Lots of marketing experts and business gurus talk about building a strong platform, but what does that really mean, why is it so important and how the heck do you do it?

Here's the WHAT...

Basically, from the perspective of the spiritual business owner, your platform is your unique message that you share with the world in your unique way. It's your personal expression of divine truth presented as a topic or area of expertise that you align your business energy with.

Building a platform is beneficial to your business because it gives you a specialty that you can become well known for. The desired result is that when people think about the topic or idea you choose as your business platform, they will automatically think of YOU.
And the WHY...
Here are just a few of the benefits of building a strong platform: 

• Platforms can be built upon with your spiritual tools, services and programs through various delivery method (i.e. speaking, writing, teaching, hosting workshops, etc.).

• Platforms attract your ideal clients to your business. By continuing to build your platform you continue to nurture your relationship with these clients.

• Building a spiritual tribe or community around your platform allows you to grow your business more effectively with the enthusiastic help of potential clients and joint venture partners.

And, of course, the HOW...

In order to build your platform it's not enough just to identify a topic or area of interest. You must be willing to spread the word about it.

One of the coolest, most enjoyable ways I know of to spread the word about your business is by hosting live spiritual workshops in your community.

Workshops are an extremely effective way to spread your message and let people know exactly what you stand for, and they're a heck of a lot of fun too!

Hosting your own workshops will allow you to share your experiences, knowledge and wisdom with people who are interested in your message and the platform that you're building ~ which also makes them the perfect clients for your spiritual business.   

If you'd like to learn more about how to host your own spiritual workshops in your community, join me next Tuesday, August 30 at 7 pm for my complimentary training call:
The Spiritual Practitioner's Guide To Hosting Live Workshops: 4 Simple Steps To Generate Lasting Abundance Through Your Live Events

Sign up now and you'll also get my awesome new F'REE Report too!

Go to www.WakeUpGoddess.com to register.

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Michele McGrew is a spiritual practitioner and marketing coach who teaches heart-centered entrepreneurs to fill their practices and market their businesses with grace and ease.
Known for filling her local workshops and providing outstanding spiritual services within her community, Michele is passionate about sharing her authentic marketing skills with other spiritual practitioners so they can help more people, make more money AND work with the clients they love.
By blending spirituality, energy dynamics and good, solid business skills, Michele helps her clients create a steady stream of ideal clients into their business by marketing their services with total integrity so that they can let their light and passion shine in the world through the inspired work that they do.
Michele is the creator of The Goddess Keys Platinum Program: How to Market Your Divine Business with Grace, Ease & Integrity, an innovative and intuitive marketing system that allows female entrepreneurs to create spiritual and financial success through their businesses. To learn more, go to www.WakeUpGoddess.com.