One of the ways that I’m able to stay in the flow of my personal and professional energy and stay out of overwhelm (well, at least most of the time ;) is by staying in rhythm with the phases of the moon.

In fact, I strategically create my marketing schedule with a conscious intention of harnessing the moon’s energy to give my marketing copy and campaigns a mystical edge that sparkles with the magic of my sacred marketing message.

This is one of the things that sets my marketing and coaching practice apart and one that my clients say gives them an intuitive advantage when they’re planning their own marketing efforts.

Since this week we’re in a Waning Moon phase ~ this when the moon appears to be decreasing in the night sky ~ I thought I’d share some tips with you about how to align your personal and professional energy with the energy of the moon today.

Waning Moon Marketing Tip #1 ~ Reflect:
Reflect On What Worked… And What Didn’t

I’m a big believer in the idea of reflect, regroup and retry. So I use the energy of the Waning Moon to look back over my actions ~ both personal and professional ~ to see what worked and what didn’t.

Professionally, I look over my marketing copy ~ blogs, newsletters and social media entries ~ and see what resonated the most with people in my spiritual tribe. What blogs did people comment on, what tweets got the most views and what programs were people really excited about?

If I’ve given people something they like, I want to know so I can keep creating material that engages them, challenges them and gets them thinking about what’s possible. If people didn’t respond, if they weren’t interested in a topic, then I need to be able to recognize that and to realign my message to meet the needs of the people I’m here to serve.

But the only way that I can stay in rhythm with the people in my circle is to reflect on what worked and be really, really honest about what didn’t.

Waning Moon Marketing Tip #2 ~ Release:
The Waning Moon Is A Time Of Letting Go

As the light in the nigh sky continues to decrease with the energy of the Waning Moon, this is the perfect time to go within and be willing to let go of anything that’s not serving your soul’s highest potential.

The Waning Moon lends energy to help you release your limitations, especially around money or worthiness issues. As spiritual practitioners who are always growing and stretching into new possibilities we’re also always bumping into our insecurities and fears along the way. (Yes, this really does happen to ALL of us.)

Perhaps this is the price of moving forward. But it’s also a great opportunity to overcome your obstacles and let go of the old, outdated, dare I say… false, limiting beliefs we have about ourselves, our businesses and our self-imposed limitations.

The Waning Moon will help you notice these fears, myths and limiting beliefs and consciously LET THEM GO so that your business can soar. You can also tune into the needs of your spiritual tribe and challenge them to let go of their obstacles as well.

Waning Moon Tip #3 ~ Rest:
Take Some Time Off

Take some time to rest and regroup during this phase of the moon. No seriously, no matter how busy you are, there’s no way you can convince me you can’t take at lease 1 or 2 days off.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should halt your forward motion or slow your growth. But believe it or not, taking a few days off can actually help keep you on track because it keeps you from burning out!

Bottom line: Keep making positive strides toward your goals, but also take time to rest and reflect. Remember to let your old limits and fears decrease with the diminishing moon.

May 26th, 2011

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Michele McGrew is a spiritual teacher and intuitive who began her metaphysical journey at the age of 17 when she was taught to perform psychic readings by a family member and mentor.  In the years since, she's dedicated herself to exploring the depths of spirituality, ancient myth and magic, Divine Love and Universal Truth. She now enjoys teaching ancient arts and lore to modern women in ways that are practical and meaningful in today’s demanding society.

Finding her passion in writing and teaching, Michele hosts workshops and private classes on a variety of topics, including past life exploration, soul retrieval, earth and moon magic, herb lore, crystal healing, chakra balancing and working with the archetypical energies of the ancient Gods and Goddess for the creation of a more harmonious life.

As an ordained minister and Priestess, Michele’s greatest joy is in working with other spiritually minded individuals to honor, uplift and support them on their journey through life.  In addition to her minister's license, Michele sits on the Florida ADL Minister's Board of Directors. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Florida Atlantic University and has earned college certificates in Women’s Studies and Ethnic Studies.

Michele is available for intuitive tarot readings, private classes and past life exploration sessions. To learn more about Michele, go to or