We have become a society of shallow breathers and it is compromising our health!
Have you ever heard of a phenomena called “email apnea” (or “screen apnea”)? The term was coined by Linda Stone, a writer, researcher, and former executive at Apple and Microsoft. She was able to identify that ... Views: 604
The Skills Of The Future
Do you realize that in the last 30 years the median income hasn't risen much, meanwhile, productivity has more than doubled!
Why do you think that is?
I can tell you. It's because of automation, computers and the internet.
How can you have any doubt that job ... Views: 1715
The Way Most People Look Online Business
Many people start an online business, or any small business that doesn't require a huge amount of start-up capitol, and then just. . . give up! What's worse, they blame the business model saying, "Oh, that thing doesn't work".
What's really funny to ... Views: 1070
Success In Sex?
You are probably wondering what kind of title THIS is, or is it just some kind of scammy hook to get you to read yet another bland article about another bland topic!
Nope! Neither. This time around, I am venturing outside my normal business/lifestyle topics into the spicier ... Views: 1145
Today I Will Financially Reinvent Myself!
I don't think anyone wakes up one morning and says, "Today, I think I will reinvent myself financially", or "I'm going to totally reinvent my life today". No, it usually takes something drastic hitting you square between the eyes.
For me, it was a ... Views: 2292
Who Qualifies For The American Dream?
In America we have many symbols for the freedoms we enjoy, such as the bald eagle, the American flag, the liberty bell, and the American dream.
In 1931, James T. Adams defined the American dream as,"life should be better and richer and fuller for ... Views: 1619
What Is Meditation Really?
Meditation is most commonly thought of as a process of relaxation and contemplation for spiritual purposes, or simply for becoming more in tune with your body. Actually, there are lots of reasons to meditate from emotional wellbeing, to very real benefits to your ... Views: 971
In Honor Of Shilo - A Dog Above Dogs
Who makes you laugh, is more loyal, or loves you more than . . . your dog?
I have been a dog lover, and have had dogs most of my life. One of my dearest and best friends was my Rottweiler, Shilo. I say she was "mine" very loosely! I originally bought ... Views: 1190
What makes one person successful in business and not another?
There are a few different answers to that question to be sure, but upon researching some of the most most successful entrepreneurs, one thing stood out:
You may be thinking, "So what?, I get it", but do you really? Do ... Views: 1104
Are You a Jellyfish Or A Hound Dog?
Say what?! I know . . . I have a point. Think about it.
Though jellyfish swim sometimes, they mostly just float around the ocean, dependent upon the currents to carry them. They don't have any direction in mind, they just . . . float.
On the other ... Views: 1062
Is "Retirement" The New Bad Word?
Does your heart lie to you? Do you feel your age? Most people don't. I feel 28 until I look in the mirror. Then I suffer from PTSD!
We get so busy living our lives, trying to stuff as much as we can into each day! Time is just flying by too fast, (and goes ... Views: 1436
Are you one of those people that has that entrepreneurial itch?
How old were you when you first saw symptoms? Did you have your own lemonade stand or paper route? As you got older, did you notice how businesses could improve? I have had that itch for a long time.
Over the years my husband ... Views: 1771
images (1)Gratitude Unlocks The Fullness Of Life
An interesting little book I've been reading is "The Science Of Getting Rich", by William Wattles. You can get a free copy of this powerful little 1910 classic by clicking on the link above. I have been fascinated by the two different planes of ... Views: 2231
You Perceive The Truth Based On Your History
All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions. ~Leonardo da Vinci
What does perceive mean? It means to become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand or interpret or look on (someone or something) in a particular ... Views: 1070
resiliencyMimi Is My Name and Positive Words Are My Game!
A few years back I was trying to help one of my grandkids figure out how to ride a scooter. He is the youngest and was getting pretty frustrated because his older cousins could ride one and he couldn't. I actually got on the dang thing ... Views: 1067
There is a plague spreading across our country.
It's not ebola, or measles. It can be cured, though the recovery time is long and hard. Parents are passing it to their children. There is an inoculation for it, though many parents don't understand it, and aren't willing to do it.
It's name ... Views: 922
Personal development
The Seven Deadly Realities are like the weeds in the garden of our mind.
Why Do We Need To Learn About Human Behavior and the Seven Deadly Realities?
If personal development is like a garden, books are like the tools that we use to tend to our crops. The book Mastery, ... Views: 970
Personal development
The Seven Deadly Realities are like the weeds in the garden of our mind.
Why Do We Need To Learn About Human Behavior and the Seven Deadly Realities?
If personal development is like a garden, books are like the tools that we use to tend to our crops. The book Mastery, ... Views: 1111
Personal development
The Seven Deadly Realities are like the weeds in the garden of our mind.
Why Do We Need To Learn About Human Behavior and the Seven Deadly Realities?
If personal development is like a garden, books are like the tools that we use to tend to our crops. The book Mastery, ... Views: 2165
online marketing
Who Is An Online Business For?
If you experience that entrepreneurial "pull" at all, you have probably wondered about online marketing; what it takes, is there real opportunity and if you can do it?
We should rename the internet, to "Millionaire Maker". In the article ... Views: 835
Who Is This Person?
I don't know about you, but I find that parenting adult kids is so much more difficult than when they were little! There is no course for parents of adult kids to help us! When they are little it is easy to control them.
When they are small you can keep them safe. Their ... Views: 833