the colleges you want most. There are seven different types of admissions policies that ... Views: 1080
by: Geoff Ficke
5 Examples of Remora Fish Marketing That Can Jump Start Your Product’s Sales & Marketing
Everyone is fascinated by sharks. They are so dangerous, explosive and mysterious. Television documentaries detailing their habits, hunting techniques and brutality are ubiquitous, As ... Views: 2029
A loan modification is only offered to homeowners when it is in the best interest of the bank to do so - not always because it's the perfect choice for the borrower. If the bank can save additional cash by foreclosing on your home then that is what they will do.
You see, we should be ... Views: 829
There's a multitude of reasons which explain why a home-owner may choose the option of refinancing the mortgage on their property. In many cases, it is because renovations have to be made, repairs for the maintenance of the home or various other home-improvements. Securing this kind of loan will ... Views: 906
As a website sales conversion expert with a "live" website review service, I am always looking for ways to remove the hesitation that's often found at the time of sale. But for some people, no matter how many tweaks to the website that we suggest, there is still no sales ... Views: 712
Lots of people are "different" these days. But are they really thought leaders?
1. In most cases, you can't tell one coach, consultant or expert in a particular industry from another. They practically use the same language to describe themselves and what they do.
2. If you look at the ... Views: 784
Remote connect to a desktop
The first thing you need to ask yourself is, what do I need to do on the remote connected desktop? Normally you need to remotely connect to a desktop to perform simple task such as updates, restarts, installing software, and backing up data.
Most Windows ... Views: 708
The Right Barriers Can Make a Big Difference When Selecting Employees
If properly placed “selection hurdles” aren’t part of your employment process, you’re probably wasting a lot of valuable time and money.
Selection hurdles are barriers strategically placed in the hiring process to ... Views: 2038
This is the third article in a series of three articles about improving business profitability by implementing strategic measures for managing employees. Find out how to address training issues that typically create nightmares for many organizations.
Employee Development Contributes to ... Views: 2340
This is the second article in a series of three articles about improving business profitability by implementing strategic measures for managing employees. Find out why structured employment practices make companies more profitable and what ingredients are required in the “recipe for ... Views: 2769
This is the first in a series of three articles about improving business profitability by implementing strategic measures for managing employees. This article introduces the idea of using a structured “leadership system” for building a competent work force to achieve business goals.
Increase ... Views: 3769
I believe questions are the gateway to learning. I often use them during my training sessions to challenge audience members to think a bit more deeply about a point I’ve made. In my first book, Searching For Success, I posed lots of questions for my readers to ponder. One such group of questions ... Views: 8180
http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20110508/SMALLBIZ/305089992 Ira and June Klein's proposal would create a cash market for unusable depreciation breaks. It is a way of financing for small businesses, entrepreneurs, startups by monetizing their unused tax depreciation deductions. It will also ... Views: 847
Preparing for a catastrophic disaster (fire, tornado, etc.) is essential for every business owner. The Ad Council reported that, based on a recent national survey, only 38% of businesses have an emergency plan in place. Strangely, 90% said that it is “somewhat” or “very” important for businesses ... Views: 1173
Statistically, at least 85% of people looking for goods and services on the Internet find websites through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. As the owner of a blog or website, why this matters to you is the higher your page comes up in search engine results, the greater the ... Views: 1118
The Daffodil told me a Story!!
What an absolutely gorgeous day in the south. It is hard to beat North Carolina on a beautiful spring day....(except maybe on a beautiful autumn day!!). Even as much of a Duke Blue Devil fan as I am, I can actually say that those Carolina Blue skies are hard to ... Views: 1027
What is a data breach? A data breach occurs when customer information held by a company, business or institution is accessed, used, collected, retained or disclosed in a manner which is not in accordance with the applicable privacy laws and regulations and/or the company's own policies regarding ... Views: 896
As Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal wedding drew closer, I found myself to become increasingly interested. Yes, I must admit that they made a very beautiful royal couple. But what really got me hooked is the brouhaha surrounding the event. Even the emotions and opinions it elicited from ... Views: 940
The emergence of the World Wide Web as a global, around the clock marketplace has opened a multitude of new opportunities to businesses which have never before been seen. Computers and global communication networks have brought vendors, customers and markets together in new and beneficial ways. ... Views: 891
Business News Blog by Steve Daines - Read Business and Development News by Business Expert Steve Daines:
Customer relationship management (CRM) provides strategies for managing an enterprises interactions with its clients and potential prospects. The industry provides vast array of ... Views: 1176
Back in 1999, a friend, Glen Whitbeck, and I who were working on a project together came up with the "3 Times Rule". It is a rule of thumb that even 12 years later has remained a pretty accurate rule of thumb.
Since it is a rule of thumb, it isn't always totally accurate, but surprisingly ... Views: 1020
If you are planning a trip to the city or booking a short HOLIDAY IN SPAIN from the owners, this can save a lot of money. It's easy to book directly from the owners, all you have to do is search the Internet. By not going through a rental agent, you will save on costs and make it even better if ... Views: 1177
Whenever I recruit for a new member of the team, I usually don’t ask for someone with marketing experience, but more for someone who is organised and has good admin skills.
Because the vast majority of marketing I personally think is admin based and about being organised. Think about ... Views: 917
1) Money makes you more of who you are: meaning, whatever your money issues or beliefs are, you bring them with you into your relationships. It’s almost always the case that whatever values and beliefs you have about money, you will die with—unless you’re willing to do the work and get to the ... Views: 1549
It has become increasingly important over the past few years for businesses and companies to collect debts that are owed to them. The economy has been in poor health; banks have cut back in lending; the bankruptcy and unemployment rates are at an all-time high; and the price of gasoline and oil ... Views: 1360
According to police reports, burglaries are continuing at a high rate of occurrence. Continued high unemployment is one of the situations attributed to this statistic. But no matter what the economic environment, we’ll (unfortunately) always face the chance of being burglarized. So, what can a ... Views: 1372
It is quite common these days to have almost everything automated. Even the traditional business office functions we have known are now being made more manageable through the rise of several business software applications. And one such helpful software is the HRMS or human resources management ... Views: 1630
Your list, the people who sign up to hear what you have to say, should be the most valuable part of your business. You should treat these people with the utmost respect because they have CHOSEN to opt in and listen what you have to say.
I get invited to a lot of events, sometimes to speak and ... Views: 881
Ford posted its best first-quarter profit in 13 years, as its new, more fuel-efficient vehicles reached showrooms during a surge in gasoline prices.
New arrivals such as the Ford Explorer and Fiesta small car are selling well. Company profits are growing around the world. ... Views: 933
Knowledge management (KM) is about recognizing useful information that exists within a company and making it accessible to others so they can either use the existing information or add information of their own. Every organization creates and uses information that is specific to their own area of ... Views: 1547
Money in any context is an emotional subject, but in business, an emotional approach to the financial elements of your business can lead to disaster without having productive rituals in place to resolve these issues.
Needing money for your business. The next time an extra expense is presented ... Views: 1139
“The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work.” – Anonymous
It is real easy to get sucked into an overnight success story. But what you don’t read right away is that it took that person a lot of years and a lot of hard work to get to that place. We live in what I call the ... Views: 986