Dr. William Pawluk is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Holistic Health". You can find complete information on Dr. William Pawluk and his products by visiting www.DrPawluk.com.
This is the second in a series of articles looking at how our feelings affect our lives and bodies. It is powerful knowledge that can help eliminate pain in all areas of your life. If you are struggling with something, send me an email or call.
Healing happens when you forgive
This is a ... Views: 1220
If you are struggling with emotional eating, you're not alone.
I still catch myself doing it- just the other day I sat down in front of my computer and opened up a bag of Terra chips and started shoveling them in. I stopped myself before I ate the entire bag because I became aware of what I ... Views: 1161
If you are struggling with emotional eating, you're not alone.
I still catch myself doing it- just the other day I sat down in front of my computer and opened up a bag of Terra chips and started shoveling them in. I stopped myself before I ate the entire bag because I became aware of what I ... Views: 1071
If you are struggling with emotional eating, you're not alone.
I still catch myself doing it- just the other day I sat down in front of my computer and opened up a bag of Terra chips and started shoveling them in. I stopped myself before I ate the entire bag because I became aware of what I ... Views: 1062
The debate continues on whether dairy products are healthy and necessary for good nutrition. The topic is quite controversial to say the least. Some people do quite well without it. My view on dairy is that it can be very healthy if the cow it comes from is happy and healthy.
Sick cows will ... Views: 982
If you are watching sugar for diabetes, good health, or weight, this will help you understand ‘sugar’ is not just ‘sugar’
Carbohydrates metabolize into sugar in your body. However, there are healthy ways to get the carbohydrates your body needs.
The Glycemic Index is a rating of ... Views: 1106
Are you worried about gaining too much weight during your pregnancy?
Do you feel that you were overweight when you became pregnant, and that you would like to lose some of that wait while you are carrying?
Then you are not alone. Yes, you are not alone. There are other people, just like ... Views: 871
Every issue we have in life comes down to four areas we may feel we are lacking in and they are: whether we experience love or fear; having feelings of significance or insignificance in life's situations; having feelings of security or insecurity; and about our belief structures or unhealthy ... Views: 743
Chicken Noodle soup is said to be good for colds and the soul, and I wouldn’t argue that. In fact, chicken broth inhibits neutrophil migration which mitigates the side effects of colds, flus and upper respiratory infections.
Let’s take that a little further. For convalescing, repairing ... Views: 1270
Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood.
When you eat more calories than you burn, your body converts all the surplus calories into triglycerides. Having triglycerides in your blood stream is totally normal. They are basically stored energy. In between meals, when you don't have ... Views: 999
Probiotics are bacteria and yeast, but they are the ones that are good and necessary for your health!
If you automatically think of ‘bacteria’ as a bad thing, think again. Your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are ‘good’ bacteria, and they are a necessary part of ... Views: 916
During the heat, when you’re exercising, etc., people will say “Drink plenty of water!” or, “Stay hydrated!” Is there a difference between the two? The answer is a resounding “Yes!!”
Although life is not possible without water and the human body is made up of 80% water, there IS such a ... Views: 1306
Enzymes are a protein made from living cells that institute ‘change.” They cause one substance to transform so they can be utilized by other living organisms. There are several classifications of enzymes in the human body, but Digestive Enzymes are a classification that we need to pay ... Views: 970
Beans are actually part of a family called legumes. This also includes lentils and peas of various kinds. Beans are low-glycemic, high-fiber, high-protein, and packed with very important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
However, canned beans have been cooked and processed, and often ... Views: 2488
In December of 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 head and neck cancer. I struggled greatly with the decision to undergo chemotherapy and radiation instead of fighting the disease strictly through natural alternatives. With such a treatable form of cancer ... Views: 1521
More and more adults are finding time to have fun!
Bringing back a little child’s play can lighten your mood and bring opportunities to meet new people.
I‘m pleased and surprised at a small group of ‘Over 55’s’ gathering to fly their kites! Not just ordinary kites, but stunt kites!
I ... Views: 1740
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, complex, and often disabling disease of the central nervous system (CNS) with a variable clinical course. There are two basic forms of MS – relapsing/remitting and progressive. There is significant overlap between these two forms. Patients with MS have ... Views: 15375
“Inside the body lives a vast number of bacteria without which we could not remain in good health. There are over 100 trillion in each person with over 400 different species, most of them living in the digestive tract. Certain types of these bacteria help to maintain good health and others have ... Views: 1095
Are there best diets to lose weight, or does it depend on every person's specific needs and condition? Perhaps, you have heard celebrities or TV personalities talk about the latest fad diet or some pill they take to shed some pounds.
They may sound too convinced about these products, and you ... Views: 910
If you suffer from constipation, you probably don’t visit the washroom very often. If you don’t have constipation, or diarrhea for that matter, but visit the bathroom numerous times a day, it that normal?
When it comes to bowel movements it’s hard to know for sure what’s normal or not because ... Views: 819
Eggs and many other foods high in cholesterol such as dairy, meats and seafood have always been an important part of a healthy diet, regardless of what the government or their co-dependent "experts" may say on any given day. Recently, the government admitted its decade's long advice to avoid ... Views: 820
You probably have some idea of your pancreas and maybe even know its function, but if we asked you to point it out, would you know where to find it?
For those of you who are not as sure about the pancreas, let us give you a quick synopsis.
First off, the pancreas is located behind your ... Views: 803
Homoeopathic Medicines have been used for Centuries as a norm when it comes to treating the "Royal Family"
So if it is Good Enough for the Royal Family it must be Good Enough for US!!!!
First of all What is Homoeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by ... Views: 1199
There is one thing on this planet that can heal just about any problem in your life and that is the immune healing systems of the body. However, there is one thing that will turn off that one thing-toxic stresses. It is responsible for almost 95 percent of illness and disease. The remaining five ... Views: 854
Adrenal fatigue is a hard disorder to recognize. Many of the symptoms you may experience may be related to your adrenal glands which are not functioning properly. Exhaustion sets in when stress overwhelms these two glands which sit up on top of your kidneys. Your adrenal system (part of the ... Views: 796
Uveitis is a form of eye inflammation. It affects the middle layer of tissue in the eye wall (uvea).
Uveitis (u-vee-I-tis) warning signs often come on suddenly and get worse quickly. They include eye redness, pain and blurred vision. The condition can affect one or both eyes. It primarily ... Views: 1570
The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, can have a dramatic impact on a huge variety of bodily functions, and if you’re a woman over 35 your odds of a thyroid disorder are highmore than 30%, by some estimates.
At least 30 million Americans have a thyroid disorder and half15 ... Views: 2786
“The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much, even if subjected to accidental injuries or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.”
... Views: 1025
Summer; also referred to as Greeshma ritu, is the time when the sun rays become powerful and Pitta dosha gets imbalanced. So when everything heats up outside, the best way to stay healthy is to cool down inside; i.e. mentally, physically and emotionally. Because summertime is Pitta season, and ... Views: 939
Take a moment to think about where you are currently dwelling. Is it a rural area with lots of green landscape and stress? Or is it a city dwelling with high-rise buildings and tons of traffic? Does your neighborhood have a high crime rate or is it more peaceful and calm? Why are we asking these ... Views: 754
In 2004, Time Magazine featured an article, “The Secret Killer.” Today, the role inflammation plays in the disease process continues to be ignored by many, including the conventional medical community. I was forced to learn about this silent killer with a cancer diagnosis 15 years ago, and it is ... Views: 1146
All of us are living in the stressful times. Hassles, deadlines, frustrations and demands of our day to day life are ravaging our body, mind, spirit and heart. When we constantly run in emergency mode our body and mind have to pay the price. According to Ayurveda, stress effects our mental and ... Views: 931
All of us are living in the stressful times. Hassles, deadlines, frustrations and demands of our day to day life are ravaging our body, mind, spirit and heart. When we constantly run in emergency mode our body and mind have to pay the price. According to Ayurveda, stress effects our mental and ... Views: 1
It doesn’t matter what your religious background is, it’s good to believe in something. Whether you’re Catholic, Muslim, Jewish or any other denomination, the integral part of religion is having a faith in a higher power. One way we can feel connected with our faith is through prayer.
We pray ... Views: 935
“There are so many scholarly articles about how our attitude is very important for healing. In fact our attitude has everything to do with healing. If we don’t think we will get better, more than likely we will not get better. And if we do think we will get better, we will more than likely get ... Views: 2002
Bell’s palsy is also known as unilateral facial paralysis or idiopathic facial paralysis. Person affected by Bell’s palsy can’t control the facial expression on one side of the face. The cause for the disorder is not well understood. However, studies show that Bell’s palsy can be associated with ... Views: 3115
If your doctor says you need a CT scan, you get one and don’t ask questions right ? Wrong ! The first question you should ask is can we use another process or is there is another process available ?
The use of CT scans has increased thirty fold in the past 20 years. Doctors are ... Views: 786
When you consider activities preformed in the bedroom, two come to mind: Sleeping and sex. They may not seem like they have much in common, besides the use of a bed, but the amount of sleep you get may actually determine how much sex you’re having.
There are many benefits of sleep, from ... Views: 729
Trigeminal Neuralgia is a kind of neuropathic disorder. A person can experience severe pains for days, week or months. This pain has a sudden and recurring nature which can come at any time, remain for some duration and then suddenly disappears. This can continue for several years until a ... Views: 6029
If you want to take better control of your health and well-being, we have to take responsibility and control our tempers. Research confirms angry outbursts can increase your risk of a heart attack by nearly tenfold. It does not take years for the buildup of anger issues in regards to heart ... Views: 812
Feeling a little blue? Lonely, listless and in your pajamas until noon? I can’t blame you. In some parts of North America, we’re in a record-breaking deep freeze. The days are short, dark and pretty darn cold and I feel as though I need to take up ice fishing to make the most of the season – if ... Views: 779
Ulcers are painful and debilitating conditions that silently affect thousands. Ulcers can cause pain anytime of the day with no forewarning or trigger. The pain can start as a gnawing feeling and eventually exacerbate to a burning sensation making eating agonizing. The pain may come and go and ... Views: 946
In Honor Of Shilo - A Dog Above Dogs
Who makes you laugh, is more loyal, or loves you more than . . . your dog?
I have been a dog lover, and have had dogs most of my life. One of my dearest and best friends was my Rottweiler, Shilo. I say she was "mine" very loosely! I originally bought ... Views: 1189
It’s green . . . it’s nutritious . . . it’s very old . . . and it keeps you feeling young – but do you really know what chlorella is?
Two and a half billion years ago – long before dinosaurs roamed the planet – chlorella and its algae cousins ruled the world. These tiny single-celled ... Views: 1178
What is ADD and ADHD
ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, are one in the same. There are actually six types of ADD according to Dr. Amen of Amen Clinics. ADD and ADHD can be caused by a deficiency of adrenaline. Adrenaline is produced by the ... Views: 1220
A disorder in which the skin gets irritating red patches and the scaly lines appear on the skin than this condition is known as psoriasis. This disease is caused due to immune system and the symptoms vary. It is a long-term disease.
The prime cause of this disease is the immune system that does ... Views: 1477
You've heard that an apple a day can keep the doctor away . . . But is that true anymore?
These days, the beautiful, whole fruit has been tossed to the side. And the complex nutrition in the apple has been reduced, extracted and isolated, put into pills and capsules.
Instead of turning ... Views: 1297
Sacred containers, whether called God/Goddess Boxes, Butterfly Boxes, or Angel Boxes, have been used for years as a storage place for intimate worries, concerns, fears, and life troubles. The term “butterfly” can be used universally because it provides a powerful metaphor for transformation. ... Views: 1055
Hippocrates, the “father of medicine,” said, “Let food be your medicine.” Throughout history, health care trends and fads have risen and receded. Today there is a vast array of food fads and it is little wonder that the average consumer finds themselves lost in variety that is available. ... Views: 4545