Every day in the world of business, a client reports to their Service Provider that they are unable to pay for the services provided them. Usually, the client intends to pay and is only asking for an extension, to which most providers, however reluctantly, will agree. After all, getting paid ... Views: 808
Google Trends is a tool that shows the world’s interest in certain topics, the frequency with which those topics have appeared in Google News stories, and in which geographical regions people have searched those topics most. The data is updated daily.
You can also see the day’s top 40 ... Views: 549
The past few years have been more than a little difficult for almost every size and type of business. An unhealthy economy, like a ruthless virus, can prove fatal to any business that is weak. However, there are proven remedies to prevent your failure to survive in business, regardless of the ... Views: 723
Because of the struggling economy, consumers are more thoughtful in their purchases. This results in more research of the product as well as shopping around for the best price. They look for coupons, promotions and free shipping. Consumers are also more tech savvy and use a variety of resources ... Views: 434