Now more than ever in today’s tough economy, families are searching high and low for every dollar of scholarship and financial aid money they can find. And colleges are more determined than ever to create as many obstacles to getting that aid as possible.
As a parent, your mindset is “How ... Views: 1337
Lame attempt to borrow from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, I know. I blame my college education and four classes on Shakespeare.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
When it comes to your High School classes: It’s not what you NEED to graduate; it’s entirely about what you NEED to get into ... Views: 926
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about things you can do to investigate colleges and express interest in colleges so that you can decide if a college is a serious enough contender for a campus visit (which costs a lot of time, effort and money if the college is farther than 100 ... Views: 869
I was at a school function for my son the other day, when the topic of college came up because one of the other parents also had a high school sophomore and they were starting to think about college.
I mentioned that a lot has changed. Much more than she is even aware of and she said, ... Views: 800
I recently saw a question posted by “David” on one of those “Ask an expert” type sites - it was all about financial aid – and the answer to the financial aid question was only half-right. Half-baked information will get you half-baked results.
But, what struck me more was the ... Views: 930
Almost all colleges accept both SAT or ACT scores and they’ll use whichever score better benefits the student (which means it better benefits their college rankings). SOME schools that are considered highly selective prefer the SAT because it makes finer distinctions on the higher end of the ... Views: 826
You know, where you can bring in your former tax returns and they’ll give them a “second look”?
The commercials give examples of folks who “thought they could do it themselves” or who got help from the wrong people (their brother, the “professional” who focuses on everything and therefore ... Views: 848
Have you ever noticed that many of your friends from high school still view you as the kid you were in elementary school or middle school? You know you’ve changed, and they “say” they know you’ve changed, but yet they still view you in the same way?
Let’s face it, it’s inevitable because, ... Views: 866
College loan debt crossed the $1 Trillion mark last year. Many of the news stories about this topic center around the students. However, a growing trend is parents who are having to postpone their retirement and dig into their savings because they co-signed for student loans for their ... Views: 835
Juliet questioned “What’s in a name?” And when it comes to communicating with the colleges, you may think that as well. But, what if you’re wrong?
Let’s say you decide you like Costalotta University and decide to send them an email asking about their biochemistry program, for example. This is ... Views: 946
Student loan debt crossed the trillion dollar mark recently, spurring a flurry of “Is College Worth It?” articles and segments on tv news. With college costs ranging from $25,000 per year at a lot of local state universities (if you live on campus) to as much as $65,000 per year, it’s only ... Views: 874
I’d like to share with you a very real story, although the names have been changed. You’ll hear variations of this story every year, from different sources. It’s a real shame because the college application process shouldn’t be like this, but all too often it is. Here’s the story:
Susie is a ... Views: 926
There’s no doubt about it. It’s appealing. Apply to a college early decision, get your acceptance by December and be done with it all.
I get it, I really do. But so do the colleges and that’s why they created this admissions option. They totally understand the appeal of early decision to ... Views: 1015
Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), is THE most important number for you to know because it is how much the colleges will expect you to pay for college.
All schools use it as a starting point for making their decisions about how much you’ll be expected to pay to attend their college. ... Views: 1100
• I need to look at colleges…”but” I don’t have time.
• I should have studied for the SAT… “but” I had a party to go to.
• I want to go to college…”but” I’m not making the time to find the colleges.
• I want to major in zzz … “but” I love Costalotta U. even though they don’t offer zzz as a ... Views: 672
“Just because you get people’s attention, doesn’t mean it’s for the right reason… Cute Don’t Sell” — Suzanne Evans
The tell-it-like-it-is, no fluff boss of business building.
This is sound advice, for those with a business, those looking to get hired and those who are looking to get into ... Views: 793
You carefully crafted your application, followed the instructions exactly to the letter and when that response comes from the college it doesn’t say “Yes”, but it doesn’t say “No” either.
You’re on the “Wait List”. Now what?
Each year, my office is flooded with emails and calls from ... Views: 898
Every Spring, we see the stories of students who seem to have “everything” going for them – great grades, good SAT scores, lots of activities - but their application to a college that should have been “a sure thing” is rejected. We scratch our heads and wonder why.
Well, it has to do with all ... Views: 942
With SAT season in full swing for Juniors, one of the areas where you should step-up your efforts is preparation for standardized tests!
If you want to pay less for college, your standardized test scores become CRITICAL because they are relied on much more in determining financial aid versus ... Views: 916
Too many families and students fail at the college game. It’s true. They fail by giving up before they start. Overwhelmed by out-of-control college costs and the general feeling of just not knowing where to start, they simply “give up”.
Sometimes they “give up” by thinking smaller - “I really ... Views: 777
The college search and selection process should be an exciting time for students. Unfortunately, out-of-control college costs all too often, frankly, suck much of the fun out of the process.
Waiting until you get the college bill will be too late, so here are five tips for paying less for ... Views: 844
College visits are often an expensive proposition, so plan on doing some serious research before you ask your parents to commit time, energy, and resources to a college visit!
Randomly visiting colleges that may or may not be a good fit is NOT part of a smart college plan. A college should be ... Views: 750
To get the best results possible when it comes to your college plan, you need to be sure to be sure to include the financial aid piece of the plan TOGETHER with the admissions. Those who focus on both at the same time, get the best results. A critical step to take in creating your college plan ... Views: 777
I’m not asking are you enthusiastic about a particular college, but rather are you enthusiastic about this next big chapter in your life?
Are you enthusiastic about going off to college?
I ask this because it’s important. Enthusiastic people tend to be upbeat and positive, they make things ... Views: 862
This week, I’d like to share with you a very real story. I hear variations of this story every year, and every year, my heart breaks because the college process shouldn’t be stressful and combative.
Susie is thinking about what college she wants to attend. But, here’s the problem: Susie ... Views: 784
With college application season approaching for High School Seniors, and Juniors about to put the “pedal to the medal” and ramp up their college efforts, one of the areas where both should step-up their efforts is preparation for standardized tests!
If you are looking for college scholarships ... Views: 1067
Your strengths are the heart and soul of your applications. They can help you refine your goals. I want to make sure that the possible careers you are aiming for are in alignment with your strengths.
Throughout the entire process – through the application, the essays, interviews, even ... Views: 831
Summer isn’t just for sitting by the pool. If you intend to go to college, how you spend your summer can influence your college options. Yes, by all means, have fun by the pool with your friends, but make your summers count, too.
Take note, soon-to-be freshmen, sophomores and juniors — ... Views: 841
Every fall, we see the stories of students who seem to have “everything” going for them - great grades, good SAT scores, lots of activities – but their application to a college that should have been “a sure thing” is rejected. We scratch our heads and wonder why.
Well, it has to do with all ... Views: 960
Does any of this sound familiar?
“I have too much classwork/homework to do right now. I’ll get to the college stuff later”
“I have a big project/vacation/job/play production/sports season going on right now. I’ll get to my college stuff after it’s over”
“It’s summer. I’ll think about ... Views: 880
If you’re looking to boost your chances to get into colleges you love, then timing is everything. Understanding the different types of admission will have a dramatic impact on your chances of getting in to the colleges you want most. There are seven different types of admissions policies that ... Views: 1082
The end of the school year is fast approaching (for some, you've already reached it). You realize the college application season is just around the corner, but you figure you still have plenty of time.
Does any of this sound familiar?
* You don't have any colleges on your "final ... Views: 905
When you announce your child is getting ready to go to college, you’ll get a ton of advice. Sometimes you’re asking for the advice, other times it’s just being offered (whether you want it or not).
At the end of the day, usually someone is assisting your student through the process. It might ... Views: 999
The key to a good college admissions strategy is your message. What one or two things do you want the colleges to know about you? You will continually drive this specific message home throughout your application process–in your essay, during an interview, in the short answers, and in your ... Views: 952
Soon-to-be college freshmen, as you prepare over the summer to move in to dorms this fall,you may want to prepare to have a frank conversation with your future roommate. It can avoid a lot of pain later on - say like tripping over your roommate's artificial leg.
I'm not making this up, it ... Views: 1168
Throughout the entire college process, colleges are trying to figure out whether or not a prospective student is a good fit for their campus. They are constantly asking interested students questions – at college fairs, informational sessions, on their websites, in the applications themselves, ... Views: 771
I was hosting a live workshop recently and two of my attendees volunteered to share their current college admissions and financial aid plans. I was impressed that they each had one.
It has stuck with me because they illustrated the common mistakes students and parents are making that ... Views: 856
“Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.”
Garrison Keillor
“She’s undecided still about what she wants to do, but Jessica has a 3.8 GPA, she’s in the top 15 of her high school class, scored 2030 on the ... Views: 914
“If we parents try hard, we can get through this and still be on speaking terms with our eager and excited new college freshman. That may prove particularly useful if we need to express ourselves about the boy she brings home for Thanksgiving.” Jay Matthews, author of Harvard Schmarvard.
I ... Views: 844
The Psychopathology of the Average
"If we want to know how fast a human being can run, then it is no use to average out the speed of a good "sample" of the population; it is far better to collect Olympic gold medal winners and see how well they can do...the highest possibilities of human ... Views: 717