We hear this from big-hearted healers all the time: "My business-card ad used to get calls like crazy. But now...nothing."
Sadly, we're not surprised.
Here's what you need to know about advertising: It's designed to take readers through a 4-step psychological buying process known as AIDA, ... Views: 1014
To the big-hearted healer, there's nothing sweeter than the sound of the telephone ringing. That's the gift you get when you've written your website so wisely that potential clients feel compelled to call YOU. Your job on the phone then is simply to confirm their hunch that you're the right ... Views: 1058
Fiona is a talented holistic practitioner who knows her worth in the world. She's got a big vision and an even bigger purpose - to help men and women struggling with Chronic Fatigue overcome the debilitating effects of their condition to live full, happy and productive lives again. Just like she ... Views: 1106
Candace spent 2 months crafting the perfect website for her healing practice. She chose soothing colors. Serene photos. Inspiring quotes. Then she spent 6 months wondering why she didn't get any new clients from it.
Have you invested time, energy and money in a website that's not attracting ... Views: 1070
Your clients are getting great results, right? They're overcoming their pain and obstacles by leaps and bounds and they're over the moon with the outcomes.
But for some reason they're not sending family, friends or neighbors your way in the form of referrals. So what's the deal?
First of ... Views: 1466
Here are my top 3 take-aways from Kendall SummerHawk's "Secret Energy of Money" conference. Enjoy!
**Take Away #1: How You Do Money Is How You Do Everything
At first glance this may seem like a broad, sweeping statement. But when you pull off your blinders and look closely, you'll see ... Views: 1017
The other day I was chatting with my new business co-creator, Sharon Desjarlais, about what she calls your "Divine Right Client."
This concept of the Divine Right Clients (DRC) transcends the idea of a "niche," or "target market" by recognizing that you and your DRC aren't just a good ... Views: 1250
One of the biggest concerns I hear from my spiritual business owners is that they're just stretched too thin.
Trying to juggle business, family and your personal and spiritual needs can be a challenge, especially if you're trying to play the role of Super Woman.
Yes ladies, we can HAVE ... Views: 1477
Lots of spiritual and holistic entrepreneurs hold back and hide out when it comes to getting the word out about (i.e. marketing) their heart-centered programs and services. Sadly, the cost of holding back is high for you, the struggling business owner, and for your potential clients who are ... Views: 1167
Lots of marketing experts and business gurus talk about building a strong platform, but what does that really mean, why is it so important and how the heck do you do it?
Here's the WHAT...
Basically, from the perspective of the spiritual business owner, your platform is your unique ... Views: 1118
In the interview Elizabeth and I were talking about some of the common business myths that can keep spiritual entrepreneurs stuck at frustrating low income levels.
The first myth that Elizabeth wanted to dispel was the idea that if a person makes too much money they're no longer ... Views: 1104
One of the ways that I'm able to stay in the flow of my personal and professional energy and stay out of overwhelm (well, at least most of the time ;) is by staying in rhythm with the phases of the moon.
In fact, I strategically create my business schedule with the intention of harnessing the ... Views: 1274
As a solo spiritual business owner, it's easy to get overwhelmed with all of the various and sundry tasks on your "to do" list (trust me, I speak from experience!).
This feeling can be exacerbated by the energy of the Waxing or growing Moon (the period between the New Moon and the Full Moon, ... Views: 1295
How would you describe your relationship with money?
Are you a wanton lover, chasing money around and tossing it about with little regard?
Are you a neglectful partner, ignoring money most of the time and then expecting it to be there for you when you need it most?
Or are you a ... Views: 1025
Are you a rock star spiritual practitioner who gets stellar results for you clients... but you're still struggling with a feast or famine business model?
If so, I'm willing to bet that more than once you've asked yourself, "Can I really make a living doing what I love?"
Well the answer is ... Views: 3364
To truly step into the role of the divine feminine leader of your own business you have to be willing to tame your monkey mind.
Monkey mind is a term Buddhists use to describe the unsettled, confused, indecisive thoughts that jump through your consciousness like a monkey jumps from tree to ... Views: 1162
One of the ways that I’m able to stay in the flow of my personal and professional energy and stay out of overwhelm (well, at least most of the time ;) is by staying in rhythm with the phases of the moon.
In fact, I strategically create my marketing schedule with a conscious intention of ... Views: 1234
The #1 Way To Stay In Touch With Your Tribe,
The #2 Things You'll Need to Get Started NOW
And The #3 Most Important Tips On What To Share
Having your own e-zine or electronic newsletter is one of the most creative and effective tools available to you as a spiritual practitioner.
This ... Views: 1055
Tried and true techniques to engage your audience & leave them wanting more!
As a spiritual practitioner, one of the best ways I know to let your light shine is to offer spiritual workshops in your community. Here are 3 of my favorite tips to help you host workshops that ROCK!
Tip #1: ... Views: 1316
Spiritual workshop flyers can be an effective way to market and fill your events if the following are true...
• You use flyers in combination with other marketing materials and strategies.
• You display them in a place that has good foot traffic (provided that those feet are attached to ... Views: 3760
The best way to generate ideas for spiritual workshops is to draw from your personal experience, knowledge and wisdom.
Even if you think that there's nothing remarkable about your life, I have yet to meet any person in this world who did not have something to teach.
So just imagine for a ... Views: 4037
Once you've got a great workshop idea, the next step is to find the right venue.
Since not all venues are not created equal, here are 3 questions every spiritual practitioner MUST ask before booking your spiritual workshop location.
Question #1: Do they have an established clientele and, ... Views: 1278
For lots of spiritual practitioners, writing marketing copy can be a downright painful process. You know that you can deliver a great workshop, but how do you put that in words to create marketing copy that will actually get people in the door?
Relax, there's a simple formula you can use to ... Views: 6640
Live workshops are a great way for spiritual practitioners to share their gifts with the world. Why? Because they're easy (trust me), they're inexpensive to host, and they're a heck of a lot of fun!
Another plus... you'll meet the coolest people ever. Your workshop guests may become your ... Views: 1424
Have you been neglecting your Body, Mind or Spirit lately? Is your life so bland it makes rice cakes sound exciting?
If so, it’s time to spice it up a little and start incorporating the ingredients for your best life into the mix so you can turn up the heat on your personal power.
Start by ... Views: 2032
Animal Spirit Guides ~ or Totems ~ are among the most powerful and profound Spirit helpers we have. Our ancestors knew how important these Animal Spirits were, but over time we've been taught to turn a deaf ear to call of the coyote and a blind eye to the flight of the raven.
Yet these ... Views: 3443
Okay, so if you've been reading my newsletters, following me on facebook or attending any of my workshops recently, you know that I've been having a good ole' time with my Spirit Guides lately.
I've been meditating, contemplating and channeling all kinds of inspired information from my ... Views: 1829
Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to take my 16-year-old son, Tyler, to see His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama give a live speech at a local university.
The very fact that we had the honor of being in the presence of someone who is such an embodiment of compassion was not only humbling, ... Views: 1773
A Message From Your Bliss Guides...
Laugh, play, dance and enjoy life. This is your birthright, this is your true calling ~ to be an expression of joy on earth, a light in the darkness.
Do the holidays stress you out? Even if you love the season, chances are you feel the pressure ~ holiday ... Views: 1188
You Are Never Alone
From the time you're born you have a powerful spiritual support system offering you guidance and wisdom throughout life's journey. These loving beings are known as Spirit Guides.
Your Guides know your true potential in life and their greatest desire is to help you achieve ... Views: 2262
Have you bought into the poverty consciousness?
With all of the negativity and fear surrounding the housing market, the job market and the super market right now, it's easy to let yourself slip into that rut. The good news is... You don't have to stay there.
In fact, you have an ... Views: 3506
There's an old Chinese blessing and curse that goes something like this... "May you live in interesting times."
Well, for better or worse we certainly are living in interesting times right now. Lately, you can't watch the news or read the paper (oh, come on, you remember the paper don't ... Views: 4573
My Journey Through Oz
Since graduating from college my career path has been like a trip down the Yellow Brick Road. I’ve had every variety of boss you could imagine – some had no brains, more than one had no heart, and a few simply lacked the courage to do the right thing. And yes, of course, ... Views: 1135
My Journey Through Oz
Since graduating from college my career path has been like a trip down the Yellow Brick Road. I’ve had every variety of crappy boss you could imagine – some had no brain, more than one had no heart, and a few simply lacked the courage to do the right thing. ... Views: 860