Have you ever noticed that many of your friends from high school still view you as the kid you were in elementary school or middle school? You know you’ve changed, and they “say” they know you’ve changed, but yet they still view you in the same way?

Let’s face it, it’s inevitable because, with age often comes wisdom. Maybe you were the kid who ate glue in kindergarten but you certainly don’t do that now. Or perhaps you were a little overweight in middle school but now you’re thin because you’re running 3-4 miles a day for lacrosse.

When I was in high school, people still thought of me as shy because I was that way in middle school and elementary school. I felt I had outgrown it, but people still viewed me that way. I hated it.

But, one of the great things about going off to college is that you get a clean slate. New people to meet who haven’t known you since you were five. When I got to college, I deliberately pushed my comfort zones – saying high to people I met, asking questions about what they thought and what they liked. Surprisingly, I wasn’t shy anymore – and people didn’t see me as shy anymore, either.

Research shows you can actually set out to change something about yourself and get good results. Here are a few tips for taking advantage of the fresh start college offers you:

- Want to be more assertive? Imagine how you’ll feel if you don’t speak up – this more than likely will make you speak up.

- Looking to be more patient? Focus on things around you rather than the thing or person you’re waiting for or is frustrating you. It’ll put you back in the “moment” and you’ll find yourself able to wait a bit longer to get through the moment.

- Wish to be braver instead of giving into fear? Be daring, try something new. Try new foods, talking to the cute guy or girl.

- Feel you worry too much? Ask yourself how your worry is paying off. Sometimes worry does help you come up with a solution, but often you’re so caught up in the worry that when the worry doesn’t solve anything, you end up quitting.

The key to any new behavior is practice, practice, practice. The more you do something, the more comfortable you’ll get doing it. After a while it doesn’t feel so weird and after a little longer, it becomes second nature.

Author's Bio: 

Jeanmarie Keller has helped thousands of students get into colleges they love while making sure their parents save a fortune on the bill. Jeanmarie is the creator of the Smart Plan For College System which teaches her client-families how to get noticed in the admissions office, get in at the colleges right for them and how to get the money they need to help pay the bill.

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