Dr. William Pawluk is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Holistic Health". You can find complete information on Dr. William Pawluk and his products by visiting www.DrPawluk.com.
Would you consider yourself someone who uses their voice a great deal? Are you a professional singer, a professional voice artist or someone that uses their voice at work more than usual? If yes, then you know that your voice is a very important tool/resource that needs to be protected; and if ... Views: 954
As they say, the key to a healthy and glowing skin is proper nourishment. But before you run to the health store to get a bottle of moisturizer, why not check your home first? You never know that what you are looking for is just lurking in the kitchen.
For a naturally glowing and hydrated ... Views: 1233
May 10, 2017
Four Years of Donald Trump, Should You Worry?
SEO Keyword: Hypnosis, How it Works.
Tags: Reactions to 2016 Presidential Election, Hypnosis for Self-Healing, Hypnosis for Stress,
Complementary Integrative Medicine, http://nursingyourpath.com
Meta Description: Much of the ... Views: 1707
May 10, 2017
Four Years of Donald Trump, Should You Worry?
SEO Keyword: Hypnosis, How it Works.
Tags: Reactions to 2016 Presidential Election, Hypnosis for Self-Healing, Hypnosis for Stress,
Complementary Integrative Medicine, http://nursingyourpath.com
Meta Description: Much of the ... Views: 1669
The prostate is part of the male reproductive system that is in the deep part of the male body. It is in front of the rectum and below the bladder.
The prostate is a walnut-sized small gland found within the male reproductive system. It is close to the bladder. Its main function helps in the ... Views: 3252
This article was originally posted at http://www.apple-a-day-clinic.com/Health_and_Nutrition_Blog?m8:post=do-you-need-to-take-a-prebiotic-supplement
Prebiotics Nourish good bacteria!
Soluble fiber and non-digestible sugars which are utilized by gut bacteria.
The two most widely ... Views: 1363
Apparently there is! And yes, it is possible and it is fixable… however, with great difficulty.
For comparison, let’s look at classical ballet dancers: Everybody knows that ballerinas have to have a certain arch in their feet, especially females. It is detrimental to their careers if their ... Views: 769
My acid reflux began in my twenties. I abhorred the sour regurgitation - gross and disgusting!
Now, forty years later, I know that when acid reflux occurs, my body is telling me I’ve got bitter emotions about control issues I cannot or will not digest.
I don’t reach for antacids ... Views: 2373
Being thin is not always a good feeling or it is even a challenge for many persons to gain weight. Underweight which is illustrated as the human-body weight, lower than the average healthy weight. People with low weight usually want to gain little weight and it is required for them to enhance ... Views: 2907
Lately, more and more phone calls and e-mails from various church leaders are pouring our way. Interestingly enough that those requests are primarily coming from the US.
The US people seem to be very devoted to their church, religion and faith, which is definitely very commendable! Not only ... Views: 712
Lately, I guess due to the recession, and the market of the employers (and certainly not employees), I often attend to people who are very unhappy professionally and otherwise; and desperately looking for desirable employment, but failing (over and over) numerous of interviews.
There are ... Views: 710
Why People, who’s Lives Depend On Their Voice, Especially Singing Voice, Thinking That ENT Specialists Will Be Able To Conquer All Of Their Voice/Vocal Problems?
Getting all these inquiries, it never ceases to amaze me that (especially) singers rely on ENT specialists to treat and cure their ... Views: 778
Do not worry. You are not alone in your fight against allergies. Out of the billions of people on this planet, many are also suffering from allergies. While the symptoms vary like itchy skin, sneezing, and frequent coughing, the remedy could be the same and easy to find – essential ... Views: 1651
Best herbal product for ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.
Bael churna is made using the pure bael fruit in it. And what is more effective that the one that is made using the pure ingredient.
Details of Bael fruit
Bael is well known ... Views: 1988
You are experiencing voice problems:
Sore throat, hard to swallow, burning vocal cords, difficulty speaking/singing, etc.
“Should I ignore all of this and hope that my voice will come back on its own and will be as good as before or better?”
“Should I agree for a surgical ... Views: 810
More and more, my practice seems to consist of non-surgical voice repair cases.
The speakers, the singers and the wannabe singers, are pouring into my studio in Toronto as well as in my alternative location in UK.
Nevertheless, people always had problems with their voices and perhaps not ... Views: 751
When I reached Canada in 1980 and almost right from the start began teaching voice (speaking and singing), I noticed that, in general, nobody per say paid attention to the way they were speaking/singing or, for that matter, even conducting a proper posture while trying to deliver a message. Some ... Views: 886
A HOLISTIC Approach To A Person's Vocal "Instrument".
What do we mean by that?
Throughout the last 33 years, I have been bombarded with phone calls and e-mails from people who have experienced voice or vocal problems. Some of them thought that it had happened to them "out of the blue", so ... Views: 711
If you think that it does not, ask us how you can obtain it!
Everybody lately is speaking about a “WOW factor”.
During the vocal competitions like American/British Idol or shows like America Got Talent or Britain Got Talent, judges constantly looking for that WOW factor in their contestants. ... Views: 766
When the person ends up with some voice/vocal disorder, his/her life is definitely altered in one way or the other. Just like a person who, after the tragic accident, became disabled, his/her life would definitely take a drastic turn. Now those people had to learn how to live their life in a ... Views: 940
These aides are meant to The Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis MP3 is a guided autosuggestion MP3 that can help to hypnotize and program the mind to lucid dream using classic dream visualization. Views: 1289
Did you know that dry skin can be triggered by unexpressed non-beneficial emotions?
When a patch of dry skin appeared on the right side of my back, negative work-related emotions were the culprits.
I harbored fears that a pesky business project would never “get off my back”. I wished the ... Views: 3528
There are many different forms of chakra meditation. Depending on your overall goals, comfort level, experience, and circumstances, you can choose the one that is right for you. For example, the meditations to open the chakras are simple and can be done almost anywhere. If you’re someplace where ... Views: 1443
This blog is my point of view on my non-surgical voice repair clients, who lately, I have no lack of...
Yes, more and more people are approaching me with various voice disorders (speakers and singers). Some of them have tried everything, but nothing worked and they ended up suffering for ... Views: 629
Reference – Rasendrasarasangraha, Jwara Rogadhikara.
Anand Bhairav Ras is an ayurvedic formulation which consists of mixture of minerals and herbs. This formulation is known to treat various kinds of ailments.
Vatsanabha - Purified Aconitum ferox
Tankana ... Views: 955
When it comes to preparing food, there are ingredients you might want to swap with something healthier. Well, at first, it may feel odd and foreign to substitute proven and tested kitchen staples. However, if you get used to it, you’ll eventually notice the positive effects. As a matter of fact, ... Views: 3050
Everyone would like to age gracefully such that the age is simply a number and adds to one’s charm. However in practice, this may sometimes cease to happen. In more cases than not, underlying reason for the same is the declining testosterone levels.
Testosterone is the powerful hormone which ... Views: 1134
Herbal Treatment for guillian - Barre Syndrome (GBS)
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) is an auto immune disorder mainly affecting the Peripheral Nervous system causing muscle weakness, loss of sensation and in chronic cases, complete paralysis and breathing difficulty.
Ayurveda texts correlate ... Views: 3615
Atopic dermatitis is a skin rash and is also referred as eczema. It is a type of inflammatory skin condition and contact dermatitis. This is generally a chronic disorder which involves rough itching skin that may be dry. The condition in this disease will changes from mild to severe and also ... Views: 3227
Bacteria are single cell microorganisms that are neither plants or animals. They are everywhere: in soil, water, air, plants, animals and humans. Most bacteria are harmless, but those harmful ones called pathogens, can cause serious diseases like: Cholera, Gonorrhea, Leprosy, Syphilis, ... Views: 1596
You have the power to heal your life,
and you need to know that.
We think so often that we are helpless,
but we are not.
We always have the power of our minds…
Claim and consciously use your power.
-Louise Hay
Throughout history, events and happenings that could not be logically ... Views: 1629
This article was originally posted at http://www.apple-a-day-clinic.com/Health_and_Nutrition_Blog?m8:post=the-quiet-cure
People these days are becoming more and more robot like and stressed, continual bombardment of noise may be to blame…
1. Silence relieves stress and tension.
Noise ... Views: 1127
People, especially women desire to preserve their youthful beauty as much as possible. Well, water is one of the natural keys to unlock the secrets of being beautiful. From bathing to drinking, water is part of every woman’s beauty treatment. So, here are some of the amazing beauty tips using ... Views: 922
Something’s wrong with your tap water. It tastes weird and it smells unusual. You noticed some stains in sinks and showers. The pipes are sometimes clogged. What’s happening? Well, the symptoms show that the tap water you have at home is hard water. So, you’re wondering, what should I do about ... Views: 868
We all need water to live. We seem to discuss about it often, yet do we really know about it? Well, here are some of the myth and facts about water:
Fact: Drinking Water detoxifies your body
If you drink ample amount of water every day, your body toxins will be flushed. Kidneys use water to ... Views: 887
The Kidneys are a pair of bean shaped organs, which are located in the back of the abdomen. The size of each kidney is about 4 or 5 inches long. Kidneys plays essential regulatory roles in human. The major function of kidney is to filter the blood by removing excess organic molecules. Kidney ... Views: 1339
India is known for its rich tradition of herbal based remedial practices primarily involving medicinal plants and their products. Country like - India with a wealth of traditional knowledge of the use of medicinal plants and resource-base in health and fitness therapies would benefit greatly by ... Views: 3847
Cutting back on one's sugar intake is a commonly discussed issue. High sugar levels in our bodies accounts for diabetes, and sugar is also associated with obesity and being overweight.
Alternately, sugar can have many negative effects on our health and well being. It causes inflammation, and ... Views: 1076
Medicinal plants are the nature's best gift to human beings to make disease free healthy life but the herbal medicine is still the mainstay of about 75-80% of the total population. In India, thousands of species are known to have medicinal value and the use of different parts of the plant for ... Views: 2924
Bloated feeling or swollen face, hands or feet is the probability that one might be suffering from water retention.Water retention develops when excess water accumulates inside the body and cannot get rid of that excess water. Also known as fluid retention or edema.
Water retention could happen ... Views: 1306
In times of a medical crisis, you’re likely to choose an emergency clinic that’s open and close to your home. After all, no one has time to navigate the blocks on their GPS to find the most suitable medical option if their ailing child lies in agony in the backseat.
When it’s time to take ... Views: 1235
Don't lose the hope, when its dark, stars come out. It seems present time is era of diseases. Everyone has the minor to major health ailments. Staying positive during the illness, helps in better healing. There is great saying – when 'I' is replaced by 'we' even illness become wellness. ... Views: 2084
One day, you wake up and you notice that suddenly, your voice is not the same as it normally is. You think to yourself; "maybe, its just morning raspiness and it will go away later in the day". Five (or more) days pass and you realize that your voice is not getting any better. It’s actually ... Views: 804
This Holiday season, we wish you the best of voice and the best of health and prosperity for this upcoming New Year, and always!
For the last 42 years, I have worked on a lot of voices; fixing them, restoring them, or just turning amateur speakers and singers into professionals. I have noticed ... Views: 733
Do not ever give up hope! Do not ever listen to the, so-called medical professionals prompting you to accept your voice condition and learn how to live with it!
How pathetic is that?
Those medical professionals do not offer any solutions and could not care less that you had spent most of ... Views: 645
Conducting voice repairs for so many years, I have never seen so many people who not only had their voice compromised, but also their whole life (their mental and emotional state), appear to be quite challenged. Some of them, of course, were more stable and more present then others.
Those ... Views: 700
The Thyroid Gland is a small, butterfly shaped endocrine gland in an area near the base of the neck. The hormones produced by this gland regulate vital metabolic processes throughout the entire body. A deficiency of these hormones, which causes these hormones to slow in production (and ... Views: 1301
The Thyroid Gland is a small, butterfly shaped endocrine gland in an area near the base of the neck. The hormones produced by this gland regulate vital metabolic processes throughout the entire body. A deficiency of these hormones, which causes these hormones to slow in production (and ... Views: 1009
I was watching a rerun of House the other night. I just love House – he’s such a curmudgeon. The show started out with a 15 yr. old faith healer who was in church using his healing ability on an elderly woman who needed to use a walker. While healing the woman he had some sort of an attack ... Views: 1357