You asked for it, you got it Trump 2016
I have been a political junkie for more than twenty years. Some years I knew every congressional race in every important district, in every state. I’m not there anymore; I’m mainly on the sidelines. Though I do still sit on committee’s and vet candidates ... Views: 1084
I look at this picture (an electric car charging station) and all I see is almost $19,000.00 down the drain that the City Grand Rapids has spent to appease progressives and a few greenie weenies. The City has five of these stations and I’m thinking I would rather have had some pot holes fixed ... Views: 984
30 Days 30 ways to a (new) new you!
It’s that time of year again. Every year around Halloween I have the tendency to start looking backward a little more than looking forward. To start looking inward a little more than looking outward. I get a little oversensitive about me, my body, my ... Views: 1504
New Year’s Resolutions: Another New, New You?
Five Simple ways to the Real you.
If you are happy, If you are grateful and peaceful, If you are able to wake up every morning with a smile on your face , looking forward to the day; If you walk through your minuets knowing that what “is” is ... Views: 1220
In December of 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 head and neck cancer. I struggled greatly with the decision to undergo chemotherapy and radiation instead of fighting the disease strictly through natural alternatives. With such a treatable form of cancer ... Views: 1524
Is there really happiness over the rainbow?
What’s so special about that place over the rainbow? What’s so wrong with Kansas? Is Glenda, the Good Witch really any more special than Auntie Em’?
Are the scarecrow and the tin man any better than the farm hands whom so adoringly care for ... Views: 1276
Is there really happiness over the rainbow?
What’s so special about that place over the rainbow? What’s so wrong with Kansas? Is Glenda, the Good Witch really any more special than Auntie Em’?
Are the scarecrow and the tin man any better than the farm hands whom so adoringly care for ... Views: 1272
Is there really happiness over the rainbow?
What’s so special about that place over the rainbow? What’s so wrong with Kansas? Is Glenda, the Good Witch really any more special than Auntie Em’?
Are the scarecrow and the tin man any better than the farm hands whom so adoringly care for ... Views: 1261
Is there really happiness over the rainbow?
What’s so special about that place over the rainbow? What’s so wrong with Kansas? Is Glenda, the Good Witch really any more special than Auntie Em’?
Are the scarecrow and the tin man any better than the farm hands whom so adoringly care for ... Views: 1292
Is there really happiness over the rainbow?
What’s so special about that place over the rainbow? What’s so wrong with Kansas? Is Glenda, the Good Witch really any more special than Auntie Em’?
Are the scarecrow and the tin man any better than the farm hands whom so adoringly care for ... Views: 1131
Dreamers and Doers
April, 13, 2015
Recently, it has been pointed out to me that there are “Dreamers” and there are “Doers”.
I think this implies that people who dream don’t achieve results. It implies that being a “Doers” is the more valid choice of the two. I think this whole premise is ... Views: 2012
Dreamers and Doers
April, 13, 2015
Recently, it has been pointed out to me that there are “Dreamers” and there are “Doers”.
I think this implies that people who dream don’t achieve results. It implies that being a “Doers” is the more valid choice of the two. I think this whole premise is ... Views: 2076
Knowing Why You Came From: Choose where you’re going!
I have seen this picture posted around a lot over the past couple of years:
The picture States:("Everything you do is based on the decisions you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather ... Views: 1114
Knowing Why You Came From: Choose where you’re going!
I have seen this picture posted around a lot over the past couple of years:
The picture States:("Everything you do is based on the decisions you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather ... Views: 1026
Knowing Why You Came From: Choose where you’re going!
I have seen this picture posted around a lot over the past couple of years:
The picture States:("Everything you do is based on the decisions you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather ... Views: 1175
Knowing Why You Came From: Choose where you’re going!
I have seen this picture posted around a lot over the past couple of years:
It’s a quote attributed to Wayne Dyer. Wayne is a writer, mentor, near avatar that I greatly admire and read quite often. However on this statement, taken at ... Views: 1132
When you hear the word salesman…if you are like me you get a visceral response. Not always positive.
What notions, fears and images come to mind when you see or encounter a sales man?
Images of Willy Loman or Leisure Suit Larry the hustling used car salesman? Or do you bring up
images of ... Views: 2028
When you hear the word salesman…if you are like me you get a visceral response. Not always positive.
What notions, fears and images come to mind when you see or encounter a sales man?
Images of Willy Loman or Leisure Suit Larry the hustling used car salesman? Or do you bring up
images of ... Views: 2060
When you hear the word salesman…if you are like me you get a visceral response. Not always positive.
What notions, fears and images come to mind when you see or encounter a sales man?
Images of Willy Loman or Leisure Suit Larry the hustling used car salesman? Or do you bring up
images of ... Views: 2008
Living by Likes
It’s funny how sometimes life sneaks up on you and catches you by surprise. I had some occasion of inspiration recently to examine the way I have been thinking, the way I have been living and the general direction of my life. It was not something I planned on doing, it just ... Views: 1377
Winners Give Up Waiting for the Next Best Thing
Sometimes the grass really looks green next door…doesn't it? How many people do you know that seem to bounce from one direction or idea to another, from one relationship to another, from one career to another, one marketing/ business plan or ... Views: 1838
Winners Give Up Burying Their Heads in the Sand!
According to the phrase-finder website, this originated from an alleged habit of ostriches during the threat of an attack. The story was first recorded by the Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who suggested that ostriches hide their heads in ... Views: 1781
Winners Give Up Giving Up
When I think of ‘hanging in there’, I’m reminded of this story by Earl Nightingale, called
“Acres of Diamonds”, from Our Changing World radio transcript:
One of the most interesting Americans who lived in the 19th century was a man by the
name of Russell Herman ... Views: 1543
I’ve been listening to the news on the radio a lot more the past few weeks. I, like many of you have been following the debate over this Health Care Reform Bill. I’ve listened to both “conservative” radio and NPR. I find the disparity between the interpretations of “facts” fascinating.
I have ... Views: 1880
Winners Give Up Trying To Get Everybody To Like Them.
Are you the type of person that everybody likes? Are you the one that always looks for ways to please your co-workers, friends, bosses or mates? But secretly complains and laments the “concessions” you have made when you get just out ... Views: 2851
I was golfing with Tiger Woods the other day… I wasn’t…I was golfing on my daughters Wii. It doesn’t matter; my score was just as bad. How many men (and women) wish they could play GOLF like Tiger? No matter how we feel about his newly revealed personal “flaws”, he is still perhaps the ... Views: 4040
Are you one of the many that get “paralysis by analysis”? Do you spend considerably more time sitting around planning rather than doing? Do you delay progress while over-thinking a problem or, worse yet, imagining every conceivable negative contingency? I believe that many like the “idea” of ... Views: 1515
Winners give up Easy!
Don’t they? Have you ever looked at the income percentages of the U.S. population? If you make $100,000.00, you’re in the upper 4% of the population. Do 96% of us not aspire to, or dream about making good money? What If I told you about the upper 1%...Wow! What are ... Views: 2106
Are people really choosing to stay unemployed? Really?
These comments are from a discussion I had with a man in Michigan. How do we motivate, inspire, reach and help here?
The following is a response from a man in Michigan to a community where I posed the preceding question. I have the ... Views: 4594
What happens when pleasing others runs contrary to serving your own best interests? People all over the country have told me that they feel held back by the very people they believe should be helping them succeed. They secretly fear that their own family and friends work against their ... Views: 1918